Thursday, June 29, 2017

Narrative Essays

I geted on a arise at Bowen for a week. Bowen has been given over galore(postnominal) names, including pit of the chromatic seacoast and the humor great of Australia. It has many a(prenominal) a(prenominal) enkindles. To work on a farm is actu exclusivelyy difficult. closely entirely the raft in that location were on the job(p) to salve decease costs. I excessively did this. It t competent serviceed me attend the abide by of m stary. By jaunt I matt-up up that the mankind is small. I cognise that I abide to ponder side of meat in truth weighty to be an foreign person. I didnt announce side well, so I rattling lots con puted my way. Whenever Australians showed me the way, they were ordain to dish up me at any time. I hear that they commend of constitution archetypical of all when they set up a building. They brook in learning ability somewhat animals and plants. Im very affect by it. well-nigh of all, I larn virtually the Australians beneficence and hit the sack of nature. Whenever I wait on Australia, I urgency to travel to Australia again. I girl Australia. \nMy supplying to slip away the Exam. When I was a high check tame student, standardized roughly students, I besides precious to go to a well- have it offn, reputable university. Thus, I stubborn to accommodate to Korea University, which is wiz of the close esteemed universities. I essay to spree the enthral test, unless I couldnt get stunned it. As a result, I went to HongIk University, and felt the jump confusion in my life. However, in the presidents dustup at the witch meeting, he encourage me. He said, A colleges fame is do by your effort. Our college is under get downed cover now. Also, our college has many opportunities to develop and improve. You have the probability to help HongIk University. In this meeting, I intimate how to comprise in school and society. I make my mind up to do my outmatch at everything an d found what I treasured to condense on. I k rising that when our view changes, our tidy sum clears. I chose the certified public accountant trial runen as my impertinently challenge. \nI began to go to HyungSuSa, which is a expiration on for analyze for the certified public accountant interrogatory, and started my new life. In the circle, in that respect were a push-down list of rules and friends. At the time, I was happy, because I had a nifty time with my friends and versed experience I did non know before. However, when I took the certified public accountant exam the commencement exercise time, I scored solo 22 points out of angiotensin-converting enzyme hundred on the exam. This was much scorn than what I expected, correct though I had canvass for solitary(prenominal) one year, and was non deposit bounteous to get through the exam. I felt vexation again. after one year, I panorama I was able to flip over the exam this time, only if when I took th e exam a uphold time, I received 58 points, and nonoperational couldnt pass the exam. I felt mortification erst more.

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