Saturday, August 31, 2019
Manage Business Document Design & Development Essay
1. Consider this scenario. You and four friends have developed a new environmentally friendly heater. You all have extensive business experience. Together, you have established a new company, Green Heaters Pty Ltd ACN 512 302 XXX, which will manufacture and sell the new heater to wholesalers. The five of you will comprise the board of directors. The board has forecasted that Green Heaters Pty Ltd will sell 650,000 heaters in the first year and will employ 100 staff. You have been given the task of designing and developing the standard documentation which will be used by Green Heaters Pty Ltd. You must present details of your plans to the board of directors. Prepare a comprehensive report to the board. Explain what you will do to manage the design and development of business documents. Explain details of the methods and processes you will use to produce high quality documents. Provide details of the types of documents which you will produce and how you will ensure that they will be suitable for requirements. Explain the methods you will use to develop standard documents including templates and macros and provide information about any assistance you will need, including details of external sources. Detail the strategies you will use to ensure employees use standard documents productively. Provide information about the proposed organisational policies and procedures which will be implemented to govern the use of standard documents as well as ensure standard documents meet any changing requirements of the organisation in the short and long term. Document Design & Development – Green Heaters Pty Ltd Having recently been charged with the task of designing and developing the business documents of Green Heaters Pty Ltd I would being the process by consulting with the board to determine the organisational requirements so that I could develop a style guide that employees tasked with document production can use to ensure that the organisation requirements are continually met. The style guide will incorporate the organisations style including; 1. Templates 2. Writing Style 3. Filenames 4. Company Logo Use 5. Hyperlinks 6. Headers & Footers 7. Text & Layout 8. Appearance. As Green Heaters Pty Ltd will continually produce high quality documents to publicise and market the environmentally friendly heaters I will investigate the types of equipment that can be purchased, this will be either via a contract or outright, depending on the best option, that can produce high quality documents on recycled paper and with the environment in mind. We would use a desktop publishing program to design and create the documents internally. There will be a number of documents that will need to be developed these will include; Letters Faxes Reports Memos Invoices Quotes Orders Statements Catalogues Emails Employment Applications These documents will need to be developed and tested to ensure that they meet the organisations requirements. I would have the staff that are responsible for using the documents to test the documents and provide feedback on these to ensure that they are suitable. Whilst a number of documents will be designed and managed as per the style guide there will be numerous documents requiring templates or macros. Therefore due to the number of documents that will be introduced will be templates or have macros for ease of completion. As this can be quite complex I would enlist the services of an external consultant to ensure that the documentation functions as it should. After much research I believe that â€Å"Office Experts† would be the ideal firm to use for this as they have a broad range of skills and knowledge. Once the documents had been established a training program would be developed so that staff that are responsible for output are fully trained in the use of the templates and macros. There would also be very detailed instructions on how to use each template and macro to ensure that all documents are produced to Green Heaters Pty Ltd standards. As there will be a large investment in time and also money in developing the standards and templates/macros, there will be continuous reviews of the documents produced by employees to ensure that they are using the documents productively. There will also be feedback forms and focus groups to determine that the current options available to staff suit the purpose and are functioning correctly. The investment that Green Heaters Pty Ltd would need to make to ensure that the style guidelines and organisational requirements are met would include; External contractor to design develop and implement standard documents including templates and macros. External contractor to provide written instructions on how to use the templates and macros. Staff training in use of the templates and macros. Purchase or contract for equipment to complete in-house printing. To ensure that the standards of the design and development of documents are upheld, specific policies and procedures will be developed and implemented, the policies will outline why the specific formats and designs are to be used and the processes will outline, in conjunction with the style guide, the correct way to manage the development of documents. A continual review of the documents will be undertaken to ensure that changes to legislation, branding, technology and document trends are reflected in the policies, processes and style guides.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Analysis of Theoretical Framework
Analysis of Theoretical Framework EDUC 701: Theories and Research in Educational Psychology February 24, 2013 ? Introduction Teachers are required to teach reading and comprehension skills to students and help them be able to read and comprehend materials from the past and present. Dr. Constance L. Pearson (1990) writes a dissertation entitled â€Å"The Comparison of the Effects of Three Prereading Advance Organizers on the Literal Comprehension of Fifth-Grade Social Studies Materials†in this paper he is trying to see if the use of a prereading advanced organizer would help build the fifth grade students comprehension and knowledge skills.During this stage of students learning development it is very important to start working on their reading and comprehension skills. Analysis The theoretical framework for this dissertation is using fifth-grade social studies materials and having a prereading strategy of an advanced organizer to see if it would increase comprehension and know ledge in the children while they read their textbooks. The advanced organizers that are being used are visual, graphic and problematic situation approach. The advanced organizers are being used to help the students with any concepts that they are not familiar with.By using these organizers strategies would be developed to help assist in learning the material. There were two research questions to validate the theory that is being used. The first question related to reading comprehension and how it affects students when they are given a prereading activity while using one of the advanced organizers. The second research question relates to the reading comprehension of the other two advanced organizer approaches when they are given a preading activity. It is believed that students reading comprehension can be increased from the use of the advanced organizers for their particular subject area.The purpose of this research was to determine if one of the prereading advance organizer strateg ies would carry distinction from the other two approaches. During the research many factors had to be considered and one such factor were students not being able to derive meaning from what they read in content area textbooks. One reason that the reader may have a problem with content text is that the material is written on a higher reading level then the intended reader. As a result the writers have tried to simplify the terminology and shortened the sentences.They did not take into consideration factors that inherent in the reader such motivation, reading ability and interest. There is one human factor that has the most influence on comprehension and that is schemata. Comprehension of the material is being determined by the knowledge that the reader brings to the selection. The more schemata the reader has for the topic the more they will understand the topic. Content materials especially in the area of social studies seek to develop many concepts; students often do not have the f ramework to attach new knowledge.Students must have an understanding of the concepts in order to comprehend the material they are reading. In chapter two of the dissertation Pearson explains how the research and literature that relate to the relationship of advance organizers to reading comprehension. He discusses the history of the study of reading comprehension and advance organizers. The schema theory is discussed as it relates to the study of advance organizers. Before 1970 reading comprehension was viewed as a process solely activated by the text itself.The views on reading comprehension have since changed and now text has been determined to be only the framework for meaning. The reader must be able to construct an internal conceptual representation of what is being read. Conclusion Therefore, through research it was determined the usage of advance organizers before the materials were read, did bring about some remembering by activating important concepts that were already pres ent in the children’s cognitive structure. The usage of advanced organizers should reinforce the importance of the new materials by providing the framework of previous learning materials.To determine if the usage of advanced organizers remain effective you should upon its ability to support new ideas from the student’s previous ideas. The prereading strategy of advanced organizers introduces how students can attach concepts to new learning materials Reference Pearson, C. L. P. (1990). The comparison of the effects of three prereading advance organizers on the literal comprehension of fifth-grade social studies materials. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Academia and Briefly Summarize
What challenges do you expect to arise from living and working in a complex urban environment? How will you meet them? (250 words) 9. Is there anything else you would like us to know? (300 words) DARTMOUTH 1. Please indicate your plans for the 2012-13 academic year. If in school, please list your courses. If working, let us know something about the nature of your job. 2. Please share with us something about yourself that is not addressed elsewhere in your application and which could be helpful to the Admissions Committee as we review your file. HARVARD D.If you have already graduated, briefly (4000 characters Max) summarize your activities since graduation. E. If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity, not addressed elsewhere in the application, that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Many applicants will not need to answer this question. Examples might include significant challenges in access to education, unusual socioeconomic factors, identification with a minority culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation for a career in medicine-(4000 character maximum) DUKE Describe the community in which you were nurtured or spent the majority of your early development with respect to its demographics. What core values did you receive and how will these translate into the contributions that you hope to make to your community as a medical student and to your career In medicine? What is the most significant moral or ethical dilemma that you have faced in our life (excluding instances of academic dishonesty involving another person)?Describe how you dealt with and potentially resolved it, including beliefs, resources, individuals, etc. How did this dilemma and its resolution change your life and what, if any, impact will this have on your future as a health care provider? What has been your most humbling experience and how will that experience affect your interactions with your peers and patients? The curriculum at the duke university sc hool of medicine is unique and academically challenging.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Narration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Narration - Essay Example An experience I had had that made me realize the significance of diversity in American society was an accidental visit at a public elementary school during one of my afternoon strolls. The playground, visible through the open gates, was filled with students of different cultural backgrounds that I could not help but observe them from afar. It appeared to me that besides the kids whose descendants must have been British Pilgrims, the playground was also littered with Afro-Americans, Native Indians and Hispanics, who could probably trace their respective lineage to the days of the Atlantic Slave Trade. In addition to this assortment of races, a bird’s eye view impressed on me that some of these little boys and girls were sons and daughters of Asian immigrants presumably coming from India, China, Korea, the Philippines, and Japan. My instinct also entertained the appearance of other students, who could pass on as â€Å"white†Americans, but may actually have had Irish-Scot s, French, German or Italian heritage rather than British. That was how diverse the school was and as an onlooker, I felt like I was observing the miniature representation of the United Nations and was deeply reminded of the phrase â€Å"unity in diversity.†Having witnessed the goings-on at the playground of such a culturally diverse school, I was brought to the realization that so much has changed in America over the last six centuries. It was ironic how colonials waged the American Revolution to free themselves from British rule, but denied their slaves this very same right to freedom. Slavery, as worded in Frederick Douglass’ narrative, was a living â€Å"hell†through which dark-skinned individuals must enter a â€Å"blood-stained gate†(14). Had this hellish part of American history persisted to this day, it would have been impossible to establish multi-racial schools cramped with happy children in playful harmony, such
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
EOH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
EOH - Essay Example The measurements are calculated based on a series of questions answered by the person or institution involved (Carbon Footprint Ltd, 2011; World Wildlife Fund, 2007). Briefly, the questionnaire allows the assessment of how much of the pre-determined emission factors are utilized by the institution. The methodology of such calculations is made by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) of the British government, which is used by Carbon Footprint Ltd. or the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States‘ Department of Energy, which has its own Carbon Footprint calculation program, and is used by Lexington Global Warming Action Coalition. This report enumerates the carbon footprint value of ’s family, as calculated using different web hosts of carbon footprint calculations. Means of reducing the carbon footprint is also suggested. Finally, the idea of purchasing carbon offsets is tackled in this writing. MY CARBON FOOTPRINT VALUE Table 1. Summa ry of Carbon footprint values, expressed as tons CO2,.as calculated using five different websites. ... The average of the calculated values is 34.92 tons CO2, with a standard deviation of 13.54. What could have caused these high variation in results? COMPARISON OF THE FIVE WEBSITES All of the calculators used the activities at home, specifically the use of appliances, for the estimation of carbon footprint. However, US EPA only takes note of the housing energy consumption, as opposed to the other five websites, which also added transportation as an emission factor. As stated by the Lexington Global Warming Action Coalition, assessment of the carbon footprint using household activities alone is the most basic way of calculating because necessary information can be easily obtained from electric bills. Aside from housing and transportation, also reported greenhouse gas emissions from shopping, which most likely caused its resulting carbon footprint calculation to be the highest of the five. Meanwhile, differences in the values obtained by Carbon Footprint, carbonfund.o rg, and Lexington may be attributed to the differences by which they accounted housing and transportation emissions. Looking closer at the environmental costs of transportation, both and Carbon Footprint found out that most of the family’s carbon footprint was from car use, which, according to calculations, releases 31.74 and 41.74 tons CO2 respectively (see Appendix). These differences should be taken into consideration. A standardized calculation of Carbon Footprint should be made, because it is a reflection of the countries’ concerted effort on saving the environment. COMPARISON WITH THE AVERAGE HOUSEHOLDS According to, the carbon footprint of ‘s family were mostly caused by shopping expenditures. Briefly,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Why do relationships matter in the 21st century B2B enviroment Essay
Why do relationships matter in the 21st century B2B enviroment - Essay Example and business studies have divided customers in two groups in order to study their needs and behaviour, and these groups have been categorised as B2C customers- individual customers and households and B2B customers- organizational customers (Kotler et al, 2006). The B2B structure is such that the organization implements a variety of processes to serve their business customers in a much mature and productive manner. The nature of dealings of B2B customers makes the environment different and diverse than B2C customers. Business customers have more reasons and logics to make a strong partnership with the seller. However, an individual customer may not have the capacity and influence to sustain the same level of partnership with the seller as the organizational customer. Implementing any strategy that leads to building better relationships in a B2B environment is easier because the number of customers are limited and the organisation may set customer specific policies to attend to the needs in a more flexible manner (Kotler et al, 2006). One of the companies that have successfully developed an ideology based on importance of relationships in the twenty first century is BT Radianz- a company which supplies connectivity solutions to the global financial community. It is a company which operates heavily into the B2B market and makes the simplified contact of a limited number of customers. However, apart from just taking the big vendors that make a portion of the licensing fee in terms of revenues for BT Radianz- the formulation of relationships have been set on priority through CRM and other tools to get feedback from the client. This interaction with the client makes the possibility of providing the exact services the B2B client needs and makes them feel like an individual whose business and character matters to its business circle (Bacon & Pugh, 2004). Without this relationship building, business models would fail as organizations would not know their weaknesses and
Globalisation has not reduced diversity in industrial relations Essay
Globalisation has not reduced diversity in industrial relations - Essay Example Thus there has been divergence in industrial relations in terms of labor market institutions and different approaches adopted by countries for structuring. All these facts help to support our argument that globalization has not reduced diversity in industrial relations. Globalization refers to only one connection system existing for the entire globe. Such a system can exist between commodity and capital markets and with respect to flow of information. With the emergence of globalization in the current period it can be termed as the global age (Cooper 2001). The era of globalization has allowed business houses to acquire investors from across borders and expand their businesses. Globalization has allowed countries to develop with spreading technologies and has helped to develop global capital markets (Blanpain 2009, 196). There has been internationalization of businesses mainly with promotion of international trade. But still it is found that globalization has not been that effective when it comes to industrial relations between Asian and Western countries. The strategies adopted for the industrialization and the role of the state has been different for both the type of countries. This has not let the two types of countries converge in terms of thei r industrial relations (De Silva n.d). The South Asian country, such as Malaysia, and the Western country of the United States can be cited as examples where globalization has not been able to reduce diversities that are concerned with industrial relations and has led to more divergence. The current paper tends to argue in favor of this issue through various findings and analysis. Globalization has invented and led to usage of technically advanced techniques for the countries, especially the developed countries. This has in fact led to more divergence between the developed Western countries and the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Account for the failure of the experiment in constitutional monarchy Essay
Account for the failure of the experiment in constitutional monarchy between 1789 and 1792 - Essay Example By late 1792, the rule of monarchy was overthrown and replaced by the first French Republic. The vision of an ideal society in which the government worked for the good of the nation and not for individual interests was the driving force behind the political ideas of the French revolutionaries (Hanson, 2004: 4). This paper proposes to account for the failure of the experiment in constitutional monarchy between 1789-1792 during the French Revolution. Further, the extent to which the attitude and behaviour of the king were damaging to the monarchy, and the significance of the development of a more radical strand of politics will be determined. Until 1789, hereditary monarchy which is also known as absolute monarchy was the norm in France, as in other parts of Europe. Though there were no constitutional restraints, every ruler operated within certain constraints. However, several difficulties were commonly experienced by thr rulers such as poor communications, lack of information, absence of a trained civil service which made reforms difficult to implement, resistance to change by vested interests, etc (Simpson, 2000: 11). The representatives of the third estate who took the new title of National Assembly, demanded that France should have a constitution, a set of rules by which it would be governed, and which even the monarch would have to obey. A large part of the first National Assembly’s legislation became incorporated in the Constitution of 1791. It was agreed that the monarchy should remain, which was to be a new constitutional monarchy, stripped of former absolute control over government, legislation, army and justice. Actual power would lie in the hands of the National Assembly itself, with unlimited powers over taxation, authority in all legislative matters, limited only by the requirement to hold elections every two years. The new constitutional
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Technology and Human Error in Aviation Term Paper
Technology and Human Error in Aviation - Term Paper Example Thus, every sector in the aviation system must find all facets where computers may be leveraged on to their advantage. Use of Computers in Aviation Systems To most, computers are for games, research, online business, sending e-mails, or downloading and uploading files. But in the aviation system, computers hold the life of the crews and passengers. A small hitch on the computer’s program might result to an aerial accident. Computers have various uses in modern aviation. These may be used to design aircrafts with better capacity, performance, and state of the art equipments. It can spot the parts of the aircraft that need maintenance, repairs, and modifications. Computers can read the codes of the system that has malfunctioned. Moreover, it may identify the geographic location of the aircraft and monitors its flight, and process data and communication transmission between ATC (air traffic controller) and pilot, among air traffic controllers, and among flight crews. It may ensur e airport and aircraft safety against accidents, unpleasant incidents, and delays; and give automatic weather reports so as to warn pilots of the coming weather conditions. Technology allows for accurate calculations and computations useful in designing aircraft and saves important data on maintenance and inspection history and some other specifications related to the plane. These data are used to check if the plane is still fit to fly or not (Dhillion, 2007). Analysis of Human Error How tragic is the effect of human error in aviation? About 70 – 75% of aviation accidents are attributed to human-related errors (Hall, 2003). When one diverts from what is accurate, then that may possibly constitute human error (Dhillion, 2007). It is considered human error when one fails to do what is expected from him or her. Structures of error are developed to identify its origin and reasons according to these different perspectives by Weigman and Shappel (2003). The cognitive perspective ta rgets the pilot’s skill on decision-making and choosing strategies, ability to solve problems during flight, and capability to comprehend and respond to stimulus and commands on hand. To reduce the mental workload of the pilot and to avoid accidents, a checklist is advised. This is also a ground for skill-based and decision errors (Weigman and Shappel, 2003). The ergonomic perspective suggests that even if all the reports would identify human-related error as the primary root of accidents, in this systems perspective, it hardly or rarely points to human as the cause. At the start of developing and designing the system and equipment, human factors are already considered. Accidents occur when a mismatch transpires between man, machine, and the environmental components. Problems arise when there are stressors in the part of human like anxiety and hazardous attitudes (Weigman and Shappel, 2003).. Moreover, the behavioral perspective states that rewards, motivations to work safely , the threat of punishment for failures, and past experiences can greatly influence the performance of an individual. According to Reason (1997, 2000), people who violate rules are motivation-driven people. They need to be rewarded when they follow safety rule and the lack of tangible reward for this individual will tend him to twist or break rules. Although this is unacceptable logically,
Friday, August 23, 2019
How Facebook Has Destroyed Privacy Boundaries Essay
How Facebook Has Destroyed Privacy Boundaries - Essay Example The website has come under the limelight time and again. Previously it was in the limelight as a business model for innovation and hallmark breakthroughs but in recent times it has been scrutinized for breaches of privacy. The various forms of breach of privacy have been recognized and investigated and are confirmed phenomenon leaving little to doubt them anymore (Iachello and Hong). Some breaches of privacy are caused due to users overlooking fine print details while other breaches of privacy occur due to online surveillance. In addition to everything else, certain forms of breach of privacy occur due to the inherent design of social networking platforms. This paper will focus on the various forms of breach of privacy that have resulted from the use of Facebook whether these breaches were intentional or otherwise. Furthermore, the consequences of these breaches will be looked into in detail to gauge their effects on ordinary people. Another major factor that limits the amount of inf ormation carried by human beings is the limit on information delivered at any one point in time through conversations. It would be unrealistic to assume that a person could convey all kinds of personal and family information to another in one meeting alone. However, this situation is totally reversed when using computing platforms to interact. People who use social networking websites such as Facebook will realize that a large amount of information has to be divulged in order to sign up for such services.Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Riordan Manufacturing Team Building Essay Example for Free
Riordan Manufacturing Team Building Essay Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. The company is wholly owned by Riordan Industries, a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues in excess of $1 billion. Its products include plastic beverage containers produced at its plant in Albany, Georgia, custom plastic parts produced at its plant in Pontiac, Michigan, and plastic fan parts produced at its facilities in Hangzhou, China. The companys research and development is done at the corporate headquarters in San Jose. Riordans major customers are automotive parts manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers, the Department of Defense, beverage makers and bottlers, and appliance manufacturers. As you can see Riordan is a large company with offices worldwide and communication and travel can be a major expense for the company especially when implementing new lines and technology at one of their facilities. Future statements made by Riordan, We will maintain an innovative and team oriented working environment. By assuring that our employees are well informed and properly supported, we will provide a climate focused on the long term viability of our company. We must be focused in achieving and maintaining reasonable profitability to assure that the financial and human capital is available for sustained growth. As Riordan moves forward with their mission statements the cost of implementing new technology and training employees to operate and manage these new systems costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. The companys most recent expansion took place in 2014 when it opened its operations in China. At that time, the entire fan manufacturing operation was moved from Michigan to China and the Pontiac, MI facility was retooled for the manufacture of custom plastic parts. During the first quarter of the expansion travel costs alone just for the training of the ongoing systems integration project surpassed one hundred thousand dollars. We know that Riordan will always be on the forefront of applying new technology and systems to keep up with market trends in the future. This is why implementing the creation, deployment, and support of effective interactive distance learning and communication systems to improve business, is crucial to the ongoing success of the company. The CADE system will reduce thousands of dollars of travel expenses directly related to the training required with each new system at all of the company’s facilities. Developing a distance learning system that will allow Riordan to provide effective training through teleconferencing from their headquarters in San Jose CA to facilities all over the world will reduce expenses by millions of dollars over the long term. The Need for Training and Communication The cornerstone of a competitive organization is its highly trained workforce. In today’s market, product life-cycles are shorter, more complex. The available time for training is greatly reduced. Many companies are downsizing and the responsibilities of those that remain are increased, jobs are consolidated. Corporate communication and training needs have never been more important Time becomes one of the most limited resources. Regardless of the industry, many of these issues are very much the same: (Velocedge Inc, 2014). High cost and increased difficulty of travel Inability to reach all employees anywhere, anytime High cost of training, continuing education Lack of qualified instructors or presenters Time it takes to get a message to all employees Expensive to develop effective training and communication programs Loss of productivity when employees take off work for travel, training, or meetings Difficulty in transferring knowledge throughout the organization The CADE System The Communications And Distance Education (CADE) system is designed to facilitate live, interactive programs over a satellite, Internet, or streaming video network as well as capture those programs for later playback. Interactive Satellite Delivery During an interactive broadcast, the instructor or presenter can ask multiple choice, true/false, yes/no, numeric, and multiple selection questions and participants can respond with either wireless remote controls in a classroom setting or through a personal computer. The PC at each remote location collects participant responses from the wireless remotes and transmits them back to the presenter over an intranet or Internet connection. Participants may also speak with the presenter, using voice over IP, PBX, or standard telephone line, and everyone in the broadcast can listen to that conversation. Interactive Web Delivery With CADE eTutor, interactive training and communication programs can be delivered over the Internet/Intranet. It provides the same capabilities of the satellite delivery system, as well as a few extra features, in a desktop version using highly compressed audio and video over IP. Capture All Interaction Participant responses are captured, time-stamped, and stored in a web-based learning management system. In addition to capturing the satellite based information, the CADE system also supports web based training, classroom, paper based, and is fully SCORM compliant. All data in the CADE system is created, managed, and accessed through this web-based portal to the database. CADE System Components The CADE system is comprised of a number of software applications. These applications include: Studio Control System The instructor or presenters interface Virtual Classroom The remote site control program eTutor The web-based interactive delivery system Learning Management Web The web-based learning management system New System Flow Diagram for CADE System at Riordan Manufacturing The new CADE is a free standing system that has virtually no effect or interaction with any of the present Information systems or processes currently in use by Riordan Manufacturing. The CADE system is designed to facilitate live, interactive programs over a satellite, Internet, or streaming video network as well as capture those programs for later playback. CADE is primarily a software based product but it represents a new paradigm in software development, utilizing an effective integration of world-class software components and Internet technologies in an adaptive architecture. To keep pace with todays rapidly changing world, CADE was designed to incorporate change as quickly as an organization realizes the need for change. Corporate management faces many issues that can keep an organization from being as competitive and profitable as it needs to be CADE wont be one of them. As a new or better technology solution is identified, an idea to improve a feature, or a new function desired, that change can be easily incorporated into the CADE products keeping your system continually up to date, meeting each new requirement, and keeping your investment protected. Satellite -Live -On-demand -Prerecorded Interactive Web Training Audio/Video -Live -Prerecorded Web Courses SCORM Classroom Video On Demand Desktop Classroom CADE Advantages to Riordan Interactive Distance Learning Even though there is a lot of talk about distance education, over 90% of all formal training continues to use classroom delivery. The major cost driver of training is delivery. Satellite or web based, Interactive Distance Learning (IDL) provides the benefits of classroom without the large cost. (Velocedge Inc, 2014). . Faster Deliver to more people in less time, Concept to delivery time in hours or days, Cut classroom delivery time in half, Deliver to entire target population in one broadcast Cheaper Fewer experts needed to deliver message, Deliver to more people with less cost, Low cost to develop and deliver content, Incalculable cost savings: time off work, travel, per diem, etc. Better Over 25% improvement in student retention, Most consistent message delivery, one voice Standardized design , Utilize only the most qualified instructors, Provides detailed tracking and reporting (Velocedge Inc, 2014). Presently Riordan’s first quarter number’s pertaining to the General Administrative line item is over budget one hundred thousand dollars due to travel and per diem expenses related to emergency training of the new systems that have been added. By incorporating the new CADE system to provide long distance training this will eliminate any additional over budget expenses caused by the new systems and also provide low cost long distance training for any future systems that are put in use by the company. The new CADE system will reduce company expenses in many ways: reducing or eliminating travel and per diem costs, reducing course development costs, reducing the number of trainers, reducing the time off work, reducing the time to develop a course, and many other ways. Pricing is based on the number of remote sites you have and the Presentation Studio System that is specified. However, the cost is a fraction of what you are spending now to train your employees. References Velocedge Inc. (2014). velocity and knowledge. Retrieved from (2014). The CADE System. Retrieved from
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Transit Point Essay Example for Free
Transit Point Essay Should Merloni replace its network of regional warehouses with Transit-points? In order to be able to answer to this question, we first have to calculate the costs of operating, inventory and transportation from both alternatives (the current system and the transit point) and then compare them. However, as the case doesn’t have complete information to compute these costs, we have to do some assumptions. First, we have to separate the 17 regions in two groups: the Urban regions and the Rural ones. To former this groups we used the criteria of the average daily demand. So, if the region has a daily demand bigger than the average of the 17 regions (99,21= 1686,6/17), it will be included in the Urban regions. Otherwise, it will incorporate the Rural group. After doing this, we will assume that the operating, inventory and Short-Haul Transportation Costs per piece and per month will be the same for each group and will be equal to the ones of the exhibit 10 of the case. Second, in order to calculate the transportation costs between the central warehouse and the retailers, we have to assume that the transit point will be near the location of the Region Warehouses. If so, the costs of transportation until the Transit point will be the same of the long-haul transportation and the costs between the transit point and the retailers would be the same of the Short-Haul transportation Costs. We also have to determine the distances between Fabriano and the Regional Warehouses. In order to do this, we use the map of the exhibit 7 from the case. We know that this distances can not be exactly the real ones (because the roads are not in a straight line), but as we don’t have more information about this on the case, we decide to use the map. Analyzing the exhibits 1, 2 and 3 and assuming that the goal of Merloni is just maximize his value (minimizing its costs) we conclude that there is not only one good system. So, Merloni should use a combination of the two systems. The current system should be used for 6 regions: Bari, Bolzano, Cagliari, Catanzaro, Genova and Udine. In fact, although the operating and inventory costs decrease a lot in the Transit-Point system, the transportation costs increase much more in these regions. This happens because in the Trial-Point system the products should be transported to the regions every day, and sometimes with the trucks almost empty. The Transit Point should be used on the other 11 regions: Angona, Bologna, Catania, Firenze, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Pescara, Roma and Torino where the elimination of inventory compensates the increase on the transportation costs. In conclusion, pursuing the goal of minimizing the costs, Merloni should use a mixed distribution system. We will have to consider that the distances between Fabriano Rome and Fabriano Catanzano are, respectively, 210 and 710 km (according to the map’s scale – it is not a real life situation given that roads are not in a straight line).
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Relationship Between Political Socialization And Political Culture Sociology Essay
Relationship Between Political Socialization And Political Culture Sociology Essay This paper has sought to identify the relationship between political socialization and political culture. We have succeeded in establishing that the way a child is socialized, and the environment definitely impacts on his political culture. It is a widely known and accepted fact that man is a social creature and his identity and culture are formed in the society from which he develops and almost all of his activities and functions are directed through the society; there are few human activities which are not affected by community. Topic: Define the concepts political culture and political socialization. How would political scientists describe the connection between political socialization and political culture? The term Political Culture means the attitudes, feelings, ideas, and values that people have about politics, government, and their own role, and more generally about authority in all its various forms (Munroe, 1985). Political culture has further been referred to as the beliefs, habits, behavioural patterns, values and overall distinguishing attributes that make up and characterize a political community. A political culture is the way in which the individuals within the social setting view their political system, the way in which they perceive it to function and the level of acceptance that pervades as a result. The political culture of a people is more than just their collective opinions, it is the way in which they choose to live as a result of their political beliefs, and it is the measure of what they are willing to accept, it guides they general thinking of a people (politically) and is somewhat steady in nature; i.e. the beliefs of the parents would more than likely be passed on to their offspring. Though the culture may be the same within in a society this does not in any way mean that the people would agree on the same issues or that what may be important to one individual would be important to another, it simply means that the way in which they choose to approach and deal with these issues would be in essence quite similar. Political culture usually means that they people have basically the same level of awareness of their rights, obligations and expectations as citizens. One must bear in mind also that Political culture varies from one country to another simply because the beliefs, feelings, attitudes and values of people vary. For example; the political culture of Grenada would be different from that of America or Japan for instance, just as it would vary between those two. One cannot understand the politics of a country without first looking at its political culture (Munroe, 1985). Political Socialization on the other hand is termed as the process whereby society develops attitudes and feelings towards politics in each of its members (Munroe, 1985). This basically means that political socialization is the process by which political culture is developed and maintained. It is what is taught to the people through their interactions with one another, through the media and through observation. Whereas Political culture deals with the collective, political socialization deals with the individual, it focusses on the upbringing of and interactions of the individual that result in the adherence to and acceptance of the political culture. Those groups and institutions which contribute to the process of political socialization are known as the agents of socialization. These sources affect the development of political values and attitudes differently, but they all contribute to the individuals understanding of and orientations toward politics. The primary agents of socialization are those that directly develop specific political orientations such as the family. Whereas, the secondary agents of socialization tend to be less personal and involved in the process of socialization in a more indirect manner such as the media (Wake Forest University, 2006). Political socialization has two distinguishing levels; these are primary and secondary. Primary socialization takes place through relationships with others, this is usually mostly informal relationships like peer groups, family members, social groups, etc. This form of influence is most often subliminal; the persons are usually unaware that they are being conditioned to think a certain way about their political system, situation and or standing. Individuals develop a basic attitude toward authority and power through this form of socialization and as a result this is what is emanated further in their political views and attitude towards politics. The secondary level of political socialization is more formal in nature and is found mostly in the wider social network. These range from schools, churches, media, political parties, social groups, etc. The way in which a person reacts to and interacts with their political system is heavily influences by what they hear and observe from others within their society. For example, depending on the religious beliefs of an individual their political views will be affected as such, depending on the influence of their instructors in school they will be affected, the influence of the media is a major factor in the ways an individual views the social system he operates in and so is the case for social groups and the policies and views pushed forth by political parties. Another major factor in political socialization is social status/standing; this has a major influence on the way in which a person would choose to deal with social issues, and the way in which they would try to influence policy. Demographics also play an important part in the way people respond to politics as their different situations are affects differently by their political system. A personà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s race, gender, age, economic standing, country and education would have a significant effect on what they view as important to them and what they would like to be done for them through their political system. By looking at both these concepts we can see how they are directly intertwined and co-dependent on each other. Without political culture there would be no political socialization and without political socialization there would be no political culture. They work hand-in-hand to develop a political system in which everyone accepts the basic underworking of the way in which the political machine runs. Political Socialization forms political culture and political culture influences political socialization. Political socialization is part of the continuous process of social order which is responsible for teaching certain political behaviours to the new members of a society in order to make them think in keeping with the changing political system they are living in (Almond Verba, 1963). It appears that every society may succeed in maintaining its political culture through the process of political socialization; because by accessing cultural transfer channels of the society, the means to improving those set of values that contribute to the political stability and solidity of a society may be obtained (Verba, Schlozman, Brady, 1995). Through political socialization, an individual will take on a particular political personality which leads the individual to accepting a certain role in the framework of the political system. Accordingly, people knowingly adopt a certain status and position in the political structure of the society; a process which is completed by the family, school, mass media, government, political societies, parties, state organizations, local agencies, occupations, etc. (Ulzurrun, 2002).As Almond and Verba view it, political socialization is the process of maintaining or changing political cultures. Through political socialization people enter political culture and their orientations toward political objectives are formed (Almond Verba, 1963). This paper has sought to identify the relationship between political socialization and political culture. We have succeeded in establishing that the way a child is socialized, and the environment definitely impacts on his political culture. It is a widely known and accepted fact that man is a social creature and his identity and culture are formed in the society from which he develops and almost all of his activities and functions are directed through the society; there are few human activities which are not affected by community. Therefore, society is crucial for human beings because it is associated with their survival. In this regard, family plays the most important role in spreading socialization. The type relationship formed in family influences the early stages of childrenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s life and formation of their personality and thereby prepares them to abide by social norms and rules and to have a successful and effective presence in society. Parents are the first models for a child whose manner of treating others, conduct, culture, politics, norms and values are all formed in family environment. If a family fails to play its role in this respect, socialization will be impaired right from the start. To sum, one of the most important and effective factors influencing political culture is socializing different political subjects in families.
Monday, August 19, 2019
America and the Great Depression Essay examples -- Essays Papers
America and the Great Depression 1. Compare the ideas behind the protest movements of Huey Long and Upton Sinclair. The Era of the Great Depression was one of both desperation and hope. Americans were desperate for a change, desperate for anything to come along that may improve their situation, yet hopeful that the light at the end of the tunnel was near. For many of those living in poverty during the 1930s, the â€Å"radical†leftist movements seen throughout the country appeared to be alternatives to the sometimes ineffective programs of FDR’s New Deal. Two such programs, Huey Long’s â€Å"Share Our Wealth†plan and Upton Sinclair’s End Poverty in California (EPIC) were fairly popular, mainly for their appealing alternatives to the current New Deal programs and ideals. Though the two movements were similar in some sense, both had different visions for the recovery of the American people. Huey Long, two-time Senator of Louisiana, was founder of the â€Å"Share Our Wealth†plan. A redistribution of the nation’s wealth, the plan called for one third of the country’s money to be divided among all the people. In the early 1930s, 4% of the American population held 87% of the wealth. (Polenberg 127) Long’s plan called for an end to this imbalance. â€Å"None too poor, none too rich†was his slogan. (Polenberg 126) The â€Å"Share Our Wealth†movement was made up of eight parts. A homestead allowance granted by the government to all families (and a limit on how large a family’s fortune could be), minimum family yearly incomes (and limits on excessive ones), better regulation of work hours (to prevent overproduction), an old-age pension, a balance between agricultural production and consumption, a pension for veterans and their disabled, ... president. Their programs however, did have lasting effects on the government at the time, causing it to shift towards the left in order to appease their supporters. The fact that two men with very different visions for the future of Americans could both be so popular while endorsing such radical changes only shows the true atmosphere of America in the Depression. Americans in poverty were willing to cling to any hope they could find, and though each did it in their own way, these men gave Americans that hope. Bibliography 1. Biles, Roger. A New Deal for the American People. Northern Illinois University Press. DeKalb, 1991. 2. Polenberg, Richard. The Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945. Bedford/St. Martin’s. Boston, 2000. 3. Terkel, Studs. Boston, 2000. 4. Terkel, Studs. Hard Times. The New Press. New York, 1970
Science of Volcanic Activity Prediction Essay -- Nature Volcanoe Volca
Science of Volcanic Activity Prediction Since the dawn of history, volcanoes have been an awe inspiring feature of the earth that has frightened and intrigued mankind. Volcanoes have taken the lives of over 250,000 people in the last three hundred years and changed the lives of millions of others, but up until recently humans have had very little understanding of the volcanic processes that presage an eruption. The advent and implementation of new technologies and scientific methods has allowed us to begin to comprehend the inner workings of one of nature's most powerful forces. Through understanding how volcanoes work, volcanologists hope to accurately predict when an eruption may occur, what the magnitude and type of eruption will be, and what effect it will have on the surrounding area. Accomplishing this daunting task will ensure that in the future when an eruption occurs, the population at risk will be prepared and lives can be saved. Numerous methods are available for monitoring volcanic activity, and scientists typically synthesize data and observations from all methods available in order to obtain the most comprehensive look at the area being observed. One frequently used technique is monitoring seismic activity that may indicate flow of magma and gas beneath the surface. As magma at extreme temperatures of sometimes over one thousand Degrees Celsius rises through cracks in the Earth's crust, the intense temperature and pressure causes the surrounding rock to crack, as illustrated in the diagram above. This brittle fracture of the surrounding rock often causes earthquakes or vibrations called tremors. Usually these earthquakes are of magnitude 2, 3 or lower, and seismographs monitor these quakes so that t... ...ray, J. Monitoring Active Volcanoes. London: UCL Press Limited, 1995. Week 4; Volcanoes; Smithsonian Magazine, "When Magma is on the Move". February, 2000. Hill, David P., Roy Bailey, Michael Sorey, James Hendley, and Peter Stauffer. Living With a Restless CalderaLong Valley, California. U.S. Geological Survey, Revised May 2000. Hill, David P. et al. Future Eruptions in California's Long Valley AreaWhat's Likely? USGS, Fact Sheet revised November 1998. Austin, Ken, Susan Owen, Ilene Cooper. GPS and Long Valley Caldera. University of Southern California, May 2004. News: Long Valley Exploratory Well. Information Network: International Continental Scientific Drilling Program. GeoForschungsZentrum PotsdamDecember 5, 2003. <> [Return to Research Projects] [Return to Sierra Home]
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Jimi Hendrix Essay -- History
Jimi Hendrix A legend was born on November 27, 1942 in Seattle with the conception of James Allen Hendrix. He was a true American of Black, White and Cherokee blood. As a child, James who later changed his name to Jimi, was very shy and was introverted to friends and family. He grew up in different homes that ranged from city life to living on the Cherokee reservation with his grandmother. With all of the difficulties that he struggled with in his early life he found refuge in music. His father bought him a guitar at the age of 13 and his love for music had begun. He grew up he listening to the music of the 40's and 50's and became well aquatinted with the sounds of other eras preserved in his father's record collection. There was a great influence of blues as well of R&B music that influenced his style and play. He spent what free time he had on the guitar and dropped out of school in 1959 so he would be able to further pursue his dreams. After he dropped out he enlisted in the army and! spent t his time trying to figure out who he really was. He followed his dreams and after his discharge from the army he became a musician. For the next ten years Hendrix played with a countless number of bands on the way to his notoriety. His greatest success occurred when he formed the Jimi Hendrix Experience in 66'. With this he exposed to America who he was and what he stood for. During his reign he confidently rose to success with powerful and inspiring music. He was, "a prolific and profligate creator who left almost everyone who heard or saw him with the distinct impression that the heartcenter of his work remained tantalizingly out of reach."1 Jimi Hendrix remains an enigma, an innovator that remains unparalleled in what he brought... ... believed was right. He knew no other way, but maintained his integrity. "A musician, if he's a messenger, is like a child who hasn't been handled too many times by man, hasn't had too many fingerprints across his brain. That's why music is so much heavier than anything you've ever felt."7 As stated by Hendrix in 69'. In life, Hendrix wanted the same thing as everyone else. He wanted to enjoy life and his occupation and he wanted to do something which added something positive to the world. He wanted to live life to the fullest and at the same time he wanted to have peace, an open mind, the freedom to be creative and the ability to make the world a better place for the next generations. Jimi Hendrix exemplified the Jesuit philosophy of being a man for others through his religious freedom, his opinionated political views and his positive influence on the community.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Stress Urinary Incontinence Jordin Lang West Coast University Urinary Incontinence is defined as leakage of urine that is involuntary. Stress Urinary Incontinence is involuntary urine leakage that is due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. It is most commonly found to be a greater problem in women. Estimates say that upwards of 35% of women 65 and older experience some form of urinary incontinence. Stress incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine that happens because of physical activity, like coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercise. The strength of the pelvic floor muscles is inadequate to support the urinary tract under pressure. The anatomy of the urinary system involved in continence in women includes the bladder, urethra, pelvic floor muscles and sphincter. Urine is stored in the bladder which fills like a balloon to accommodate up to two cups of urine. When a woman urinates the muscles surrounding the bladder contract to squeeze the urine out. Pelvic floor muscles support the uterus, bladder and rectum. There are also many nerves some of which send the signal to the brain that one needs to urinate. What occurs with stress urinary incontinence is that the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles when weakened cannot support the closure of the urethra when increased pressure from the abdomen occurs. Such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. (â€Å"Medlineplus stress incontinence,†2011) Many women under the age of 65 develop issues with stress urinary incontinence following pregnancy and childbirth. Vaginal deliveries and episiotomies often result in stress urinary incontinence that is temporary and frequently clears up o its own within six weeks following delivery. In addition to pregnancy and childbirth some women may experience stress urinary incontinence during menopause. Estrogen keeps the lining of the bladder and pelvic floor plump and healthy, when estrogen decreases during menopause, some women may develop mild urinary incontinence a result. Risk factors for developing stress urinary incontinence include, being female, childbirth, increasing age, chronic coughing such as occurs with chronic bronchitis and asthma, multiple childbirths, obesity and smoking. (â€Å"Merkmanual: Polyuria,†2011) Diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence is made after assessment of symptoms and in some women a pelvic exam will reveal the bladder or urethra bulging into the vaginal space. Tests may possibly include cystoscopy (inspection of the interior of the bladder), a â€Å"pad test†, pelvic or abdominal ultrasound and tests to measure post-void residual (amount of urine left after urination). Urinalysis is usually performed as well in order to conclusively rule out urinary tract infection. Health care providers may also perform a q-tip test to measure the angling of the urinary tract when resting and under pressure. An angle of greater than 30 degrees suggests significant pelvic floor weakening. There are three major modes of treatment for stress urinary incontinence. The first is pelvic floor muscle training and behavioral changes such as smoking cessation, losing weight and abstaining from alcohol and excess caffeine. Medications such as anticholinergic drugs, antimuscarinic drugs that block bladder contractions, alpha adrenergic agonist drugs also have been known to aid in the tautness of the urinary sphincter muscles. Surgery is often only indicated after all other treatments have failed. Anterior vaginal repair and retropubic repair are most common surgeries to treat severe stress urinary incontinence. (â€Å"Medlineplus stress incontinence,†2011) Stress Urinary incontinence is surely a troublesome and perhaps embarrassing ailment. An ailment that can most definitely can interfere with a patient’s quality of life. With proper medical treatment, prognosis is generally good. References Medlineplus stress incontinence. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000891. htm Merkmanual: Polyuria. (2011). Retrieved from
Friday, August 16, 2019
Letter of Advice
Letter of Advice COM200: Interpersonal Communication Instructor Sara Marcus January 9, 2012 Dear William and Linda, Let me start by saying congratulations on your recent nuptials. The two of you are off to an excellent start in wanting advice on how to efficaciously communicate with one another. In taking an interpersonal communication class, I have learned several concepts that I would like to share with you throughout this letter. Communication is important in developing and maintaining a relationship.A healthy communication style is vital to longer lasting relationships. The article â€Å"Can We Talk†is about the role of communication in a marriage. Nara Schoenberg gave great insight to giving advice to many that are able to read it that are in a marriage. This article highlighted how with good communication skills a marriage will be able to sustain itself for a lifetime. The results of good effective communication habits will build a strong and long lasting relationship.I n reading this article Schoenberg says that communication means that you're sharing and really getting to know one another and happy marriages exhibits â€Å"self-disclosure,†or sharing your private feelings, fears, doubts and perceptions with your partner. These statements are what make this article so relatable to its readers. We communicate in different ways but finding a compatible form of communication is key to any relationship. Being able to communicate clearly and effective requires a certain level of confidence.The text book Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communications explains that the basic principle of interpersonal communication deals with concept of â€Å"who are you†. Feeling sure and comfortable of your communicating skills will ensure good communication within the relationship. Your self-concept is how you look at yourself. It is a mental image that you have of yourself and it can relate to your mental strength or status in life. One 's self-concept affects one's perception, attitude and behavior, which can be demonstrated during the process of interpersonal communication.Aspects of one's life influence their self-concept, which not only affect how people perceive them but how they perceive themselves. In the process of communication, self-knowledge and the way one feel about oneself is revealed to others, and affects how others react to them. Consequently, the perceptions one believes others have of them affect how they receive their communication, which influences their response. In relationships you have to be cognizant of how the opposite sex perceives things.Men hear things differently than women. I relate this to my childhood when my parents would argue and my mother would say to my father: â€Å"You hear what you want to hear†. This is evident in the study that was referenced in the article Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication†. In the study, researchers asked 24 married coup les to take part in an experiment in which two sets of couples sat in chairs and tried to figure out the meaning of phrases whose meaning isn't entirely clear.The example used was a wife who says to her husband, ‘it's getting hot in here,' as a hint for her husband to turn up the air conditioning a notch, may be surprised when he interprets her statement as a coy, amorous advance instead (Healthday, 2011). One way to avoid this mistake is not to be rushed and preoccupied. Stop and make sure you understand the perspective the other is trying to relay especially since the two of you are married. In being aware of the opposite sex, you have to be aware of how you say things as well.The tone of your voice can displace the message you are trying to send. The text suggests that work to shut judgments about the speaker's appearance, tone of voice, or other such factors out of your mind when you are speaking with someone, and focus on the words and the meaning rather than on the perso n delivering the message. If you are unsure of a person’s meaning, it is not taboo to ask what is meant. This is a technique that I use in my own marriage. Before a disagreement takes place, I will say to my husband: I said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ now what did you hear? This clears up what my intended message was and helps me to modify my tone or body language that my spouse may have found offensive. This was a hard lesson learned because I was the one that said things without considering how it sounds to my husband. That was not how I wanted to portray myself and not get into unnecessary arguments. Linda you also have to keep in mind that you become very animated when you talk. Although William knows this about you, it could become offensive in the heat of the moment. Dr.Terry Orbuch refers to this kind of body language as a determining factor in the early years of marriage. In her book, Marital Instability, she surveyed 199 African American couples and 174 White couples who we re just married and found that body language can cause significant damage in a relationship if it is read the wrong way. William should be mindful of his always present smile. In a majority of cases a great smile is a good thing. However, in times of turmoil a smile can be mistaken to mean that you are not taking the situation seriously.An excellent way to avoid conflict is to develop good listening habits. We have, at some point, exhibited poor listening skills. Bad listening habits include: Lack of interest in the subject, focus on the person, not on the content, interrupting, focus on the detail, missing the big picture, body language that signals disinterest, letting emotions block the meaning, and daydreaming. All these things can put any relationship in a downward spin. These habits could lead to misunderstandings and arguments. There are ways to avoid this. One way is to give your mate your full attention.Attend to what they are saying not just with your ears but with your en tire body. Make sure you are facing each other during the conversation. Having the right attitude contributes to your desire to want to know what the other is saying. The next thing is having patience and understanding. Sometimes you might have a difficult time getting your point clearly across. If your spouse attempts to help you say what is needed don’t get upset. This could be a good thing because they understand your point. This is always a way of showing support for them.Even if you do not agree with what they are saying, make sure respect what they have to say. Good listening skills also include knowing how to manage your reactions to what is being said. Before you respond, take a moment to think about what was said and how it makes you feel. Your response should reflect how you feel but should not sound like emotional tirade. A vital key to successful communication is having the ability to understand emotions and being able to express those emotions (Sole, 2011). This is often referred to as emotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself and others. Emotional intelligence includes making good judgments about when to deal with emotions and keep them at bay. Kathy Sole feels that emotional intelligence also directly corresponds to emotional healthâ€â€the higher your EI, the more emotionally healthy you are. Ones emotional health keeps you in tuned with your feelings while being exposed to the feelings of others. This is beneficial in a marital relationship because you don’t forget about you when dealing with your spouse’s feelings.The communication skills of any couple are established early on and can improve or become worse. In a marriage, communication skill should always improve and a step towards improvement is self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is the act of sharing aspects of your personal self with other people. This act allows you find commonalities with each other as well as dislikes. Being able to open up to others is essential to developing a deeper connection Self-disclosure and communication skills overall are important components of any healthy relationship.Self-disclosure lays the foundation for the type of relationship you will have with one another. Also it plays an important role in validating self-worth and identity. While self-disclosure have many benefits the amount of disclosure depends on what will be gained and how much are you losing to your partner. Being on the receiving end of disclosure requires a level of culpability and perhaps forgiveness. William and Linda again I want to congratulate you on your recent engagement. You two have a lifetime of perfecting your communication skills ahead of you.Using the concepts that I have mentioned in this letter will make it easier for you. Thank you for the honor of asking for my advice and wish you many years of happiness. Love, Tasha References Anonymous,. Close Rela tionships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication. (2011, January). U. S. News ; World Report,1. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2270370591). NARA SCHOENBERG. (2011, February 6). Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in marriages. Houston Chronicle,p. 7.Retrieved January 9, 2012, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2260839481). Sole, K. (2011). Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education. Orbuch, T. (2007). Interpersonal Relationships, in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, G. Ritzer (Ed. ), (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing), 2390-2393. Veroff, J. , ; Orbuch, T. L. (2009). Studying Marital Relationships. In an edited volume called Research Methodologies in African American Communities, Edited by J. Jackson ; C. Howard (Eds. ), Sage Publications. Letter of Advice Letter of Advice COM200: Interpersonal Communication Instructor Sara Marcus January 9, 2012 Dear William and Linda, Let me start by saying congratulations on your recent nuptials. The two of you are off to an excellent start in wanting advice on how to efficaciously communicate with one another. In taking an interpersonal communication class, I have learned several concepts that I would like to share with you throughout this letter. Communication is important in developing and maintaining a relationship.A healthy communication style is vital to longer lasting relationships. The article â€Å"Can We Talk†is about the role of communication in a marriage. Nara Schoenberg gave great insight to giving advice to many that are able to read it that are in a marriage. This article highlighted how with good communication skills a marriage will be able to sustain itself for a lifetime. The results of good effective communication habits will build a strong and long lasting relationship.I n reading this article Schoenberg says that communication means that you're sharing and really getting to know one another and happy marriages exhibits â€Å"self-disclosure,†or sharing your private feelings, fears, doubts and perceptions with your partner. These statements are what make this article so relatable to its readers. We communicate in different ways but finding a compatible form of communication is key to any relationship. Being able to communicate clearly and effective requires a certain level of confidence.The text book Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communications explains that the basic principle of interpersonal communication deals with concept of â€Å"who are you†. Feeling sure and comfortable of your communicating skills will ensure good communication within the relationship. Your self-concept is how you look at yourself. It is a mental image that you have of yourself and it can relate to your mental strength or status in life. One 's self-concept affects one's perception, attitude and behavior, which can be demonstrated during the process of interpersonal communication.Aspects of one's life influence their self-concept, which not only affect how people perceive them but how they perceive themselves. In the process of communication, self-knowledge and the way one feel about oneself is revealed to others, and affects how others react to them. Consequently, the perceptions one believes others have of them affect how they receive their communication, which influences their response. In relationships you have to be cognizant of how the opposite sex perceives things.Men hear things differently than women. I relate this to my childhood when my parents would argue and my mother would say to my father: â€Å"You hear what you want to hear†. This is evident in the study that was referenced in the article Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication†. In the study, researchers asked 24 married coup les to take part in an experiment in which two sets of couples sat in chairs and tried to figure out the meaning of phrases whose meaning isn't entirely clear.The example used was a wife who says to her husband, ‘it's getting hot in here,' as a hint for her husband to turn up the air conditioning a notch, may be surprised when he interprets her statement as a coy, amorous advance instead (Healthday, 2011). One way to avoid this mistake is not to be rushed and preoccupied. Stop and make sure you understand the perspective the other is trying to relay especially since the two of you are married. In being aware of the opposite sex, you have to be aware of how you say things as well.The tone of your voice can displace the message you are trying to send. The text suggests that work to shut judgments about the speaker's appearance, tone of voice, or other such factors out of your mind when you are speaking with someone, and focus on the words and the meaning rather than on the perso n delivering the message. If you are unsure of a person’s meaning, it is not taboo to ask what is meant. This is a technique that I use in my own marriage. Before a disagreement takes place, I will say to my husband: I said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ now what did you hear? This clears up what my intended message was and helps me to modify my tone or body language that my spouse may have found offensive. This was a hard lesson learned because I was the one that said things without considering how it sounds to my husband. That was not how I wanted to portray myself and not get into unnecessary arguments. Linda you also have to keep in mind that you become very animated when you talk. Although William knows this about you, it could become offensive in the heat of the moment. Dr.Terry Orbuch refers to this kind of body language as a determining factor in the early years of marriage. In her book, Marital Instability, she surveyed 199 African American couples and 174 White couples who we re just married and found that body language can cause significant damage in a relationship if it is read the wrong way. William should be mindful of his always present smile. In a majority of cases a great smile is a good thing. However, in times of turmoil a smile can be mistaken to mean that you are not taking the situation seriously.An excellent way to avoid conflict is to develop good listening habits. We have, at some point, exhibited poor listening skills. Bad listening habits include: Lack of interest in the subject, focus on the person, not on the content, interrupting, focus on the detail, missing the big picture, body language that signals disinterest, letting emotions block the meaning, and daydreaming. All these things can put any relationship in a downward spin. These habits could lead to misunderstandings and arguments. There are ways to avoid this. One way is to give your mate your full attention.Attend to what they are saying not just with your ears but with your en tire body. Make sure you are facing each other during the conversation. Having the right attitude contributes to your desire to want to know what the other is saying. The next thing is having patience and understanding. Sometimes you might have a difficult time getting your point clearly across. If your spouse attempts to help you say what is needed don’t get upset. This could be a good thing because they understand your point. This is always a way of showing support for them.Even if you do not agree with what they are saying, make sure respect what they have to say. Good listening skills also include knowing how to manage your reactions to what is being said. Before you respond, take a moment to think about what was said and how it makes you feel. Your response should reflect how you feel but should not sound like emotional tirade. A vital key to successful communication is having the ability to understand emotions and being able to express those emotions (Sole, 2011). This is often referred to as emotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself and others. Emotional intelligence includes making good judgments about when to deal with emotions and keep them at bay. Kathy Sole feels that emotional intelligence also directly corresponds to emotional healthâ€â€the higher your EI, the more emotionally healthy you are. Ones emotional health keeps you in tuned with your feelings while being exposed to the feelings of others. This is beneficial in a marital relationship because you don’t forget about you when dealing with your spouse’s feelings.The communication skills of any couple are established early on and can improve or become worse. In a marriage, communication skill should always improve and a step towards improvement is self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is the act of sharing aspects of your personal self with other people. This act allows you find commonalities with each other as well as dislikes. Being able to open up to others is essential to developing a deeper connection Self-disclosure and communication skills overall are important components of any healthy relationship.Self-disclosure lays the foundation for the type of relationship you will have with one another. Also it plays an important role in validating self-worth and identity. While self-disclosure have many benefits the amount of disclosure depends on what will be gained and how much are you losing to your partner. Being on the receiving end of disclosure requires a level of culpability and perhaps forgiveness. William and Linda again I want to congratulate you on your recent engagement. You two have a lifetime of perfecting your communication skills ahead of you.Using the concepts that I have mentioned in this letter will make it easier for you. Thank you for the honor of asking for my advice and wish you many years of happiness. Love, Tasha References Anonymous,. Close Rela tionships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication. (2011, January). U. S. News ; World Report,1. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2270370591). NARA SCHOENBERG. (2011, February 6). Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in marriages. Houston Chronicle,p. 7.Retrieved January 9, 2012, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2260839481). Sole, K. (2011). Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education. Orbuch, T. (2007). Interpersonal Relationships, in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, G. Ritzer (Ed. ), (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing), 2390-2393. Veroff, J. , ; Orbuch, T. L. (2009). Studying Marital Relationships. In an edited volume called Research Methodologies in African American Communities, Edited by J. Jackson ; C. Howard (Eds. ), Sage Publications.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Craft-Oriented Objects Essay
We encounter many craft- oriented objects day to day. I do not think I really thought about how objects were made and their value in life until I received this assignment. As I was thinking about all of the things that are craft- oriented, I especially thought about things at work and my home. I actually work at a dress shop and I’ve thought about how those dresses were made. Every dress company has a location where they make their dresses, like China. Each dress is handmade and takes many hours and hard work to make. I believe this is an art of craft and has high value in a woman’s world. I also own many dresses of my own from going to prom and participating in various pageants. The next time I am wearing one of these delicate dresses I am going to take a minute to think about the hard work and long hours that it took to make my dress just for me. Another one of the many craft-oriented objects that I see and use every day is my home. My home is one of the most important places to me and it has several qualities that make it unique to me. It is amazing to think about all the hard work and the time that went in to building my house. Although my house has many craft-oriented objects in it, my house as a whole is a huge craft-oriented object in my everyday life.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Valencia College Exploration Paper
My education is my best and only way to make my life work right. I am now currently going to Valencia College working towards my Associate Degree in communications. My current major is Communication, although Broadcast Journalism is what I will most likely pursue for my Bachelor Degree. Communication/Broadcast Journalism is one of the most important careers today. Today, broadcasters are used in almost every aspect of our lives: radios, television, telephones, and the newspaper. The college that I plan to attend after I obtain my A. A. Degree at Valencia is the University Of South Florida (USF). Continuing my education is important and absolutely necessary to my personal as well as life-long career goals. The university that I plan on attending after graduating from Valencia will be USF. When I transfer to the University of South Florida I will continue my degree and maintain working. Valencia is a great place to begin, but I feel to become successful in my career I need to graduate with a degree from a university. The University of South Florida has approximately 58,000 students and a total of 2,123 faculties which makes the ratio of student/faculty 19:1. As one of the nation's best universities, USF is a much diversify college. USF offers strong factors in drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio and television station, choral group, marching band, student government, campus activities board, USF ambassadors, student admissions representatives, national fraternities, national sororities. The university also offers many graduate programs leading to masters and doctoral degrees. USF is about 72 miles from my location in Kissimmee. USF provides on campus housing with a capacity of 1,948 students therefore I will be either living on campus or apartments close by. There are students that live in traditional-style halls, suite-style halls, apartment communities, and unique communities. The five aspects of this university that interest me are: late-night transport/escort service, multicultural student body, easy access to and from home, many programs to participate in, and of course intramural sports. As with all colleges, transferring students have a great chance of getting accepted, rather than freshmen students who directly applying. The reason for this is that most core classes or prerequisites can be taken at another university and then those applicable credits may be transferred. The prerequisites that I must take before entering to USF to pursue my B. A. Degree in Broadcast Journalism are: 9 hours of Communications (ENC1101, ENC1102, and SPC1608); 9 hours of Humanities; 6 hours of Mathematics; 6 hours of Science; and 6 hours of Social Science for my basic classes. Three of these prerequisite courses are: Communication, Math and Humanities. I will need to have a minimum of a 2. 5 GPA as well as any other basic transfer requirements to be accepted into this program. I have a restricted access major which means I must meet the requirements for entrance to my major. It’s not open to all students but only those who qualify. The steps that I will need to take to help myself transfer from a 2-year college to a 4-year university. Before completing my A. A. Degree I will meet with a counselor or advisor for graduation check and complete an application for graduation. Second I’ll complete an application for admission to USF and submit my application and promptly follow up on my application status. Third ensure all transcripts are sent from all current and prior colleges and ensure final transcript is sent after term completed. Then I’ll complete and finalize all financial aid information to be sent to USF and if required submit all scholarship information on applications. Last but not least finalize my acceptance to USF, fulfill any other requirements to my program, and then be sure to make it on time for orientation to my 4-year university. The total amount of my educational expenses at the conclusion of my bachelor's degree including expenses from my 2-year university roughly totals $25,000. At USF financial aid is applied for just as when I applied to Valencia. All financial aid forms are processed online, and you may even seek advising by a financial counselor. Once all papers processed and finalized then you will receive your grant or scholarship determined by the school. Other ways to pay for your expenses are taking out private loans, using school subsidized loans. Most students usually work and pay their way through school another way is applying for scholarships. USF offers all types of scholarship that is eligible for me the top five that I’ll apply for are: The USF Endowed Scholarship, John and Grace Allen Endowed Scholarship, Johnson Scholarship Foundation Endowment, Sweetbay Endowed Scholarship Fund of Excellence, and USF Transfer Student Achievement Scholarship. Once I have graduated with my Bachelors of Arts in Broadcast Journalism from USF two careers I would like to pursue are broadcasting sports, or a professional basketball player. The career I would most likely pursue after graduation would be as a Broadcast Journalism. The reason I would pursue a Broadcast Journalism in sports to be honest my dream is to make to the NBA, but I’m thinking reality even if I play college basketball doesn’t mean I’m going to get drafted so all that am left with is me pursing to become a sports analyst. Broadcast news analysts inform the public about news and events happening internationally, nationally, and locally. They report the news for newspapers, magazines, websites, television, and radio. A couple of their duties are to research topics and stories that an editor or news director has assigned to them, interview people who have information, analysis, or opinions relating to a story or article, and review articles to ensure their accuracy and their use of proper style and grammar. The expected job outlook with this career according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook is: Employment of broadcast news analysts is expected to grow by 10 percent from 2010 to 2020, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Growth is expected as news agencies prefer news analysts over traditional reporters to provide insight and commentary about the news. Employers generally prefer workers who have a bachelor’s degree in journalism or communications and have experience from an internship or from working on a college newspaper. The expected annual salary for a Broadcasting News Analysts as projected by The Occupational Outlook Handbook is $54,140. The person I interviewed was Professor Holmes Dubois, who is a speech teacher at Valencia College and I made contact with her through person. Ricardo Villiers 1. What experience or knowledge is required to do your job? Professor Holmes Dubois: Currently I have a master degree in English and Communication. To be a speech teacher you must have a Master Degree and 18hours credited to you. Ricardo Villiers 2. How do Valencia’s Competencies (think, value, communicate, act) apply to your career? Professor Holmes Dubois: Communicate and Act is the most important because I teach my students orally and in Public Speaking class they have to act to deliver the speeches so it’s not all about writing. Ricardo Villiers 3. What types of projects, assignments or deadlines must you meet each day (A typical day on the job)? Professor Holmes Dubois: I have to answer to a lot of student’s emails, grade a lot of papers, service of committees, plan class activity’s, and mentor and give advice to adjunct faculty. Ricardo Villiers 4. Does your job require overtime and what is your work schedule? Professor Holmes Dubois: Well there’s salary pay here at Valencia so there’s not overtime you work until the work gets done. I have to be here for class, office hours, and meetings if anything I can work at home so it’s very flexible. Ricardo Villiers 5. What preparation or courses did you find necessary or helpful upon entering the job? Professor Holmes Dubois: NONE!!! Ricardo Villiers 6. What is the biggest challenge you encounter? Professor Holmes Dubois: The biggest challenge I have encounter is student’s that are not motivated!!! Ricardo Villiers 7. What piece of advice would you give someone considering entering this occupation? Professor Holmes Dubois: Don’t think you’re going to change the WORLD!!! 8. Describe a minimum of 5 characteristics about this person’s job or work environment that interest/or doesn't interest you? The work environment is private, don’t like grading papers, the hours are very flexible; don’t want to work around students, not interested in teaching speech. To sum it all up writing this paper open my eyes and made me realize what I have to get done if I really want to be successful. I have been given the opportunity to choose my direction in life. If I really want this really bad I have go get it because it’s not going to be given to me, all I have to do is stay focus on the prize. Problems are going to be in my way that I will have to overcome through my lifetime. I’m going to take responsibility for my actions, to become a real winner in life. This paper guides me to make a successful turning point to a four-year university and then onto my career. If I decide to think about changing my major I know that I will not stray far from anything related to Sports. I want to be a part of sports so I’m going make it a part of me.
Collective Bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Collective Bargaining - Essay Example The unionization law, therefore, differs in various economic systems. The unionization is not allowed directly but it is a method that is developed in order to exercise collective bargaining and in its objective forming unions is a legal act (Katz, 1993). The formation of a union is only acceptable in private sector but it is treated as a capital crime in governmental offices and armed forces. In case of armed forces, the culprits of unionization are thrown into jail and upon completion of their sentence, they are court-martialed. The formation of a union is the last thing a soldier will think about before leaving his or her job. Additionally, armed forces argue that they are operating for saving their nations’ sovereignty and pride and therefore, they should not indulge in providing ideal work environment for the soldiers while they have to live in tough environment during the war so they must be trained in terms of making the most of even the worst kind of work climate. The practices of collective bargaining and unionization are known to emerge at the end of the great depression when people were forced to work in the extremities of inhumane environments. With the passage of time, the workers started to raise voices about their work environment and finally, legal courts initiated to respond to their needs and companies had to offer their employees a safe and sound environment to work in. the stream of change in this regard because the beacon of moment shifted towards improving the quality of supervisory behaviors as time passed. The legal pressures caused the companies to adopt modern philosophies of management such as delegation of authority and participative management. The Japanese taught the world that bureaucracy is an inefficient way of managing the organizations because it wastes too much time in decision making and they presented the concept of self-managed teams which scanned the environment so that they can develop strategies in order to cope with the current challenges of the business.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Feminism and Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Feminism and Postmodernism - Essay Example In particular, the so-called postmodernist feminism has challenged the claims that observed differences between men and women are necessary and that women have an essence that justifies their subordinating position in society. Central to the postmodernist understanding of society is the belief that the grand or totalizing principles of modernity and the Enlightenment - including appeals to rationality, progress, humanity, and justice - have been completely undermined. This line of reasoning emerges from poststructuralist critiques of language, subjectivity, and representation. In other words, where poststructuralists criticized the foundations of modernism, postmodernists read these critiques as mandates for rejecting foundations altogether (Stabile 1995). European postmodernists, like Jean-Francois Lyotard, have expressed the belief that Marxism, like the Enlightenment in general, culminated in Stalinism because of its totalizing impulses. Some postmodernists have gone much further than this identification of Marxism with Soviet-style systems, holding Marxism responsible for all kinds of oppression. Twentieth-century Marxism has used the generalizing categories of production and class to delegitimize demands of women, black people, gays, lesbians, and others whose oppression cannot be reduced to economics. This kind of judgment dramatically displays yet another feature of postmodernism: its historical amnesia. Marxism and socialist organizations in general have been repeatedly marginalized and delegitimized by capitalism. Postmodernism is full of confusions and contradictions, nevertheless, it is based on some unifying principles such as non-critical and idealistic focus on the construction of real as well as examination of the concept of difference. For example, if the society is not able to identify any interests which might unite it, then the only mean to unify people is based on identity differences. This Marx's so-called unity in differences or the identity of interests shared by people and represented by the political institutions was rejected by postmodernists who did not accept any form of presentation in favour of the particular difference (Stabile 1995). Feminism From the first glance, feminism seems to be more accessible than postmodernism and refers to the females as the political unity with the identifiable electorate. Feminism shares with postmodernism the idea of rejection of historical materialism. Notably, the contemporary theories of feminism do not reject the idea of system and totality, but rather elaborates its own analysis in which male domination is seen as the alternative or confederate of capitalism. Thus, women, being oppressed by male dominating system, share the common interest to oppose it. At its beginning, feminism was both intellectual and political movement: to help women in understanding their oppressed position and to promote the changes in society in terms of gender issue. Early feminists organized as the distinct class with radical intentions (Tong 1989). Essentialism argument (the foundation of category "women" from biological perspective) and anti-essentialism argument ("women" seen as the historically and socially constructed group) are essential to understanding feministic assumptions. Essentialists believed that women have similar characteristics upon which political action can be founded. While, anti-essentialists claimed that labels "male" and "female" were not fixed
Monday, August 12, 2019
Symbolism In Trifles by susan glaspell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Symbolism In Trifles by susan glaspell - Essay Example Wright and the situation which led to the main conflict that is throughout the play. The first set of symbols which are associated with the trifles are the kitchen items which are seen, all which are referred to first as being in a mess. The set of noticed items include fruit that has frozen, preserves that Mrs. Wright was working on and pans that are under the sink. The main association is with the fruit that is frozen and with the preserves that haven’t been cared for. This is significant as it becomes a meaning which is related to the marriage and how it wasn’t cared for or preserved. This is what led to the cold and icy relationship that both were a part of. This is followed by the pans that are kicked under the sink leave the same impression, which shows that the cooking and care is one which is stuffed into a corner and hasn’t been used properly, similar to the marriage which Mrs. Wright is in. The next item which becomes symbolic is the loaf of bread. This isn’t significant except it hasn’t been placed in the bread box, which causes it to dry quickly and isn’t a way of caring for the items in the kitchen. The loaf of bread becomes symbolic with the marriage not being set in the right place and instead becoming one based on the wrong understanding within the relationship. While the men state that this is related to bad housekeeping, the women that are speaking notice that the uncommon changes in the kitchen are related specifically to Mrs. Wright not being able to create the right approach to the idea of being a wife and having a husband which is able to care for the marriage. The clothing is another symbol which is noted. This becomes significant because of the types of clothing that is expected. The first is an apron which Mrs. Wright has requested. The apron is significant because it shows how Mrs. Wright only believes the marriage was good so she could offer housekeeping chores, as opposed to having a true mar riage. The second is a shawl that is required. There is also a quilt which is mentioned and which the women notice that she is piecing together. The statement which is made with this is based on knotting the quilt, instead of sewing it. The knots are significant with the thoughts of Mrs. Wright, which doesn’t offer a proper way of putting together the quilt but instead shows that her marriage is tied together loosely. The significance of the individual items are also identified with the state that each of the pieces are in. The sewing left behind is noted as being good half way through the piece then changing. Mrs. Hale states that â€Å"Here, this is the one that she was working on, and look at the sewing! All the rest of it has been so nice and even. And look at this! It’s all over the place! Why, it looks as if she didn’t know what she was about!†(Glaspell, 962). There are also noticed changes with half of the counter being clean and the other half be ing a mess. The concept of the items being half way clean and the other half messy continues with a hinge that is half way pulled off of the door. Each of these indicate that the marriage was one which was also becoming a mess and was falling apart, similar to the items seen. The last trifle which works as a symbol is the bird. This is significant because of the cage which is found; however, the bird is gone. The women looking at the trifles note that Mrs. Wright used to like to sing but stopped. They also note
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