Monday, September 30, 2019
Racism Definition Essay
Racism is something something we’ve all witnessed. Many people fail to believe that race isn’t a biological category, but an artificial classification of people with no scientifically variable facts. In other words, the distinction we make between races has nothing to do with genetic characteristics. Race was created socially, primarily by how people perceive ideas and faces we are not quite used to. The definition of race all depends on where and when the word is being used. In U.S. history, the meaning of the label â€Å"white†has changed over time, eventually adding groups like the Italians, Irish and Jews. Other groups, mainly African, Latino, American Indian, Pacific Islander, and Asian descendants, have found the path for worldwide social acceptance much more difficult. The irregular border of ethnicities touch educational and economic opportunity, political representation, as well as income, health and social mobility of people of color. So where did this type of behavior begin? There are many ideas thrown around as to how racism began, though the truth lies in the history of mankind. Before people were able to travel and experience difference groups of people, we predominantly stayed in the same kind of area with the same kind of people. We feared things that were different, and were lacked the power to face those kinds of things. All this changed once we did, in fact, obtain this level of human advancement, but the fear never drifted. The truth is, racism began as soon as people faced those of different races. We’ve always the fear of change, not to mention the unknown. It seems that is racism has been around so long we would have been able to overcome it as our species developed, but contact with those of whom we are afraid of often lead to disputes, which, in time, is what caused racism to transform from people simply disliking each other, to the permanent and indestructible foundation of common racism and prejudice. Contemporary racism is said to have been derived from many places, one of the most common ideas being upbringing. As a child, you are reliant on your parents to help you become who you are. Part of that involves their own, distinct opinions, that of which children don’t have the maturity to form on their own. They need the help of their parents, and this is often where the problem starts. If you were told that all Asians were sneaky or all Whites are evil or all Blacks are criminals, you can bet that you are going to feel this way about them. â€Å"Upbringing is the largest cause of racism†-Anonymous. Even if we allow yourself to get to know some of them, this will always be in the back of your mind. Another suggestion as to how racism makes it’s way into our heads is through the almighty media. As we grow up, media becomes a factor of our lives whether or not we want it to be, and is also a major source of how racism keeps itself active. Since the 70’s the media has been giving us racial labels, one of the largest supplies coming from crime shows like â€Å"Law and Order†, and â€Å"CSI†. When dealing with crime, people of color are reflected in the demarcation of â€Å"them†and â€Å"us†. Whites are often represented as the â€Å"good guy†, or the strong, law obeying citizens. They often target people of color, sometimes without any sort of evidence. Directors and writers use racial stereotypes to make a more complex story with more suspects. In the novel, â€Å"The Power of One,†by Bryce Courtney, a young, white, African boy named Peekay lives in a world where the government, the country, and the world revolves around racism. World War II is coming to an end, and in South Africa, the whites seem to hate the blacks just as much as the blacks hate the whites. Peekay was raised by a compassionate and loving black woman he refers to as â€Å"Nanny†, due to the unsafe conditions at home with his bad, mentally ill mother. He grew up with Nanny and his best friend, who was also black. To Peekay, racism didn’t exist. The author, Bryce Courtney, didn’t intend on writing a book fully based on racism in South Africa. He grasps a trace of apartheid by Peekay’s experiences as a white boy by unhurriedly soaking it into South Africa as a toxin. â€Å"Adapt, blend†¦develop a camouflage.†This thought went through Peekay’s mind once he had been exposed to racism, having been forced to attend a boarding school full of bigger, darker students. In Chapters One and Two, as a mere five-year-old, the bright protagonist Peekay is already addressing the necessity of affecting camouflages in order to survive the system. He is often forced to act differently around people of different skin colors in order to fit in better to prevent himself from getting beaten or teased. Peekay faces his first taste of racism the very first night at the boarding school. One boy, known as â€Å"The Judge†, who was much older, stronger, and darker than Peekay, comes up with the nickname â€Å"PissKop†for Peekay, because of Peekay’s habit to wet the bed that was caused by The Judge’s, along with the help of many other older black students, tendency to beat Peekay and spit in his face. The Judge also convinces Peekay that Hitler is determined to march all Englishmen in South Africa into the ocean, and even forces Peekay to eat human feces. Upbringing is a very strong factor of what influences people to become racist, or to have even slight racial views. In Peekay’s case, he had gone from one extreme to another. At home, Nanny and his best friend were the only people he could call family, besides his mother who spent time at what Peekay called â€Å"The Mental Breakdown Place†. When sent to the boarding school, he wasn’t expecting the black students to dislike him because of his skin color. He saw the black kids as merely bullies, and before they started bullying him hadn’t anticipated them to gang up on him because they were black. This is what caused Peekay’s neutrality with the racist society in which he lived. He gave each person a chance to be a good person, because he had seen the good in different ethnicities to which many people were stubborn to open up their minds. The power of one, or the idea of how one person can make a significant difference, is an important idea in relation to challenge in the novel. Giel Piet, one of Peekay’s boxing coaches who had been sneaking tobacco to all of the prisoners, was forced to eat feces by Sergeant Ballman, a white racist who works at the prison. If Giel Piet had refused to eat the feces, the guards would have found the tobacco, resulting in the prisoners getting beaten along with Giel Piet . As Peekay witnessed this happen to his coach, he thought, â€Å"It made me angry. Angry it was done. Angry I couldn’t do anything to stop it.†But how does racism really affect society? Visibly identifiable members of racial and ethnic oppressed groups continue to struggle for equal access and opportunity, particularly during times of stringent economics. Often, the targeted race has a harder time doing things such as finding a well-paying job or house. While there have been some sizeable gains in the labor force status of racial minorities, significant gaps remains. Racism is rampant in all areas of employment. For many members of exploited racial and ethnic unit, there is always an economic depression. Studies show that people of color are the last hired and the first fired. As a result, budget cuts, downsizing, and privatization may disproportionately hurt people of color. In February 1995 the unemployment rate for African Americans was 10.1 percent as compared to 4.7 percent for white Americans (Berry, 1995). The unemployment rate for adolescents of color is approximately four times that of white adolescents. Whatâ€⠄¢s more, In America, the Majority of unemployed men are black, and compared to other races, Blacks and Latinos on average have disproportionately low income. Other than simply getting a job, getting and keeping a house is often a difficult task for those of color. The job of a landlord is to rent out houses to reliable people or families, though a racist landlord could make it difficult for a family of color to find a home. Widespread housing discrimination against Americans of color in U.S. neighborhoods is sometimes referred to as a â€Å"national†problem, something that must be fixed by new government policies. Housing segregation in the United States developed slowly and deliberately. By law, property owners may not refuse to rent or sell housing, make housing unavailable to, set different conditions or privileges for sale or rental of a property, impose different rates and terms on a loan, refuse to make a mortgage loan, or discriminate in appraising property due to a client’s ethnicity, and because racism cannot be seen, these rules are very vague. Available evidence suggests that blacks and Hispanics face higher reje ction rates and less favorable conditions in securing mortgages than do Whites with similar credit characteristics (Ross & Yinger 1999). It has been reported that blacks pay more than 0.5% higher interest rates on home mortgages than whites do and that this difference persists with income level, date of purchase, and age of buyer. During the Great Depression, people of color had a much harder time getting past the financial hardship because of the racial stereotypes that had before been thrown around. In the book, Whitewash Race: The Myth of a Colorblind Society, Michael K. Brown says â€Å"In the late 1930’s, black unemployment rates were two to four times higher than white unemployment rates.†Few Blacks had any financial savings to caution them from the full affect of the Depression. Blacks that had before has troubles getting a well paying job the faced the same challenge with a much larger margin for failure. Mrs. Roosevelt was particularly fretful about the financial difficulties encountered by racism. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred D. Taylor, is a story about a black family, the Logans, from the south, living frugally in order to preserve and keep their patch of farmland. Because the story takes place during the end of the Great Depression, one of the worst times in history to be a black farmer, money has become very sparse for the family and for the neighborhood. The children of the family, Cassie, Stacey, Christopher-John, and Little Man, live in a world where white kids rule and they know it. White kids had the freedom to do anything they wished to do, from threatening the kids they thought were inferior to hammering kids who socialized with black kids, or even walked with them to school. This was the case for T.J., a friend of the Logan kids who often walked with Cassie and her brothers to school, more often than not with a price. While walking to school on the first day, Cassie and her brothers are cascaded in red dust as a bus full of white kids skids past, though they eventually get their revenge on the kids by sabotaging the bus. This is significant not only because it shows us just how boorish white kids were to black kids, but it also shows that black kids had to walk to school, and to some black kids, according to Cassie, the walk is so long they are forced to drop out of school. Cassie, being in fourth grade, attends a school especially for black kids. On the first day back to school, she and the other students are staggered to realize that that year they would be having books in the class, something that at that time was a luxury for an all-black school. Though once Cassie sees the books, she quickly sees why the books were given to them. The books were old and dirty, and on the inside of the front cover clenching to stay on was the label â€Å"Nigras.†Infuriated, Cassie refuses to take the bo ok, and is ultimately whipped for her quarrel. It isn’t until a black man is killed by a group of white men without consequence that the Logan kids grasp the idea of how dangerous living in a racist, white community could be. Racism becomes the problem revolving around the Logan family. Cassie doesn’t understand why they are treated differently and doesn’t want to back down because of the color of her skin. Stacey, on the other and, agrees to keep a low profile in the white community as to not trigger any alarms that may cause an issue. This novel does a good job of showing how the effects racism on a specific race simply cause racism itself to stay functioning. After all they endure, at the end of the book the Logan family are a healthier family than they were at the start, mainly because of their capability to see through each other’s skin color, something the rest of the town was unable to do. The disruption of the school bus, though it was simply a small revenge, shows how close the kids had become because of everything they had been through because of the white kids. Racism brings races together, making races seem like a tighter bondage, and ultimately making it easier to target races. Racism had existed throughout human history. It is regularly defined as the detestation, or belief that someone is less than human, because of skin color, place of birth, and mores. All of these arguments are based on a false understanding of race; in fact, some contemporary scientists could argue that the classification of races used today is inadequate, and that there are more meticulous and proper ways of categorizing humans. What may seem to be considerable â€Å"racial†differences to some people, such as skin color, hair, and facial shape, are not of much scientific significance. It has been said that there have been greater biological differences between people of the same race than if we were to compare the same trait to a different race. One philosopher writes: â€Å"There are few genetic characteristics to be found in the population of England that are not found in similar proportions in Zaire or in China†¦.those differences that most deeply affect us in our de alings with each other are not to any significant degree biologically determined.†Often what causes people to act racist is the fact that they have learned to conceal fear with racism. Many individuals react with fear towards those who look or appear different than them. Fear is what makes us uncomfortable, making us need to protect ourselves and defend, mostly causing pain and discomfort to the person or object of the fear. Instead of attempting to fix and deal with the differences, the wall between the two maintains; union and agreement are never attained. So how do we put an end to this? The sad fact of the matter is that, during this age, we won’t. People were born differently, and it’s only human to retaliate negatively to things or people we aren’t used to. Scientists believe there is the tendency in all animals to selectively preserve their own kind even at the cost of a different animal type, which is in essence what caused racism, not to mention prejudice in general. As humankind progresses, our way of thinking becomes more complex, as does the world around us. The values we once had aren’t forgotten, but replaced with new values as our old ways hide in the back of our minds. Though they are present and may re-emerge if a change in life conditions calls them up, they are no longer the dominant. This genuinely is the hope for mankind in their fight to end racism. In the future, if we can surmount the silliness of racism to the point where no one senses it, we will be in fine condition. The most effective way to begin this, through the words of Morgan Freeman, is to â€Å"Stop Talking About It.â€
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis of the World Tradeorganization Essay
WTO: Why It Was Opposed – A Rhetorical Analysis of Top Twelve Reasons to Oppose the World Trade Organization Nowadays economic globalization is a trend. Free trade affects us every day. The World Trade Organization is writing the constitution and operating the global trade. However, more and more people start to think over: is free trade a universally good global economic system? Does the WTO can really inspire growth and prosperity for all? According to the Global Exchange, the answer is no and there are alternatives to the WTO. A flier distributed through the website for Global Exchange appeal to people to oppose the WTO and replace it with a democratic global economy. The flier strongly proves that the WTO does harm to the human rights, global economy and the equality between poor countries and powerful countries. As far as I am concerned, the flier works beautifully to make people realize the disadvantages of free trade and shortcomings of the WTO by enumerating twelve reasons clearly and by using logos, ethos and pathos successfully. The flier from the Global Exchange claims that the WTO has been the greatest tool for taking democratic control of resources out of our communities and putting it into the hands of corporations. There are twelve reasons listed that why people should oppose the WTO. By the mean of showing the disadvantages of free trade . Global Exchange persuade people to reject the expansion of the WTO and help build a political space that nurtures a democratic global economy. A essential persuasive technique in a advertisement or a flier is pathos. The author starts off the flier by a brief statement about the aim of the WTO in a sarcastic tone and then uses the positive tone to describe the team to oppose the WTO is becoming stronger and stronger. The sentences such as â€Å"an international movement is growing†¦. and importantly, we are winning! †make the readers believe that more and more people aware of the negative influence of WTO. We can also see the emotional sentences in the last two paragraphs of the flier. The author is trying to urge the readers to get involved in the international opposition to the WTO by using the short and powerful phrases like†Stop the WTO! †,†Get Involved! †. Using pathos can effectively engage readers’ emotion and imagination. In addition to the Pathos, ethos also has very important effect on this flier. The author presents a lot of specific information about the policies of the WTO and its practices in many aspects in recent years. All the facts, the reports from the authoritative organization like the United Nations Development Programs, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, give the flier strong evidence and make it creditable. The major technique the author uses in this flier is the logos. In order to make the readers understand and accept the reasons to oppose the WTO, the author explains them very logically. He states the policies of the WTO first and then explains specifically how the WTO do harms by the facts. For example, one of the reasons to oppose the WTO is the WTO undermines local level decision-making and national sovereignty. First, the author states â€Å"the WTO requires that all WTO members countries to treat each other equally and to treat all corporations from these countries equally regardless of their track record†(90). Then, he explains how the WTO violates its own principle by some facts such as â€Å"the California’s Former Governor Gray Davis vetoed a â€Å"Buy California†bill that would have granted a small preference to local businesses because it was WTO-illegal. †(90) We can see the WTO rules are so rigid and unreasonable sometimes and undermine local decision-making severely. It is easier for the readers to understand through the logical explanations. The use of logos backs up the author’s claim and make readers agree easily. This flier clearly explains the disadvantages of the WTO and the free trade. The author uses logos to reveal the shortcomings of the WTO and ethos to strengthen the evidence. Pathos also make the flier be vivid and full of passion. Besides, it is also informative because it refers to a lot of information about the WTO and the global economy. In a word, it is a successful flier.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5
Operations management - Essay Example According to VW’s global market share in 2012, based on the number of cars produced, was 13.6% in total (Statista, n.d. d). The report has covered a lot of areas which includes the different strategies used by three brands and about their focus on various elements which in combination become the operations strategies prevailing in individual organizations. The report also includes objectives and a four stage diagram which shows where the brands fall according to the model. It contains 4V analysis and they whole supply chain model. Comparatively, BMW which is currently on sixty-eighth position in Fortune Global 500 is not anywhere near as a competitor of VW. BMW is also a German Automobile manufacturing company that was founded in 1916. BMW owns some very renowned names like Rolls-Royce, which is the parent company of BMW, and Mini Cars. On the contrary BMW’s market share according to was 3.27% in 2012 based on the number of cars produced (Statista, n.d. a). Porsche was founded in 1931 by Ferdinand Porsche. In 2009 the company was acquired by Volkswagen group and now it is a part of this company. It had a very small contribution in VW market share in 2013 but in 2014 its individual market share increased which also increased the market share of VW as a whole (Winton, 2014). According to, in 2013 VW was the market leader with its revenue of 197.01 billion Euros followed by BMW which was 76.06 billion Euros (Statista, n.d. c). The contribution of Porsche in VW revenue was about 14.33 billion Euros in 2013 (Statista, n.d. b). Volkswagen majorly focuses on customer satisfaction and quality through introducing innovation and technologies. VW perceives customer satisfaction as the main factor of long-term success (Volkswagen, 2013). According to Forbes, in 2013 VW sold 9.7 million cars and their goal was to
Friday, September 27, 2019
Name As Object Of Self-Identical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Name As Object Of Self-Identical - Essay Example In addition, names are responsible for how we first perceive ourselves. Parents after naming their children interact with them using these names. Names describe a person’s present self and more often than not they help people in forming their own first impressions. Names, whether given by parents or individually chosen are key in developing one’s self-identity. People try to live up or run away from their names. The concept of self-identity, in recent years, has been the subject of many psychological, social and anthropology discussions (Perry, 2002, p4). This essay will analyze the influence a name or names have on the self-identity of a person, culture, organization or country. In anthropology, the term self-identity is usually in the context of ethnic identity. That is the perception of oneself, or self-sameness, in regard to others. Their joint characteristics of language and culture of the group form the group’s identity. Names and identities are peas in a pod. They are similar in nature as people confuse the two quite a lot. Names can refer to identities but they do not dictate an object’s or person’s self-identity. Names, unlike other identifying markers, are not subject to stereotyping. People rarely associate a name with a behavior or reputation; however, the name provides a platform from which a person judges his fellow human. A name, let us say â€Å"John†, quickly resonates with people. From this name, people are able to quickly know your background, compare you to other â€Å"Johns†they know, among other relevant information they have on the name â€Å"John†. These observations summarize the powerful effects a name has on others. After birth, parents spend plenty of time researching and considering the name they will give to their child (Perry, 2002, p5). Several factors are considered when choosing a child’s name as it prepares the child for the future. Parents will give strong names for their boys and feminine names for the boys. Majority of parents will choose names that are not prone to teasing or mocking by other children or people when they grow up.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Enzyme Kinetics Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Enzyme Kinetics - Lab Report Example The results were tabulated, statistically treated and interpreted to reveal that enzymatic activities are affected by changes in temperature, such that as the temperature of the environment where the chemical reaction takes place increase, the chances of the rate of molecular collision increases causing a consistent increase in the production of glucose. The same concept holds true to ph, substrate concentration, and enzyme concentration. Nevertheless, the rate of molecular reaction facilitated by enzymes ceases when enzymes as protein molecules are denatured because of extremes in these factors. But, a supplementary enzyme from an artificially concocted tablet like Lactaid when taken is capable of augmenting enzyme concentration in case the need arises. Plants, animals, and microorganisms body growth and development are products of kinetics in metabolic pathways (Mader, 2001). The kinetics or the speeding-up, or the slowing down of chemical reactions in these metabolic pathways is caused by enzymes (Miller and Levine 2003). Enzymes are commonly known as protein molecules that are preoccupied with control of chemical reactions in the metabolic pathway. ... Since enzymes are included in the process of metabolism, it is said that it also is responsible in producing all the chemicals in living organisms.Additionally, it is also considered as important factor for the fast process of metabolism. But in every process there are different factors that enzymes are conditioned. These determinants greatly contributed for the dynamic process of a living organism's metabolism.There were different laboratory studies conducted which determined that the speeding-up and slowing-down of metabolism are affected by its surroundings changes in temperature, intense shift in pH (high or low), which in turn affects the efficiency of enzymes. Another one is the substrate concentration, wherein this indicates the reaction of enzymes in a given condition, and lastly, the enzyme concentration which indicates the amount of enzymes in the substrates in a chemical reaction. This laboratory study revealed the important role of enzymes to sustain life. It indicated the progress of ones' metabolism with the proper condition of enzymes. There are thousands of enzymes that are known and each of it has their particular work. In every living organism, the metabolism process if very different from one of each other. This will determine the metabolic enzymes that should be evident in for example, digestion. There are thousands of enzymes that are evident and are important in every living organism. One of this is the enzyme lactase. Lactase enzyme is needed for proper digestion of lactose that is evident in dairy products. This typical enzyme is familiarly known to determine the cause and effect of improper digestion in living organisms. As observed, majority of human adults are victims
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Godfather by Mario Puzo, A Comparison of novel and film Essay
The Godfather by Mario Puzo, A Comparison of novel and film - Essay Example There are numerous schools of thought on what made this novel and film appeal to the American public. Some critics are of the view that it was all about the timing. Firstly, Barra (4 & 5) argues that the novel lacked the literary merit to warrant its popularity and goes on to base the novels success on the fact that it was produced at a period when easy-reading books, that he refers to as novelizations, were a hit. However, when it comes to the films, The Godfather and The Godfather Part II were realised in 1972 and 1974, which was a time that the US was experiencing much turmoil and change. Critics attribute the films’ leanings towards the New Left and its exposure of the hypocrisy of institutions of power, such as corruption in the police force and politicians, gave the public what they desired to see and hear. However, the theme that pundits agree on that may have contributed to the success of both the novel and the film was that the story was really about the exper iences of American immigrant families, specifically Sicilian-Americans, adapting to their new environment. Barra (6) states that if we take away the gambling and the murder, the story becomes a straightforward depiction of how Italian-American families were assimilated into American culture. This we believe superseded the notion that it was the film that made the novel famous because historical data shows that the book had already sold millions of copies before the first film was  released in 1972. This common theme therefore is what we believe to be bearing the underlying relevance of the both the novel and the films: assimilation of immigrant families into the American society and its resultant consequences. The original plot and the film adaptations The Godfather novel is set in the 1940s and revolves around the family of a Sicily-American immigrant. Don Vito Corleone, the head of the Corleone family is referred to as the Godfather because he embodies what every man aspires to be. He is strong, powerful, cunning and a loving family man. This is depicted where we see Amerigo Bonasera coming to him to seek justice for his daughter’s rape (Puzo 10) and also by Virgil Sollozo who seeks Vito’s partnership to engage in the lucrative drug peddling business. The Don refuses to take up Sollozo’s offer, which leads the â€Å"Turk†to send assassins to kill the Don. Vito Corleone survives, but needs to stay away from the direct running of the family business. Sonny, his hot-headed son, takes up leadership of the Corleone family, convinces Michael, his younger brother to kill Sollozo and Captain McCluskey in vengeance for his father’s failed assassination attempt. This act results in a full scale war between the five mafia families in New York. The all out mafia war leads to the death of Sonny and Michael’s ascension to the head of the family. Michael initially tries to legitimize the Corleone business empire, but fails. Michael who erstwhile wanted nothing to do with the family business changes into a ruthless Don, who eliminates all the heads of the other mafia families in New York. He later sells all the Corleone property in New York and moves the family to Lake Tahoe, Nevada. In contrast to the novel, the movie is made of three sequels. The Godfather, Part I is the film whose plot most closely resembles the novel’s bar the elimination of several character backstories
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Managing customer and suppliers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Managing customer and suppliers - Assignment Example Place____________________________________________________________7 8. Item ____________________________________________________________7 9. Conclusion _______________________________________________________9 10. References ______________________________________________________10 Impact of the theory of six rights on the construction of the Aquatics Centre for Balfour Beatty Introduction The theory of the six rights clearly states the importance of supplying customer satisfaction by following six basic standards including timely delivery, quality and quantity assurance and price, place and item standardization. All suppliers, manufacturers and service providers try to follow these basic guidelines for success. Background The planning for the 2012 London Olympics have led to great amends and development in the London area and the transformation of the heart of East London by the development of the Olympics village. The total budget of 5254 million pounds was initially allocated for the Olympic Development Association (Sean Dodd, 2010)and Balfour Beatty, the large British infrastructure provider, won the contract for building the 17500 seater Aquatics centre. The company is an imminent infrastructure provider whose key aim is to continue reliable and responsible growth in shareholder value. (Beatty, 2008). Some of the most high profile projects of the company included Arsenal Emirates Stadium and the Terminal 5 of the Heathrow airport. For the aquatics centre, the key requirements of the Olympics had to be fulfilled within a certain time limit and a budget and the strict observation of both of them was essential. The project was to include different training and warming pools, adjustable spectator areas, changing areas and a cafe. Other requirements included the building to be sustainable with as little impact on the environment as well. This is besides the fact that the development and the functioning are expected to be extremely safe and family friendly. Thus di fferent user rights for satisfaction of the Olympians and spectators in particular and the public in general have to be fulfilled. Balfour Beatty has to ensure that these basic rights are not compromised on any occasion during construction and the following functioning. Following of these six rights is not only a stringent requirement of the contract providers but is also essential for the efficiency and increased productivity of Balfour Beatty. Time The time frame of the project is extremely crucial as it is no ordinary airport or building but an event centre being developed for a certain event. Thus it has to be ensured that the project is fully completed well before 2012 and the proposed deadline is 2011. (Balfour Beatty wins 2012 Aquatic centre, 2008). The time limit posed also tests Balfour Beatty's commitment to its projects as it measures its efficiency. The deadline of projection completion in 2011 also prevents any extra costs as late deliveries and late processing always s piral the cost of construction. Timely supply chain management, which is Balfour Beatty's trademark also reduces the cost by increasing the lead time while ordering and the just in time inventory assures that storage costs are further decreased. Thus the project time line if followed suitably will allow the project to be completed well within the proposed budget generating good revenues for the company. The most recent development showed that the Aquatics centre will be completed in 7 months which is almost a year ahead of the schedule.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Greek Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Greek Philosophy - Essay Example Death becomes the path where an individual, depending on his status in life or what he did, would have a funeral suitable to the honor that he is worth. In addition to this, death is also seen as a means of showing power and ambitions of an individual. Greek philosophy was able to provide examples to support these claims and is able to infuse the readers with the symbolisms or of a different perspective about death. On the other hand, as a background of Hinduism as a philosophy it should be mentioned that it lacks a uniting belief system. In other words, Hinduism is actually many beliefs and practices labeled as a single philosophy. Thus, it can well be enumerated that Hinduism is more of a compilation of different conflicting school of thoughts unlike more modern traditional philosophies like Christianity or Islam. Hinduism can be compared to sociological or artistic theories like expressionism or surrealism or for that matter modernism or post modernism. Here the concept of death is wide spread and the general belief states that death is the beginning of the other world. Greek philosophers, like Plato and Aristotle, viewed death in a more practical manner. They considered it as the opposite of life and thus symbol of evil. Plato commented, â€Å"Death is not the worst that can happen to men.†(Plato) Here, though the context is different it is obvious that he indicated that death is ramification of life and that the position of death must be well developed. In a way, the notion of pride and nobility is at stake if the death comes in an inglorious manner. An example would be the observations done on the mourning clothes that were worn during funerals of the Hellenic period by the patricians, where wealthy people would have finer, more elegant mourning clothes. Moreover, death is observed as a means of understanding kinship or relationships between families, including their allegiances and affections. Somehow, the audience or readers would understand or see
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Power of Religion Essay Example for Free
The Power of Religion Essay In a very rapidly evolving economy and society the power of religion, culture and politics are making a major effect on the world that everyone today calls home. The power of religion, culture and politics relate to the post colonial literary lens and can be synced into creating the definition of what the post colonial literary lens means. In the New York Times bestseller written by John Updike titled Terrorist, the post colonial lens is evident throughout the novel as there is a continuous struggle of religion, culture and politics. The power of religion and culture is shown as individuals are willing to risk their lives for their own religion. In the United States of America members of the Muslim religion are not always treated as equally as the average American and this creates a struggle. The effects and struggles are shown throughout the novel from three of the main characters Ahmad Mulloy, Jack Levy and Shaikh Rashid. Ahmad Mulloy is an eighteen year old boy who is about to graduate high school and is strongly influenced by his Muslim religion and background beliefs. Jack Levy is the guidance councilor at the school that Ahmad attends and sees the intelligence in Ahmad when others do not including Ahmad himself. Shaikh Rashid is the leader of the local mosque that Ahmad attends frequently for advice and to pray. Through these three very different characters the post colonial lens is shown in different ways. At the beginning of the novel it is evident that the Muslim religion is not welcomed and appreciated in the American society of Patterson, New Jersey where Ahmad has been raised. Ahmad has a hatred for his mother Teresa Mulloy who raised him from a child, but on the flip side he idolizes his absent father who left Ahmad and his mother when he was only three years old. The power of the Muslim religion on Ahmad is present right from the beginning of the novel as he has sexual impulses towards another girl at his high school named Joryleen. The power of the Muslim religion on Ahmad can be seen when â€Å"Ahmad knows it is a sin to be vulgar towards his own god and that is why his sexual impulses for Joryleen dissipated,†(Updike, 18). Ahmad had sexual impulses towards a fellow schoolmate Joryleen who he had a crush on but God instructed him to repress them as it is a sin to have thoughts like this occupying your head. The power of religion is shown as he forces himself to give up thoughts that make him happy and excites him because it is not welcomed by the God in which he finds himself in the arms of. Moving through the novel Ahmad who is a very intelligent young adult has a desire to be a truck driver as he is convinced that it is a practical skill of good merit. Ahmad is also very frightened by the thoughts that continuing his academic studies in high school will strengthen his occasional religious doubt. While Ahmad is sitting in class his thoughts are doubtful, â€Å"sitting in class listening to his fellow classmates discuss what they are doing on the weekend, he realizes that he is not doing as much to keep up with his religion as he did in the past,†(Updike, 64). Ahmad has been in school and is realizing that the effects of an American public high school is changing his views on his religion and in his mind he believes he is betraying his God and this frightens him. He realizes tha t he needs to get out of school because it is manipulating him into a non-Islamic minded American like all of the others. He decides to drop out of school and become a truck driver and focus more on his religion and practicing the Muslim religion and this is why he begins going to a local mosque frequently. Moving on towards the ending of the novel Ahmad has become a very big believer in the Muslim religion and it is overpowering his thoughts on what is politically right and right in his religion. Ahmad’s involvement in the local mosque that he attends has got him involved in a terrorist plot against American infidels or non-Muslims. Shaikh Rashid who is the leader of the mosque Ahmad visits frequently begins going through the terrorist plot â€Å"Ahmad you will be driving the truck that is going to be used to blow up the Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudson River,†(Updike, 196). Ahmad is willing to risk his life by blowing himself up in the blast of the Lincoln Tunnel for the Muslim religion he believes in and stands so strongly behind. The power and impact of others and God on Ahmad is evident in showing how the power of religion is used and shown in the novel as not many people are willing to go to the extent of killing themselves to prove that they are true to their religion and beliefs. Throughout the novel Ahmad goes from losing his beliefs in the Muslim religion to realizing that his religion is what sets him free from everybody else and it is what he cares so strongly about. Moving throughout the novel and after Ahmad had realized that he needs to put more focus into his Muslim religion he meets a man named Shaikh Rashid. Shaikh is Ahmad’s imam at the local mosque that Ahmad begins to attend and his visits become more frequent as he gets closer to Shaikh. This man worked as Ahmad’s imam and mentor and this kept Ahmad going back and back to the mosque more frequently as he liked to associate himself with Shaikh. A good time in the novel where this is shown is when Ahmad left school to go to the mosque, â€Å"the streets were empty as everybody was in class learning and as Ahmad was about to learn more about himself,†(104). Shaikh was a great mentor for Ahmad and this is shown as he would give up going to school to further his beliefs in the Muslim religion. Shaikh agrees with Ahmad’s decision to give up going to school and focus on his religion because he also agreed that by continuing the opportunity of going to school it wou ld further corrupt his mindset on the Muslim religion. This would occur because Ahmad would have more American based beliefs pushed into his mind every day at the public high school he was enrolled in. Continuing deeper into the novel Shaikh found Ahmad a job with a furniture company called Excellency Home Furnishings and at this point Ahmad began trusting Shaikh more and more as he was helping him move on from high school. Shaikh announced the news to Ahmad about him finding him the job at Excellency Home Furnishings and this lead to Ahmad being more independent and without his mother. Ahmad shows this when he says, â€Å"My mother has tried to strip me down of my true Muslim desires for her own comfort,†(141). Shaikh has made Ahmad believe that his mother was a bad influence on him as it is evident that she did not put any focus into his background and where he came from. Ahmad does not feel the need for his mother anymore and begins being more independent because his mother is the only person in his life and she does not believe in the Muslim religion. To Ahmad this means that it is just him and the people he knows from the mosque now as he sees them as more caring towards him than his own mother. The power of Ahmad’s religion has pushed him right out of his mother’s arms and into the arms of fellow Muslims at the mosque. Shaikh turns out to be a very manipulative person and has mentored Ahmad for his own benefit and the job at the furniture company just turns out to be part of the plan. Shaikh manipulates Ahmad to participate in the terrorist bomb plot to blow up the Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudson River. Shaikh has gotten Ahmad taken over by the Muslim religion and says, â€Å"Already you have lived longer than many martyrs in Iran and Iraq,†(195). Shaikh has used the power of religion to manipulate Ahmad into participating in the terrorist plot and sacrificing his own life. The power of the Muslim religion has taken Ahmad fully over and it had been pressured upon him by Shaikh who is also a strong believer. Ahmad has felt let down by both of his parents and feels as if there is no life left in him; this is his calling to be a true Muslim and to prove that he is a pure believer. Shaikh used the power of religion to get a young adult to sacrifice his life for something that he himself was to coward to do alone. Throughout the novel Shaikh uses the power of religion to manipulate a young adult to do things he never would have done on his own. The power of the Muslim religion is proven when Ahmad follows through on the sacrifice of his life even after he finds out that is was staged. Lastly, the power of religion on Ahmad can also be seen through the interactions with the guidance councilor of the high school where Ahmad was attending. Jack Levy is an American Jew who had abandoned practicing his religion earlier on in his life. Jack in the novel showed that he cared for Ahmad quite a bit after visiting his mother to try and get her support in pushing Ahmad to further educate himself at the college level as he is very intelligent. Jack comes across as a nice and caring guy as he is trying to help Ahmad make the right choice in his life as shown when he goes to talk to his mother Teresa Mulloy â€Å"hello Ms. Mulloy, I am Jack Levy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (176). Jack and Ahmad’s mother both agreed into trying to push Ahmad towards going to college but Ahmad disagreed. He thought about what abandoning his religion got Jack and it got him nowhere, he became one of many Americans who is in an unhealthy marriage and lives every day of his life facing coming home to an o bese wife. To Ahmad he cannot abandon his religion because putting more belief into it has changed who he is and how he does things. He is not risking of getting this happiness and freedom that he sees in the Muslim religion taken from him by going to college. Moving on into the conflict between Jack and Ahmad, each of them learn more about each other and many things come as surprise to both of them. One of the things that Ahmad learns about Jack is that he has been having an affair with his mother for the past three months. Ahmad learns this when Jack tries to have an honest conversation with him and says, â€Å"I have been having an affair with your mother for the last three months,†(213). This is the last string for Ahmad as he sees that Jack abandoning his religion has turned him into a sinner and a cheater as he cheated on his wife. The last thing that Ahmad wants is to turn out like Jack and share the same American non-Islamic beliefs. At this point Jack realizes that what he has just told Ahmad has pushed him further away and his mind more on continuing his religious practice. The power of the Muslim religion on Ahmad has him unwilling to turn into and die a sinner and thus is why he continues in his terrorist plot. Coming towards the end of the novel Ahmad is not looking back and has no regrets. He continues his trek to blow up the Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudson River. Nothing can stop him at this point and this is seen when â€Å"Ahmad while approaching the meeting point in the bomb-laden truck does not see his accomplices,†(274). On the day of the planned terrorist plot Ahmad’s accomplices are not at the planned meeting place but the mission must continue in Ahmad’s mind. Ahmad avoids being arrested by federal agents and continues his suicide mission alone as he has no intentions of turning around. Jack hears about this planned plot and tries to stop Ahmad but is ignored as Ahmad drives past him. At this point for Ahmad it is sacrificing his life because to him it is the right thing to do as his God is telling him to do it. He had two choices to continue the mission or to stop and turn out like the other American non-Islamic people and he did not want to turn out like them. The power of religion upon Ahmad is very evident and Jack Levy is used to show that nobody could stop Ahmad as the power of his beliefs caused him to get involved with criminal activity but it is what the Muslim God wanted for him. Finally, the aspects of the post colonial lens such as the power of religion, culture and politics are very evident in this novel. The power behind the belief in the Muslim religion is shown through Ahmad as the novel progresses and it is evident that no religion should be challenged. The struggle of American non-Islamic citizens on a true believer of the Islamic Muslim religion is seen throughout the novel. Evident characters in the novel that fall victim to these struggles are Ahmad, Shaikh and Jack. Ahmad was the biggest person in the novel that was influenced by the Muslim religion and proves that religion is very powerful as shows the willingness to sacrifice his life for his God. Shaikh is the main person involved in Ahmad’s life as he taught him a lot about himself and motivated him also. Although seen the motivation not always to be a good thing in his mind it was right, he strongly believed that. Jack is the one who saw well in Ahmad but failed to be able to help him because at this point Jack was only fueling Ahmad’s terrorist plot activity. Throughout the novel the power of religion surprises everybody and it is proof that nobody should challenge another person’s beliefs because it is infuriating and this is shown through Ahmad’s activities towards the end of the novel. Works Cited Updike, John. Terrorist. New York: The Random House Publishing Group. 2006. 310.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Born in East LA Essay Example for Free
Born in East LA Essay What do see when you take a look at a Latino? Do you notice what they are wearing? Or how they walk? Or maybe you just jump into a conclusion and stereotype him/her as an illegal immigrant. Throughout the years Latinos have faced many challenges because of their skin color, the way they dress, or because of the way they talk. Many films have shown Latinos as illegal immigrants to show us how the world views them, but a specific film â€Å"Born in East L. A†shows us how even though a Latino can be an American Citizen they still face many racist stereotypes. Even though a Latinos parents or grandparents have immigrated into the United States years ago and have permanent residency in the United States, they can still face push and pull factors that can motivate them to either go back to their country of origin or motivate them into staying in the United States. In this paper I will show how Born in East L. A represents Latinos as illegal immigrants through the techniques of stereotyping, immigration, and push/pull factors. Born in East L. A shows us the story of a Chicano named Rudy (Cheech Marin) is deported after being caught in a police raid at toy factory while looking for his cousin. Because of the police raid Rudy is caught and is deported to Mexico even though he is an American citizen. Rudy tries to explain to the police that he is an American citizen but when is asked to show proof of citizenship he figures out that he does not have his wallet and is forced to stay in Mexico. Even though Rudy is an American citizen but is of Mexican descent, he is stereotyped as an illegal immigrant because of his accent and because of the way he looks. One particular scene in the movie that shows massive stereotyping about Latinos is the scene where the French woman appears walking through the city and is gazed upon all the Latino men. This is an example of stereotyping because the woman represents the sexual desire for a white woman by Latino men (Lizzberry). The woman is being tracked across the city to represent how Latinos chase the American dream and how badly they desire the need to assimilate in America (Lizzberry). Another scene from the film that depicts stereotypes is the scene in which the INS officers raid a toy factory and quickly assume that all the Mexicans working in the factory are illegal. The film shows this stereotype by labeling the INS officers â€Å"La Migra†which is Spanish for immigration officers, and all the workers begin to run out the factory trying to avoid being caught and deported. From that particular scene the audience can already assume that everyone that was working in the toy factory was an illegal immigrant because all the workers were being show cased as illegals because they began to run away from the INS officers. In America immigration has become a major problem over the years causing many states to create their own immigration laws which do not allow illegal immigrants to have jobs, own a house, or own a car without proper documentation. In Born in East L. A we are shown how Mexican immigrants continue to try to cross over the border to the United States by having them run across a hill and avoiding the border patrol agents. The role of immigrants in this movie was to portray how Latinos are being classified as illegal immigrants throughout America because of their skin color and background. Towards the finale of the film Rudy gathers a group of illegal immigrants to help him cross the border by having them all rush down the hills in large groups which end up scaring off the border patrol agents allowing Rudy and the other people to safely cross the border (Fregoso 61) Even though Latinos cross the border into America they still face many challenges that can push them back towards their home countries. One factor that pushes Latinos back in the film is how the film showcases Rudy and all his attempts to try to cross over to the United States but fails many times. By showcasing this people can see why many immigrants suffer to try to cross the border on a daily basis. Even though it is hard to cross the border into America, many immigrants still try to do so because they are being pulled in by the opportunities that await them in America. Another factor that pulls Latinos into this country is the chance to get ahead in society; many immigrants come to America for a better education and high paying jobs that they couldn’t receive back in their countries. In the film we are shown how Rudy is forced to cross over south of the border to Mexico thus showing us how hard it is to cross the border (Fregoso 67). Throughout the movie we are being showed many stereotypes that fall into the Latino category such as being called an illegal immigrant. We are also being showed how immigration can cause Latinos to be deported because of their skin color and we also see how different push/pull factors affect the Latinos. From the film we can tell that many Latinos want to come to America ecause of job opportunities that the Anglos offer because they always end up losing workers because of INS raids. Because of the raids company owners are forced to quickly hire workers who can work at low wages so they are forced to hire Latinos because they view the Latinos as illegal immigrants seeking quick employment for mostly any rate of pay. Since many job opportunities open up for the Latinos they keep crossing over the border on a daily basis to pursue the American Dream and to better their lives.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Ideology and Political Education Development Research
Ideology and Political Education Development Research A study on College Students Ideological and political education from the perspective of system harmony and traditional culture Summary In this paper, we analyze the unique paradigm of ideological and political education, ideological and political education of traditional paradigms no longer meet the growth of university students, by ideological and political education paradigm from Monologue to dialogue conversion, combined with the actual college students, give full play to college students the role of ideological and political education paradigm. The arrival of the era of big data, not only brings opportunities to the ideological and political education of college students, but also posed a serious challenge. Virtual social identity shaken the existing system, a profound impact on the ideological and political education environment, threats Students privacy and how to interpret scientific data become big new issues. Promote ideological and political education work based on large data Mechanism Innovation students, educators to enhance their level of information, to take a scientific means to enhance the ef fectiveness of large data acquisition, based on innovation paradigm of big data, improve the relevant rules and regulations, Big Data Application processing procedures, accurately grasp the ideological trend of dynamic students, sharing complex associated data. From Effectiveness departure ideological and political education, noting that the era of ideological and political education needs paradigm shift, put forward the ideological and political education paradigm shift orientation: Students diversification purposes of ideological and political education, humanity; target specific ideological and political education technology, equalization; ideological and political education of life, flexible technology; ideological and political education means of penetration, interactive. Four aspects of ideological and political education of the people Paradigm conducted a preliminary inquiry, hoping to take this direction to ensure the ideological and political education Paradigm successfully converted. Keywords Students; ideological and political education; paradigm shift; teaching evaluation; orientation Ideological and political education involving teaching paradigm major culvert and Research Paradigm Paradigm these two core level, the traditional ideological and political education paradigm into a monologue instead of focusing on an increasingly prominent theory diehard Lack of Realistic. For ideological and political education of college students real practical results, the building is conducive College Students Growth paradigm of ideological and political education has become essential, which also makes educators actively seek reasonable paradigm ideological and political education has become inevitable. Ideological and political education refers to a certain class, political parties, social groups with certain ideas, political views, ethics, applied to its members purposeful, planned, organized influence, so that they meet certain social formation, a certain class of the social practice needs moral character. Ideological and political education is a relatively independent of the particular system, there are more perfect the basic theory, basic concepts and basic methods, educators to certain ideological and political education and information by means of a certain carrier media, effectively act on the process of college students . Common body in the ideological and political education, some common beliefs or views on the ideological and political educators recognized in the field of education and ideological and political nature of the Institute of Theoretical support, produced a series of ideological and political education ideas and genres, formed the ideological and political diversified Education development Paradigm. Ideological and political education paradigm is that people has occurred in the ideological and political education of views held, general way of thinking and thinking framework, its core is the way of thinking. Thought educators engaged in educational activities, follows the norms, ways of thinking, mode of education, experience and learn from others through examples and so called ideological and political education paradigm, the paradigm ideological and political education mainly with the characteristics of ideological and political education of college students formed unique educational system, it provides tools for the concept of ideological and political education of college students. Construction of ideological and political education paradigm is both ideological and political education of practical reason and call return, but also a reflection on the value of ideological and political education and the integration of scientific rationality. Despite ideological and political education paradigm undisputed facts, but because of the special nature of the ideological and political education, the division of its type paradigm has divergent views. Depending on the standard paradigm of ideological and political education can be divided into different types. According to the different fields of application, the ideological and political education into ideological and political paradigm Education Paradigm and Paradigm. Teaching Paradigm is the path of ideological and political workers in the teaching practice followed, an important factor in the ideological and political education concepts, theories and techniques routes include. Paradigm is the ideological and political education theory researchers to obtain results of a path of thinking, conduct and mode of discourse. According to the status of ideological and political education, the content and methods of three perspectives, ideological and political education models can be classified as instrumental paradigm ideological and political education, ideological and political education knowledge-based paradigm and instill ideological and political education paradigm. Instrumental ideological and political education is an educational paradigm based on the existing ideological and political education in society to define, and the ideological and political education as a tool for countries in need of salvation, contrary to the nature of the ideological and political education, shelter human values ideological and political education paradigm function and meaning of functions. Knowledge-based paradigm of ideological and political education is an educational paradigm in accordance with the content of ideological and political education to define, excessive pursuit of knowledge economy era thirst for knowl edge, ideological and political education lost its essential function of teaching people to learn in life. Type instill ideological and political education paradigm is to educate those who use mechanical, simple way to inject educated fixed values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and behavior required for specific social habits educational paradigm from teaching methods to the existing level of ideological and political education to define the way of education advocating simple infusion method, the object will be placed in the educated, passive acceptance of the status. Based on ideological and political education to understand the nature, it can be divided into ideological and political education paradigm paradigm and text Humanistic Paradigm. Text paradigm is to the book-oriented, policy-oriented policy document from the theory of ideological and political education philosophy and time mode. It is talk about abstract theory while ignoring students practical, pay attention to the text while ignoring students need logic, summed up only heavy books, than to men present. Humanistic Paradigm people-oriented, to meet the reasonable needs of people play human body, promote personal improvement and achieve comprehensive human development as the purpose and the starting point of ideological and political education. Students believe that education is both the object and the subject is education, not only education, guidance, encouragement, and respect, understanding, care and help students grow talent.      At any time, ideological and political education in the ideological field will not disappear, cultivate socialist builders and successors, maintain its existing regime is always the same mission. However, in the ideological and political education course in order to achieve the set goals, we need to take into account the relationship between good individual needs and social needs, adhere to the people-oriented, and only in this way can always get peoples sincere support and cooperation in the implementation process. Marxist ideological and political education science paradigm is to be the times produced, it only emphasizes the social function of ideological and political education, but also take into account the individual features of ideological and political education, new perspective and height to locate the object of ideological and political education scientific and rational handling of the relationship between social needs and the needs of the individual. R ound development of people has become the main theme of ideological and political education. Purpose of ideological and political education in modern society continues to be diversified, humane, this is not a historical regression, on the contrary, ideological and political education of college students is in self-denial and constantly explore new trend of ideological and political education of survival and development.      Affected specific social environment, collectivism, value orientation in all areas of China has been fully developed and carried forward. This tendency to pursue the centrality of collective interests, the collective interests of one-dimensional thinking absolute priority in order to achieve collective interests, to achieve the desired goal of collective, personal interest in a certain range is weakened, or even limit. This situation is reflected in the ideological and political education objects, particularly reflected in the university student body, the college students is abstract, and college students into a passive capital of the people. Anti-Japanese War and the process of socialist construction, it unifies the ideological, college students gather strength, greatly enhancing the capacity-building and the construction of a new socialist enthusiasm of Chinese college students, the history of the mountain had also once appeared Students the countryside, the de velopment of the western region and other boom, visible contribution to the construction of the motherland Students tremendous power. However, with the economic and social development, multiculturalism began life full of college students, college students consciousness continues awakening, significantly enhanced sense of independence, this time should have timely adjustment of the kind of neglect, even limiting ideological and political education of college students individual needs, However, due to the lag of action, combined with ideological and political education for ideological and political education to understand the function of individual weaknesses, so that ideological and political education in modern society has become a university student can not fully reflect the thoughts of college students from reality pure class life. So, the social philosophical paradigm ideological and political education is facing serious challenges in modern society.      Common body in the ideological and political education, some common beliefs or views on the ideological and political educators recognized in the field of education and ideological and political nature of the Institute of Theoretical support, produced a series of ideological and political education ideas and genres, formed the ideological and political diversified Education development Paradigm. A. Meaning Education Paradigm Ideological and political education paradigm is that people has occurred in the ideological and political education of views held, general way of thinking and thinking framework, its core is the way of thinking. Thought educators engaged in educational activities, follows the norms, ways of thinking, mode of education, experience and learn from others through examples and so called ideological and political education paradigm, the paradigm ideological and political education mainly with the characteristics of ideological and political education of college students formed unique educational system, it provides tools for the concept of ideological and political education of college students. Construction of ideological and political education paradigm is both ideological and political education of practical reason and call return, but also a reflection on the value of ideological and political education and the integration of scientific rationality. B. Path Selection Despite ideological and political education paradigm undisputed facts, but because of the special nature of the ideological and political education, the division of its type paradigm has divergent views. Depending on the standard paradigm of ideological and political education can be divided into different types. According to the different fields of application, the ideological and political education into ideological and political education Paradigm Paradigm and Paradigm. Teaching Paradigm is the path of ideological and political workers in the teaching practice followed, an important factor in the ideological and political education concepts, theories and techniques routes include. Paradigm is the ideological and political education theory researchers to obtain results of a path of thinking, conduct and mode of discourse. An educational paradigm, ideological and political education as a tool for countries in need of salvation, contrary to the nature of the ideological and political education, ideological and political education paradigm obscured human value function and meaning of functions. Knowledge-based paradigm of ideological and political education is an educational paradigm in accordance with the content of ideological and political education to define, excessive pursuit of knowledge economy era thirst for knowledge, ideological and political education lost its essential function of teaching people to learn in life. Type instill ideological and political education paradigm is to educate those who use mechanical, simple way to inject educated fixed values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and behavior required for specific social habits educational paradigm from teaching methods to the existing level of ideological and political education to define the way of education advocating simple infusi on method, the object will be placed in the educated, passive acceptance of the status. Based on ideological and political education to understand the nature, it can be divided into ideological and political education paradigm paradigm and text Humanistic Paradigm. Text paradigm is to the book-oriented, policy-oriented policy document from the theory of ideological and political education philosophy and time mode. It is talk about abstract theory while ignoring students practical, pay attention to the text while ignoring students need logic, summed up only heavy books, than to men present. Humanistic Paradigm people-oriented, to meet the reasonable needs of people play human body, promote personal improvement and achieve comprehensive human development as the purpose and the starting point of ideological and political education. Students believe that education is both the object and the subject is education, not only education, guidance, encouragement, and respect, understanding, care and help students grow talent. C. Predicament and Breakthrough Bearing on the ideological and political education paradigm abstract scientific theory, then under the specific educational practice, it is join the ideological and political education theory and practice of ties and bridges. The current lot of ideological and political education paradigm was unable to meet the needs of development of college students, ideological and political education must be based on Marxist epistemology and methodology as a starting point, strive to get rid of the existing paradigm fetters, build a reasonable paradigm, the students of human dignity, freedom, happiness and overall development as the ultimate concern of ideological and political education, students fairness, tolerance, integrity, independence, self-reliance, self-consciousness and ideas. From the ideological and political education paradigm type of view, instrumental only pay attention to ideological and political education paradigm social needs, ignoring the overall development of the people, who put their professional education as a means to earn a living, pay attention to the teaching of the theory of norms preaching, not too much consider the relationship between political theory and the development of students, and students is that learning is the ideological and political theory needs of the country, we need to test, regardless of their own development, not to be combined with their own growth, there is no urgent need to learn, eventually leading to the ideological and political education value lost. Knowledge-based ideological and political education paradigm of the function of ideological and political education is only limited to imparting knowledge level, the ideological and political education equivalent to the intellectual, focusing on students knowledge indoctrination, ignoring the student body characteristics, according to the students knowledge learning logic to arrange teaching, moral education to make educated, humanistic value of training style education, ideological and political education is lost. Instill type of ideological and political education paradigm emphasizes subjectivity body, ignoring subjectivity object, ignoring the object carried by the culture, interests, needs and realities of life factors likely to cause differences in ideals and beliefs of society and college students real desire between educational purposes and human development out of touch, ideological and political education by subjectivity lost. D. Significance of Education Ideological and political education paradigm coupling ideological and political education and ideological and political education community, education is the intermediary between the subject and object of education. Reasonable ideological and political education paradigm, ideological and political education subject and object of education closely linked, so that the subject of education, education and education paradigm object organic education recognize the overall composition. Paradigm has a point to ideological and political education practice features and content, can be thought of education, practice methods lead to a common paradigm-based research who are committed to the same rules and standards in the practice of science. Formation of ideological and political education paradigm established a common belief common body of ideological and political education groups, ways of thinking and common theoretical basis, so that researchers from scattered to integration, relatively close, you can conduct in-depth exchanges of academic community. The researchers thinking, ideas and methods of ideological and political education focused on the existing problems, to keep the achievements that have been made to deepen. Ideological and political education is the ideological and political education paradigm real-world complexity in the method for decomposing the ideological and political education, paradigm, once formed, it will have a strong vitality, when the paradigm can not be used to explain and guide the resolution of the ideological and political education in the field most problems, paradigm shift will occur. Therefore, the current ideological and political education paradigm from monologue to dialogue with the conversion will be the ideological and political education theory and practice to promote the in-depth and in full swing. Big Data era, many privacy protective efficacy have shown a downward trend, whereas the previous privacy protection mechanisms have also been hit hard, for example, in anonymity, blurring and other aspects, its role is gradually reduced, and the new set up for the protection of privacy institutional mechanisms right is also facing many challenges. Fast developed communication technology, social development and structural change and gradually form a network of virtual structure, are showing growing trend change. The newly formed venture is likely to be caused by the use of advanced technological means to prevent and defuse the risk, not only of the existing system is facing greater challenges of identity, and even lead to the acceleration of normal social order into chaos. Thought awareness and value judgments big boost Students wave data from the network for more internet. It is due to the growing diversity of the characteristics of the network information content presented on both the mainstream concept of a strong impact, one-way interaction between the members of society as a guide for both methods produced profound effects sexuality, network development process by showing innovative mode of transmission for both itself has produced a strong challenge stereotyping. To enhance the ideological and political education, ideological and political education workers is an urgent need for large data essence, features in-depth understanding, and thus establish a large data thinking, that is comprehensive, ambiguity, open mind, and ultimately to develop a scientific accurate large data collection, and analysis judged the ability to choose. Big data can threaten the privacy and freedom of college students, exacerbated by its dependence on big data. Related Information Students Internet use is likely to be compromised, even by others or some unscrupulous people to grasp. Meanwhile, college students are actually a lot of information of the data, a dedicated, the corresponding database information system. Therefore, those in the more vulnerable party information university administrators and students will seriously affect the effectiveness of ideological and political education, which seriously threaten student privacy issues. In the data age, social dependence on big data is growing, but the reliability and interpretation of scientific certainty how big data is becoming a challenge in todays society. If the poor quality of the collected data is large, reach the quantification purposes, data analysis, there is bound to highly misleading or even wrong. Standardized data to test the ideological and political quality of college students on a comprehensive assessment of its university set reasonable incentive issues, whether objectively reasonable to highlight the desired quality of teachers? For these problems, data analysis is difficult to ensure the reliability of conclusions. At the same time, gradually to the era of big data transformation process, we can not accurately predict the existence of data between non-objectivity and even misleading, as similar risks if not addressed, will affect the Ideological and Political Education Effectiveness. Advanced information technology to continuously promote ideological and political education and the high degree of integration between information technology, it has become an inevitable choice of ideological and political education of college students study. Opportunity data Ideological and Political Education in the following areas. A. Enhance the comprehensive study Big data can be used to record the ideological and political education of the complete process. Through data integration platform to build, constantly bringing together public data relating to a public network platform and network questionnaire presented, can fully understand the needs of contemporary college students, more personalized service to student growth and success; the original resource data, intermediate outcomes to be three-dimensional applications, so that the ideological trend of college students to highlight the problem and empirical quantification, with a distinct sense of the times and lead, is conducive to strengthening the whole dynamic of research on college students ideological; through the collection of data and large campus induction, both ideological and understand the whole picture, living conditions, concluded that sampling can not be obtained, but also validate previous findings by the full sample data, discover the intrinsic correlation between data to pre dict trends, which has targeted to carry on the thinking and behavior of college students early warning. B. Scientific structure      In the rapid development of information era, microblogging, letter, forum, Baidu Post Bar and BBS and other social media use has become college students space for free speech, mobile phones, tablet PCs and other mobile network terminal equipment, in favor of the Internet to view the information, opinions and participate in the network a hot topic, so in a timely manner crawl structured data and unstructured data, data-oriented, structured process to become a reality. Universities also through the campus network and campus card business and other relatively sophisticated systems have been built up, the gradual accumulation of student data, overall objective and accurate simulation of diversity. C. The depth of excavation      Rich data types between the depth of data mining association offers the possibility, through rapid data calculations can quickly synchronize even reflect the real life world, reflect the students thinking, living, learning situation. Compared to traditional static data, sync data with higher reliability, which overcomes the shortcomings of inference based on experience or intuition. Ideological and political education by restructuring the data, revealing the depth of the problem difficult to deal with the idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹dynamic or unpredictable, is conducive to play a personalized education, easier to promote the health of students, so as to enhance the ideological and political education work effective. D. Scientific research methods      Big Data is changing the existing forms of communication, new media presents a series of distinctive features, such as data, personalization, etc., are at large continue to strengthen the development of the background data, and presents many new changes. Large data-based terminal and new media content hosted, for the audience to provide more detailed information and personalized service. In the field of ideological and political education, through a complex network analysis, large-scale data collection and other scientific methods, significantly enhances the Science of Humanities and Social Sciences Research. E. Analysis on Ideological and Political Education to University Students Big Data Based      How reasonable and lawful access to large data college students, and scientific and effective analysis and Interpretations, ideological and political education workers become urgent to resolve the issue.      The presence of harmful information on the proliferation of network, such as violence, false advertising, pornographic sites, etc., have increasingly become the new network nuisance. How quickly and accurately tease out the information in the complicated wave of the required information has become a major problem. Data mining era of big data needs depth, the complete use of structured, semi-structured and unstructured variety crawler. Data Source is currently working with the Students Ideological closely related, there are four categories: One is the campus Web site, including the campus network, the official micro-Bo, the student network platform, various departments of office automation platform, anti-technology platform and campus security services campus card platform. The main source of such data contains the students academic performance, classroom attendance, borrow books, the campus card consumption, awards, funded situation, employment intentions and oth er individual sample data. The second is social media, such as microblogging, letter, forum, paste it, quiz communities, social networking sites, the main source of such data to reflect public opinion and association between samples society. The third is the search engines, such as Baidu, Google and so on, this kind of data by searching the index highlights major social hotspots and trends. The fourth is the portal, such as Peoples Daily, Xinhua, Sina, Netease, mainly reflecting the social hot and students attention and relevance feedback. F. Data Mining      Better access to useful data, need to determine the so-called keyword parameters on the basis of huge amounts of data collected on. The keyword is just not enough, we also need an interdisciplinary group of experts from fields such as management, computer science and other disciplines. Hadhoop is currently the more popular access to massive data information platform, through this platform, any individual or organization can own needs related to data mining. College authorities can collect various types of structured, semi-structured data is processed through hadhoop platform to educate students to obtain useful information. G. Big Data Analysis      Big data analysis is a huge amount of data to search, compare, clustering, statistical analysis, to explore the correlation between the data to arrive at the appropriate conclusions. Depending on the problem, the use of the ideological and political education, sociology, psychology and other related theories selecting different analytical methods, such as regression analysis, neural network method, and select the appropriate point of observation and quantification procedures. In particular, the use of visualization technology, the data can be converted to describe the state of mind, thinking and behavior of college students in a profound grasp of the development on the basis of ideological and timely manner to dynamic analysis, forecasting and guidance, to explore the ideological development of the law of Students. Conclusion Information collection and analysis process is a key step in the ideological and political education, ideological and political education research paradigm to innovate, and constantly improve the level of quantitative analysis. To this end, efforts need to do the following: First, the resource-rich and data-related departments, media and enterprises to carry out extensive cooperation, with its advantages of large volumes of data, legal compliance dig Students relevant information to formulate and improve ideological and political education policy provide a scientific basis; the second is to create suitable for all levels of ideological and political education work in big data platform, and further work to establish long-term effective mechanism for data collection and analysis process; third is to actively set up an interdisciplinary research group, give full play to the advantages of multi-disciplinary , formation of force; Fourth, identify the starting point and focus thought Stude nts collected information, and effectively improve the timeliness of information analysis, both online and offline from good grasp of the overall state of mind contact with the student population and various events between more emphasis on the accumulation of individual data of students, revealing the depth of individual thinking and behavior situation, and then to carry out personalized, customized educational activities to provide strong support, in order to improve the relevance and effectiveness of different types of ideological and political education.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Epistemology Essay examples -- Philosophy, Hume
â€Å"I have found that such an object has always been attended with such an effect, and I foresee, that other objects, which are, in appearance, similar, will be attended with similar effects†(The Search for Knowledge 74). This foretells that with knowledge, our society may be able to associate a certain aspect/detail with an object, but that does not necessarily mean it will always happen. Therefore, Hume, who starts out as an empiricist, has arrived at the conclusion where an individual may not have knowledge at all, of skeptic doubt. This is explored through the three epistemology questions, the process he did take, and what the reader thinks on the matter. According to Hume, with his process of thought with empiricism, thinks knowledge is possible. He believed that all information about the world comes through experience. The contents of consciousness are what he calls perceptions. [†¦] include our original experiences [impressions] [†¦] sense data [†¦] â€Å"internal†world composed of the contents of our psychological experiences [†¦] also include what he calls ideas, or the contents of our memories and imagination (The Search for Knowledge 69). With this approach to whether knowledge is possible, it is clear that he thinks knowledge is possible through experience; through real experiences, sense data, psychological experiences and ideas. It states that one does not have innate ideas with us such as our senses or emotions, that an individual must experience these actions first in order to recognize what they must be. If one does not experience such actions, they are what he calls ideas, â€Å"the copies of them [impressions]†(The Search for Knowledge 69). He also states that, â€Å"We can deny any matter of fact without falling into... ...external world or the self, we are never certain of anything. Hence, we have no knowledge at all because knowledge is classified as true, justified belief and our ideas and thoughts are not. This is a strong case, and therefore, I believe with his knowledge towards skepticism, but I do not necessarily believe in skepticism. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Hume has answered the three epistemological questions with very strong points; first as an empiricist, who then leads to a skeptic. Overall, the opinion of the reader is satisfied, because even though Hume has a very doubtful thought process of empiricism with the idea of perceptions and ideas, he then breaks down his theory with the fact that this so-called knowledge is the only source of knowledge an individual can possibly have, therefore it is not knowledge. Knowledge is worth nothing unless you can practice it. Epistemology Essay examples -- Philosophy, Hume â€Å"I have found that such an object has always been attended with such an effect, and I foresee, that other objects, which are, in appearance, similar, will be attended with similar effects†(The Search for Knowledge 74). This foretells that with knowledge, our society may be able to associate a certain aspect/detail with an object, but that does not necessarily mean it will always happen. Therefore, Hume, who starts out as an empiricist, has arrived at the conclusion where an individual may not have knowledge at all, of skeptic doubt. This is explored through the three epistemology questions, the process he did take, and what the reader thinks on the matter. According to Hume, with his process of thought with empiricism, thinks knowledge is possible. He believed that all information about the world comes through experience. The contents of consciousness are what he calls perceptions. [†¦] include our original experiences [impressions] [†¦] sense data [†¦] â€Å"internal†world composed of the contents of our psychological experiences [†¦] also include what he calls ideas, or the contents of our memories and imagination (The Search for Knowledge 69). With this approach to whether knowledge is possible, it is clear that he thinks knowledge is possible through experience; through real experiences, sense data, psychological experiences and ideas. It states that one does not have innate ideas with us such as our senses or emotions, that an individual must experience these actions first in order to recognize what they must be. If one does not experience such actions, they are what he calls ideas, â€Å"the copies of them [impressions]†(The Search for Knowledge 69). He also states that, â€Å"We can deny any matter of fact without falling into... ...external world or the self, we are never certain of anything. Hence, we have no knowledge at all because knowledge is classified as true, justified belief and our ideas and thoughts are not. This is a strong case, and therefore, I believe with his knowledge towards skepticism, but I do not necessarily believe in skepticism. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Hume has answered the three epistemological questions with very strong points; first as an empiricist, who then leads to a skeptic. Overall, the opinion of the reader is satisfied, because even though Hume has a very doubtful thought process of empiricism with the idea of perceptions and ideas, he then breaks down his theory with the fact that this so-called knowledge is the only source of knowledge an individual can possibly have, therefore it is not knowledge. Knowledge is worth nothing unless you can practice it.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
I did not get to know many of you. So, I cannot be certain of how you feel, but, as for me, this year has been, by far, the most enjoyable and eye opening one of my high school career. Enjoyable because of the new, interesting friends I've made and of the fun times I've had, and eye opening because of my being forced to look towards the future. Not just day dreaming and imagining about the rest of my life, but finally having to sit down and make some definite decisions concerning it. For me and many of you, colleges have had to be applied for and decided on and scholarships filled out. Some of you have been looking into vocational schools or the military, while others will be going straight into the work force. Whatever your case may be, we've all had one thing in common in that we've been planning for our futures. Since the decisions we make now or soon will impact the rest of our lives, I'd like to take this time to share some advice with you all. The most important advice I believe I can share is to do what you want to do. Don't be pressured into some life career because it's the most respectable or because it would make your family the proudest. Happiness is the greatest goal in life and is self-contained. The happiness of others will not satisfy you in the long run. If your fondest wish is to become an Atlantic Puffin breeder in northern Maine, then go for it. Don't allow anyone or anything to stop you. Also, many of you must fully realize how much time of your life a job will take up. Not just working, but preparing for it and the thought that will go towards it daily. In fact, for most of you, your life will revolve around your job. Where you live, who you see everyday, will mostly be dependent upon the job you choose... ... So, don't think that just because you're not starting college right away or not going to college at all, that you're bound to not get what you want out of life. It takes work, but, if you're determined enough, you can usually achieve your goals. Though you cannot expect to achieve all the goals you set for yourself, don't ever be afraid to at least try. Failure is one of the greatest ways to learn in that although you have failed, the new experiences you have gained while trying to achieve your goal will make you aware of new possibilities and allow you to form new goals for yourself. So remember, don't conform into exactly what society wants you to be. Do what you want to do. And if you don't know what that is already, find out. Don't be afraid to try different things. Be a risk taker. Live your lives for all they're worth because they won't last forever!
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Baoule Tribe of West Africa
Queen Awura (Aura) Pokou governed one branch of the Akan’s mighty Ashanti kingdom, which traveled towards the southeast region of the Ivory Coast during the earlier part of the 18 century (qtd. in Laufer 42). Brought about by a conflict of leadership, wherein she turned down efforts to unite with the Ashanti confederacy in the present day Ghana, Pokou directed her tribe south towards the Komoe River banks. Once she asked the priest regarding the dangerous river crossing the tribe were about to embark on, the priest told her that if she offered a sacrifice, her group can successful cross the river.Pokou then offered her son to be sacrificed, crying out the words â€Å"Baouliâ€â€the child is dead†(qtd. in Laufer 42). From then on, Pokou’s descendants came to be known as the Baoules (Baule or Baol). The group successfully crossed the river and ended the savanna that rests on the opposite side. It was the start of a tribe which inhabited the central region situa ted between the Bandama and Komoe rivers. Ultimately, the Baoules absorbed many of the preexisting tribes of the region. As a result, they grew to be the most powerful and largest tribe of the Ivory Coast.Even if the Baoules lost a great deal of their political influence in the 19th century, they are still the largest tribe of the Ivory Coast to date (Steiner 90; Uwechue 66). The tribe moved westward from Ghana at the time the Asante assumed power some three hundred years ago. The story of how they escaped from such rule lives on in oral traditions. Pokou’s male descendant did not left the place she founded. He is regarded as the nominal king of the Baoule tribe (University of Iowa). The tribe is one of the ethnic groups of West Africa. The Baoules speak Twa (Yakan 227).Their language is a branch of the Kwa. The Kwa is a branch of the Niger-Congo family of African languages. Being an Akan group, the Baoules have tribal affiliations with several groups past the Ivory Coast, pa rticularly the Akan group of Ghana. The Senufo, Guro, Gan, Dida, Ari, Anyi, and Abbe (Abe) tribes are among the Baoules’ neighbors (Yakan 227). Fishing, animal husbandry, and agriculture serve as their principal economic activities (Yakan 227). A chief as well as a council of elders govern every village. Such rulers represent different lineages.Matrilineal lineages are observed in the Baoule culture (Lovejoy 175). A chief or king heads the Baoule tribe’s highly centralized system of government. The position of the chief of king is inherited (Colin 105). Several sub-chiefs manage the local inhabitants under the jurisdiction of the king. All of the chiefs greatly depend on their political advisors assisting them in the decision making process. As a principal mask association, the Goli group is responsible for the social order among the tribe (University of Iowa). Baoule art is presented in different mediums.Among them is figure and mask carving which is heavily influence d by the tribe’s Guro and Senufo neighbors. Other forms of media are wooden sculpture as well as brass and gold casting, resembling the tribes Asante heritage (Steiner 90). Similar to their fellow Africans, the Baoule tribe is famous for their wooden sculptures celebrating their conventional beliefs (Yakan 228). By tradition, the Baoules believe in a world of spirits. Likewise, they believe in the ancestor cult (Yakan 228). The hierarchy of nature gods and worship of their ancestors are incorporated in the religion they practice.Images of spirit spouses as well as nature spirits are normally sculpted. They regard Alouroua as their creator. However, their creator god is in no way physically represented ever since (University of Iowa). Works Cited â€Å"Baule Information. †3 November 1998. University of Iowa. 7 March 2009 . Colin Legum. â€Å"Tribal Survival in the Modern African Political System. †The Passing of Tribal Man in Africa. Ed. Peter C. W. Gutkind. Le iden, The Netherlands: E. J. Brill, 1970, 102-112.Laufer, Guida. Women Rulers Throughout the Ages: An Illustrated Guide. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 1999. Lovejoy, Paul E. Transformation in slavery: A History of Slavery in Africa. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Steiner, Christopher B. African Art in Transit. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Uwechue, Raph. Reflections on the Nigerian Civil War: Facing the Future. British Columbia: Trafford Publishing, 2004. Yakan, Muhammad Z. Almanac of African Peoples & Nations. Edison, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1999.
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