Thursday, October 31, 2019
Law assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Law assignment - Essay Example Ewing is expected to win the case being treated unfairly compared to the other students who also failed in the particular exams. 3. This case would lead to the limitation of the rights of students and the justification of inequalities in educational institutes – potentially in other organizational areas also. Journal Activity 2 1. Lee entered a liquor store for buying cognac. However, he thought he could have it without paying for it or, at least, not for all of it. He took two bottles of cognac from the self but concealed one of them in his pants. The employee saw him and approached him. Then, Lee left both bottles and started to run. However, he was caught by a near-by police officer and was prosecuted for shoplifting. 2. Shoplifting is the criminal offence discussed in this case. The specific crime can be generally characterized as theft; however, its level is different across states, in accordance with the limits set for the value of the goods stolen. Normally, shoplift ing is characterized as a misdemeanor; for goods over the $500, shoplifting is considered as a felony. Shoplifting laws are highly differentiated across states. 3. The effective enforcement of law related to shoplifting, as of other crimes also, could be a means for increasing the sense of safety of citizens in their daily activities. Journal Activity 3 1. Philip Smith brought with him in school a poisonous spider. He locked it in his locker thinking that it could not escape. However, two students opened Philip’s locker, the spider escaped and entered the locker room of Judy Norton. The girl was bitten by the spider and sued Smith for the injury she suffered. 2. Norton can use the personal injury law which entitles the person who suffered the injury the right to ask for compensation for the injury he suffered but also for damages of other types (damages for emotional pain, future medical expenses and so on). Norton is expected to win the case only if she proves that Smith had responsibility for the injury, i.e. that he could have foreseen the danger and that he did not take the necessary measures to avoid it. 3. This case could help to understand clearer the liability for not taking the necessary measures when owning a pet/ animal. Journal Activity 4 1. A divorce case has been brought before a federal district court because the parties involved, Shahnaz and Vasu Harinath, wanted to keep the problem secret – referring to their community. Would the federal district court hear the case? 2. The family law is applied to this case. However, in accordance with the laws on jurisdiction, the federal district courts do not have the power to hear such cases. It is expected that the case will be diverted to a state court. 3. The specific case would be important answering to the following question: are the parties of a law dispute free in choosing the court that will hear their case? Journal Activity 5 1. I agree with the auto dealership. Since there is a mistake in the advertising, which the auto dealership could not control, it would not be fair for his advertisement to be considered as an offer. Also, generally, the courts do not consider advertisements as ‘offer’, refusing the potential of an advertisement to bind the party that made the advertisement (for instance, Partridge v Crittenden 1968). More specifically, in the context of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Meta-Investigation on The Michael Brown Case Essay Example for Free
Meta-Investigation on The Michael Brown Case Essay Block A. A. Terms problem- The teams are not communicating primarily caused by the J. Edgar Hoover Model, page 37, Detective Terms. [This model does not require identifying the investigative building blocks or rules of investigations and assumes that everyone on the team will know them. It can be argued that this is the main cause of most problems in building cases. Further evidence for this lack of communication was the failure to manage the body(Physical Evidence#5) in a timely manner(Block A-Rules of Investigations) No one in the investigation has really known who has jurisdiction over this case. It went from city to county and then state and no one actually preceded to be the 1st in line of action to step up and say, â€Å"Hey, we have it.†One of the influencers in this case was Al Sharpton, basically bringing in the Feds and making it a civil case of racism. The population of Ferguson is 67% black, which has served as a big influence on this case. Case Label Block 1 There are no actual charges yet for this case, because they are still investigating this case in Ferguson, Missouri. The officer had reasonable doubt to ask Michael Brown to get off the road and to get onto the sidewalk. He had the law on his side if he would have frisked the two young guys and possibly arrest one or both of them. The media and Al Sharpton and other Elites are trying to make this out to be a civil case. It almost seems as if Michael basically committed Copicide. The rule of discretion was followed, it seems. The officer followed through at his own discretion instead of calling for backup. Verbal Evidence Block 2 Michael Brown had no most-serious felony convictions or pending cases. Dorian Johnson, witness to Michael Brown getting shot, has been accused of lying in the past upon several occasions. This makes him to be a bad witness for this case, good for the officer’s case though.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Albert Camus The Outsider Meursault
Albert Camus The Outsider Meursault Statement of intent: This assignment is based on Albert Camus The Outsider. One of the classic examples of an existentialist novel, The Outsider tells the story of an unremarkable man, living a simple, bachelor existence in Algeria. He is unmoved by his mothers death, and a day after begins a love affair with Marie Cordona. He soon after becomes involved in a violent murder and is placed on trial. Because of his refusal to lie and give in to societys demands (pretending to feel grief and remorse), he eventually condemns himself and is put to death. In this assignment I wish to convey Marie Cordonas feelings about Meursault and her view of his case. Marie is a simple, uncomplicated girl who enjoys life, appears to fall in love easily, wants to marry Meursault and live a normal life. Though she is slightly shocked when Meursault tells her that his mother died only a day before their meeting at the pool, she does not rethink spending time with him or watching a comedy with him. Like Meursault, Marie takes pleasure in physical contact; she often kisses him and enjoys the act of sex. However, Meursaults affection for Marie is purely physical while her affection for him evokes a deeper sentimental and emotional attachment. At first she doesnt understand Meursaults character and is taken aback by his indifference of love: She asked me if I loved her. I told her that it didnt mean anything but that I didnt think so. She looked sad. When Meursault expresses the same attitude towards marriage, again she is confused However, though she may be disappointed, she never considers ending the relationship or does not rethink her desire to marry him and indeed, throughout the novel I believe she starts to gain an acceptance of his behaviour, an understanding perhaps. Her attraction towards him seems, in fact, to stem from the fact that she is intrigued by his persona, his strange behavior seems to be part of his appeal for her She mumbled that I was peculiar, that that was probably why she loved me but that one day I might disgust her for the very same reason. Marie remains loyal to Meursault when he is arrested and put on trial, she visits him in prison and writes him letters and then testifies in his favor during the court case. She remains faithful and hopeful and imagines a life once Meursault is let out: she was still smilingshe shouted again, Youll get out and well get married! Marie never expresses appall or anger towards Meursault or his actions, she never doubts that he is an innocent man and that the crime he committed does not reflect his true self: Marie burst into tears and said it wasnt like thatshe knew me and I hadnt done anything wrong However, because Marie stays hopeful throughout, she never reaches the understanding Meursault attains at the end. While Meursault realizes and accepts the indifference of the universe, Marie never understands the redemptive value of abandoning hope, and her hope is therefore shattered when Meursault is eventually put to death. For the purpose of this assignment, it has been imagined that there were some sort of funeral proceedings after Meursaults execution. After all, though his strange behaviour remained a mystery to most that surrounded him, many did not judge him and accepted him as he was, knowing that, despite his actions he was not an evil man, nor did he have a criminal mind. By assuming that there were funeral proceedings, a situation is created where a eulogy from the perspective of one of the people of Meursaults close entourage wouldve been spoken out. Marie, having been intimately involved with him and having been one of those who observed and tried to analyse him, seems to be an appropriate choice for this task. A eulogy should be personal; it shares happy memories, tells anecdotes and describes the persons character. It also aims to express the values that were important to the deceased, highlights accomplishments and career or educational merits. The aim of this assignment is therefore to do this from Maries point of view, about Meursault. The eulogy: I once asked Meursault if he loved me. It doesnt mean anything he replied, but I dont think so. One would naturally feel offended by such a response, and I wasat first. But I soon came to understand that this was Meursault. This was Meursault in his all his splendor and it is for this peculiar nature of his that I believe I was attracted to him, loved him even. I first met Meursault when I was working as a typist in the office where he worked. He had always struck me as handsome young man, charming and somewhat mysterious. We had connected and enjoyed each others company. However it was short lived as I soon found a job elsewhere and left the company. I had not seen him for several months when we bumped into each other at the bathing station at the port It is true that I wouldnt have thought for a single moment that his mother had died only a day earlier; we spent a wonderful afternoon swimming and enjoying the sun together, I was happy, he was happy, and we just felt so comfortable around each other that we engaged in a relationship that very day. I was slightly taken aback when he told me his mother had died the day before, and it didnt seem natural that he would he take me out to see a Fernandel film after such an event, but I must admit that I had soon forgotten about it. After all we were both just two young people, enjoying an easy life, a life that, for Meursault, in spite of everything had not really changed. So why were we to deprive ourselves? Meursault was an intelligent man, though not ambitious. He valued his simple yet exotic life, over a wealthier career opportunity in Paris. He enjoyed the simple pleasures in life; lazing on the beach, swimming in the sea, going to cinemas It is always something I loved about spending time with him, I always felt carefree, relaxed, beautiful. I could always be myself around him, he never judged or complained. Ill miss our beach excursions, our romantic nights to the cinema, and our playful adventures in the sea. Meursault was uninterested in grieving death, proposing marriage, loving even. But he had a passion for something I believe to be much more admirable. Honesty was what I valued most in him. He was an honest man, purely and sometimes painfully, and maybe he did not love me in the conventional sense of the word, but he was in love with something much greater, something our society today seems to value less and less; Meursault was stubbornly yet admirably in love with truth. I still remember visiting him at the prison; I was so full of hope and blind determination that when it would all be over, we would be married, and we would go swimming again, we would enjoy life together. Maybe I thought the jury would be able to see the man he really was, the man I knew, and would spare him. Yes, he did kill a man. Yes, he never showed grief for his mothers death. But he was no murderer. He was a criminal only to our societys rules and codes of conduct. Is it wrong not to pretend grief? Not to pretend remorse? Love? In this conventional society yes; pretending and lying would have saved Meursault. But he was true to himself, he refused to be a hypocrite and pretend to emotions he did not feel and for that I believe he cannot be blamed. Unfortunately it is for that reason that he was condemned and that he is no longer here with us today. But I hope that all of you gathered here now, think of him like I do, not as a murderer, not as a criminal, but as a man who, without any heroic pretensions, agreed to give his life for the truth. And for this I believe he deserves our respect and admiration. Meursault, je taime.
Friday, October 25, 2019
What Goes on at the IWC :: IWC Marine Life Whaling Essays
What Goes on at the IWC -------"There Leviathan, Hugest of living creatures, on the deep Stretched like a promontory sleeps or swims, And seems a moving land; and at his gills Draws in, and at his trunk spouts out a sea." Paradise Lost Overexploitation is not limited to land resources alone. Just as our precious terrestrial and coastal habitats are delicate and too easily destroyed, so are the species of the open sea. Whales, some of the biggest and most powerful mammals on earth, are not strong enough to protect themselves from our murderous actions. Since the first few centuries A.D., Japan and Norway have been whaling. The Dutch, British and Americans started a few hundred years ago. In the beginning, small boats and hand-thrown harpoons were used, but as technology advanced to fast motorboats, factory ships (on which whales are hunted for months at a time, killing and processing them at sea) and exploding harpoons, killing ability increased and more whales died. So many more, in fact, that several species have been threatened almost to the point of extinction. The California Gray whale was hunted almost to extinction in the last 1800s, then recovered, was hunted almost to extinction again by factory ships in the 1930s and 1940s, and recovered once more (Bryant). The species has been removed from the endangered species list, but they will be hunted again. The International Whaling Commission (IWC) began regulating whaling in 1946. Regulation consisted of hunting quotas given to member nations, but the quotas were too high and whale populations declined. Many species have been reduced to "commercial extinction" (Doyle) in which they are too rare to be worth hunting, and many local populations have been eliminated. The Northern right whale's numbers are down to 325 in the North Atlantic and only 250 in the North Pacific, and the species is showing no signs of recovery (Bryant). Once blue whales were hunted so that only "about 450 remain [in the Antarctic]. . .two-tenths of one percent of the initial population size" (, the fin whale was targeted, then the sei whale, then the minke and humpback. All were hunted down to a fraction of the original populations. In 1982, the IWC passed an indefinite moratorium on all whale hunting, putting an end to almost all commercial whaling, which, at its peak, meant the death of more than 50,000 whales a year. Some species have responded to this protection with increased numbers, and some have not.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
College Admission Essay: Dance Essay
As I walked through the doors, entering the studio, I set my bag down and took a deep breath that created a moment of relief and peace. As I took my first step onto the dance floor, I knew at that moment my life was going to change and I could just feel the passion that was soon to come. Growing up I had been categorized as the quiet and shy type, afraid to try new things and that first dance class showed how truly insecure I was. After taking a month of classes I began watching videos of dancers and it left me in complete awh. I watched the ballerinas, so graceful but strong, the jazz dancers, sassy and fierce, and the lyrical dancers, full of emotion and laid back. There was something I realized while watching all the different dancers and what they all had in common and that was confidence. No matter the style each dancer was full of confidence and having the intention of not a care of what the audience thought, they danced for them. It was that moment that I knew what I needed to do not to just be a better dancer, but a better person as a whole. Each year I danced I grew more And more as a person, gaining more confidence. But during those six years I found many struggles that helped me shape who I am today. I went through always being placed in the back, never getting the lead role, and worst of all favoritism. When I look back on how much I’ve changed as a person, it’s astonishing. I’ve grown into this person who is hardworking, passionate, and outgoing but, most of all I found the confidence I myself I had been seeking all these years. To think if I had never stepped foot in that dance studio who knows of the person I would have became, probably still that shy innocent girl. Without dance I would not have became the person I am and love being.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Identify the statutory and voluntary agencies who may work together at the scene of an emergency incident Essay
P3 – identify the statutory and voluntary agencies who may work together at the scene of an emergency incident Statutory and voluntary agencies: Statutory agencies are services like the police, fire and ambulance. These will always join an emergency incident. However at some incidents they will be helped by voluntary agencies like: St John Ambulance – St John Ambulance is a charitable organisation staffed by trained volunteers. The organisation responds to hundreds of emergency incidents (including major incidents) such as floods, fires, road traffic collisions and train crashes. The service supports and assists those in need, and is an excellent resource in terms of trained staff, medical aid and emergency vehicles. It can also provide evacuation centres. The St John ambulance has helped the statutory agencies during the floodings 2007 in York. â€Å"Throughout June and July 2007 our volunteers worked tirelessly to help support communities hit by heavy flood waters. We have provided a 24-hour support with volunteers and vehicles in a bid to help people struck by the disaster and set up many rest centres for those evacuated from their homes†. As you can see St John Ambulance makes a huge difference when they help the other emergency services at a major incident as it says above ‘set up many rest centres for those evacuated from their home’. By them doing that they have helped out the police services which saved them plenty of time. British Red Cross – The British Red Cross is a voluntary organisation that provides all sorts of things for example: First Aid, Emergency Response, Heal and Social Care, finding missing family, preparing for disasters and last but not least refugees support. During an incident the organisation can provide emotional support, support with the care of children and pets use of shower and toilet facilities, provision of toiletries, clothing, light refreshments, use of a telephone and last but not least first aid. â€Å"As a leading voluntary organisation for emergency response, the Red Cross has thousands of specially trained volunteers who provide a range of services to people in emergencies, including practical and emotional support and first aid services. The Red Cross also has well-equipped fire and emergency support service (FESS) vehicles which play a vital role in supporting local fire and ambulance services. Before the flooding began, we launched a co-ordinated response to help vulnerable people across areas threatened by flooding in the UK. Our response included: Evacuation, staffing rest centres, support to the statutory services, distribution of emergency provisions, support from across the organisation, supplies and information. The British Red Cross have done a huge favour not only to the public but to the statutory agencies by supporting them on first aid and evacuation ECT. In my opinion without the British Red Cross it would of been ten times harder to solve the major incident, not only that hundreds more of casualties would of died if it weren’t for the British Red cross. Mountain rescue – Mountain rescue, a voluntary service that is train to rescue people who may have an accident it the mountain or lake area where there is limited ways to contact anybody for help. The Mountain Rescue team has supported the statutory agencies during the Grayrigg train crash at 2007. â€Å"Mr Farron, MP for South Lakes, said: â€Å"It’s only fitting that Network Rail’s fine goes to help those who were first to provide assistance on the night. Sadly it is all too true that these wonderful volunteer services do have to hold out a hand for windfalls and without them they could not survive†. As you can see the mountain rescue team was a huge support. It been said above without them they could not survive that proves a point that mountain rescue team is a hard working and organised organisation. Bibliography Bourley, A. (2012, May 24 ). GIVE MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAMS GRAYRIGG FINES CASH, SAYS CUMBRIAN MP. Retrieved october 8, 2013, from newsandstar: Dymond, H. (n.d.). Emergency response. Retrieved 10 8, 2013, from sja: Gray, D. (2010). oublic services level 3 btec nationals book 2. Society, T. B. (2007, august 2). How the UK floods crisis unfolded. Retrieved january 10, 2013, from redcross:
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
To Kill A Mockingbird Essays - To Kill A Mockingbird, Calpurnia
To Kill A Mockingbird Essays - To Kill A Mockingbird, Calpurnia To Kill A Mockingbird Prejudice has caused the pain and suffering of others for many centuries. Some examples of this include the Holocaust and slavery in the United States. In to Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee racism was the cause of much agony to the blacks of a segregated South. Along with blacks, other groups of people are judged unfairly just because of their difference from others. The prejudice and bigotry of society causes the victimization of people with differences. Some who are discriminated against are those who are born differently than the majority. One person that is treated unfairly is Calpurnia, as you can see when Aunt Alexandra tried to get Atticus to fire Calpurnia, because in her eyes, Calpurnia wasn't a good enough female role model (p.136). This is a prejudice action, because Calpurnia is as good as a role model as Aunt Alexandra, if not better. Aunt Alexandra is a bigot and doesn't see the character of Calpurnia, just the color of her skin. Another person who is treated like an inferior is Scout by her teacher, because she knew how to read. "She discovered that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. (p.17)." Scout is treated like it is her fault that she knows more than the average child did. She learned earlier than others so she gets punished unjustly. Tom Robinson is also one who is discriminated by a biased community. Tom is found guilty by the jury in his case against the Ewells (p.211). The guilty verdict is a direct result of a racist community. Tom was never given a fair chance in the trial, even though that the evidence was proving him innocent. People that are born differently often get mistreated and are discriminated against. Another group that is treated poorly in the society based on bigotry, are the people who have chosen to be different. One who chose to be different is Dolphus Raymond. He pretended to be drunk so no one gave him any trouble on the way that he lived his life (p.200). The way a person lives should be there own personal business. He has the right to live differently than others if he feels that is the way he wants to live. Another person that lives differently is Boo Radley. Boo stayed inside his house for a number of years without ever coming out to interact with others. He didn't want attention that would come from the rumors that were said about him. Stories were made up about him and he felt it was best for him to stay inside. The people who chose to be different took a risk of being made outcasts of the majority of the society. The final group that was made to feel different was the group that defended and protected the minorities and the wrongfully treated people. Atticus was a good example of one who defended the different by defending Tom Robinson in his case. Atticus had integrity that gave him the strength to endure the ridicule that arose from his decision to defend a black man in a segregated area. Atticus was threatened and his children were treated poorly by their peers, because he had the courage to stand up for the oppressed. Sheriff Tate defends the different when he says, "I never heard tell that it's against the law for a citizen t do his utmost to prevent a crime from being committed, which is exactly what he did, but maybe you'll say it's my duty to tell the town all about it and not hush it up. (p.276)." Sheriff Tate is trying to protect Boo from the attention that could frighten him. The sheriff is doing the right thing by hiding the truth from the community. By defending the different, people take a chance of being known as strange or inferiors to the rest of the people that they are around. Throughout the story, people that are unlike the majority, get hurt. They are given obstacles that they have to overcome in order to survive. Some people in the world can survive these obstacles, and there are some that just give up. By fighting for your rights, people start to realize that character is the important attribute to a person. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee showed me that the people with differences are not always doing things the wrong way. It is the majority that may be going at it all wrong.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Practice English Using This Dialogue With a Famous Actor
Practice English Using This Dialogue With a Famous Actor Use this interview with a famous actor to practice speaking and pronunciation skills, as well as review important grammar points on tense usage. Read, practice with a partner, and check your understanding of important vocabulary and grammar points. Finally, create a dialog of your own with exercise cues. Interview Part 1: Practice Using the Present Simple and Present Continuous The first part of the dialog concerns daily routines, as well as current activities. Notice that the present simple is used to speak and ask about daily routines: He usually gets up early and goes to the gym.How often do you travel for work?She doesnt work from home. The present continuous is used to speak about what is happening at this specific moment in time, as well as around the current moment in time: Im studying French for a test right now. (at this moment)What are you working on this week? (around current moment)Theyre getting ready to open the new store. (at this moment / around current moment) Interviewer: Thank you for taking some time off from your busy schedule to answer a few questions about your life!Tom: Its my pleasure. Interviewer: Could you tell us about an average day in your life?Tom: Sure, I get up early, at 7 in the morning. Then I have breakfast. After breakfast, I go to the gym. Interviewer: Are you studying anything now?Tom: Yes, Im learning dialog for a new film called The Man About Town. Interviewer: What do you do in the afternoon?Tom: First I have lunch, then I go to the studio and shoot some scenes. Interviewer: Which scene are you working on today?Tom: Im acting out a scene about an angry lover. Interviewer: Thats very interesting. What do you do in the evening?Tom: In the evening, I go home and have dinner and study my scripts. Interviewer: Do you go out at night?Tom: Not always, I like going out at weekends. Interview Part 2: Practice Using the Present Perfect and Future Tenses The second section of the interview focuses on the actors experience from the past to the present. Use the present perfect when speaking about experience over time: Ive visited many countries throughout the world.Hes made more than fifteen documentaries.Shes worked at that position since 1998. The future forms going to and will are used to speak about the future. Notice that going to is used with future plans whereas will is used to predict the future. Im going to visit my uncle next week.Theyre going to open up a new store in Chicago.I think Ill take a vacation in June, but Im not sure.She thinks hell get married soon. Interviewer: Lets talk about your career. How many films have you made?Tom: Thats a hard question. I think Ive made more than 50 films! Interviewer: Wow. Thats a lot! How many years have you been an actor?Tom: Ive been an actor since I was ten years old. In other words, Ive been an actor for twenty years. Interviewer: Thats impressive. Do you have any future projects?Tom: Yes, I do. Im going to focus on making a few documentaries next year. Interviewer: That sounds great. Do you have any plans beyond that?Tom: Well, Im not sure. Maybe I will become a film director, and maybe Ill just retire. Interviewer: Oh, please dont retire! We love your films!Tom: Thats very kind of you. Im sure Ill make a few more films. Interviewer: Thats good to hear. Thank you for the interview.Tom: Thank you. Practice Exercise: Create Your Own Dialogue Use these cues to create your own dialogue with a famous actor. Pay careful attention to the time words and context to help you choose the correct tense. Try to come up with different possibilities. Interviewer: Thank you / interview. Know / busyActor: Welcome / Pleasure Interviewer: work new film?Actor: Yes / act in Sun on My Face this month Interviewer: congratulations. Ask questions about life?Actor: Yes / any question Interviewer: what do after work?Actor: usually relax pool Interviewer: what do today?Actor: have interview today! Interviewer: where go evening?Actor: usually stay home Interviewer: stay home this evening?Actor: no go movies Interviewer: which movie?Actor: not say Example Solution: Interviewer: Thank you for letting me interview you today. I know how busy you are.Actor: Youre welcome. It was a pleasure to meet you. Interviewer: Are you working on a new film these days?Actor: Yes, Im acting in Sun in My Face this month. Its a great film! Interviewer: Congratulations! May I ask you some questions about your life?Actor: Of course you can! I can answer almost any question! Interviewer: Great. So, acting is hard work. What do you like doing after work?Actor: I usually relax at my pool. Interviewer: What are you doing today for relaxation?Actor: Im having an interview today! Interviewer: Thats very funny! Where do you enjoy going in the evening?Actor: I usually just stay home! Im boring! Interviewer: Are you staying home this evening?Actor: No. This evening Im going to the movies. Interviewer: Which movie are you going to?Actor: I cant say. Its a secret! Key Vocabulary take time off stop working in order to do something elseaverage day a normal or typical day in someones lifestudio the room(s) in which a movie is madeshoot some scenes act scenes from a movie for the camerascript the lines the actor needs to speak in a moviecareer your job or work over a long period of timefuture projects work that you will do in the futurefocus on something try to do only one thingdocumentary a type of film about something that happened in real liferetire stop working
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Being Good
Outline Impression defining B person 1 Official impression 2 sense of common sense C paper II history of etiquette old British style B postal family 1 original 2 extended C regulations old-fashioned / unused new wind III type of etiquette common sense aspect B-style 1 social 2 business IV When using A when the appropriate time is B 1 What kind of conditions should be changed 1 Indicator 2 Parallel V vs. Personal opinion Really important thing B Etiquette is a relative reason 1 Correct If you take time to write down the definition of a good meaning in the vocabulary, you might find your answer there. What do you think is the definition of good? It is wonderful if the answer is positive; otherwise, you should find a lesson that you have learned before, which is a belief that you should feel this when you are good It creates. When you realize what you need to do or if you realize that your motivation has disappeared under certain circumstances, please move the change in the right direct ion. This usually means saying no to someone you usually say; it can also mean standing on someone you have never seen before. This is hard work, but it is worth it. I will decide what a good person personally meant to you. Some people think that being a good person is as easy as not hurting other people. But that is not necessarily about what you do, but about what you do for others. Being a good person also includes helping others like other people. You need to decide what you think is a good person. Please select a character model. Having a character model gives you an example of how it corresponds. This person should have the qualities you want to achieve. Think about how you can better embody the quality you admire. Think about how to apply these qualities to work, creative pursuits, personal relationships, meals and lifestyles. The most precious thing I had with my children happened when we volunteered. Being a good parent is part of a good example. It is a good citizen, to re cognize the plight of people in need, respond to it, and show your responsibility through actions. I clearly remember taking my daughter Emily to send clothes and food collected in our community to the low income community in Chicago. I will never forget how she responded to the face of appreciated people accepting donation. Every time delivery is over, I will have breakfast for my dad / daughter at a local coffee shop. So I will talk about when other people will lend my hands and how to hand them over to those who appreciate these items. In addition to providing opportunities to teach feelings, these breakfast experiences are a good combination of moments for us two people.
Friday, October 18, 2019
600 WORD ESSAY QUESTIONS Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
600 WORD QUESTIONS - Essay Example In the Eastern countries, people consider music as a way to develop and grow certain emotional feelings that would bring closer them to their Lord. And, at the same time, they become softer while communicating with humans as well. There is music in all things if men had ears (Byron, n.d).Music finds its history in both parts of the world- Eastern and Western culture. Additionally, music has been a valid component of human history throughout different ages for human growth and development. Various reasons require studying the history of music. First, nowadays, globally, people only hear the news of killings, rape, violence, lawlessness and chaos. Humans in these times do not avail peaceful time. Second, many authors believe that the message of music is to spread peace, and harmony, not violence or hatred. Third, the music has strange but strong power to attach and bring together people belonging to different sect, caste, and color; it has unique attaching frequency, bringing people closer to one other. For example, if we go to a music program, we meet people belonging to different segments of society. On the other hand, if we go into a religious program, we hardly find such diversity. This prelude is based on the legend city of Ys, which was engulfed in the sea. Once in a year, the city was allowed to rise out of the sea as a reminder of city. The prelude starts with the sound of music. And, slowly and gradually, it increases its sound of music, showing something is emerging. Till the point of full emergence, the sound of music keeps maintaining the same rhythm. Then, the sound of music stops for a few moments, giving some feelings that city stays above the sea for a while. And the city of Ys remain above the sea level for a few moments. Slowly and gradually, that sound of music begins to fall, providing a feel that
Trans World Airlines Flight Attendance Case Study
Trans World Airlines Flight Attendance - Case Study Example The strike happened at a time when the airline business was highly competitive (Wallace, n.d.). All airlines were aiming at making huge profit margins. The industry had become deregulated. This case study is a summary of the issues that characterized the strike. It also gives an opinion on the subject supporting it with similar occurrences and common practice. It also makes recommendations on the best way to solve predicaments similar to the one faced by the IFFA and TWA. The recommendations analyze the most favorable solutions to parties embroiled in similar trade disputes. Icahn was faced with the need to cut on costs to bolster TWA’s profits. One way of doing this was by reducing labor costs. It was the easiest way out owing to the fact that other management teams apply it when faced with situations that demand to lower operational costs. Icahn required wage concessions and benefit costs amounting to about 300 million U.S. dollars. This would reduce labor costs and expenses before tax by 20% and 8% respectively. The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) were agreeable. The two groups granted Icahn concessions worth $100 million and $50 million respectively, the consideration being profit sharing and worker stock-ownership plans. Icahn was expected to get the remainder from IFFA (Wallace). ALPA and IAM expected the same. If not, he would have to sell the airline because there were some interested parties. IFFA’s leader, Victoria Frankovich, had her reservations about the wage concessions. This was coupled with Icahn’s demands that the flight attendants would be required to put more hours to increase the airline’s productivity and competitiveness. It was intimated that the airline paid a lot more in wages as compared to other airlines with whom it competed; thus justifying these demands.
A Study of the Predictors of Persistence in Stalking Situations Essay
A Study of the Predictors of Persistence in Stalking Situations - Essay Example The literature review builds up the idea that will lead to searching for the importance of finding which stalkers are more likely to provide important information regarding how clinicians might deal with perpetrators and victims. In other words, the literature review establishes the idea that will link stalking to the creation or formulation of violence in the long run. Aside from the idea of understanding its psychological implications and other relevant-linked ideas, stalking has been viewed a very important concept that calls for more meaningful understanding because of its associated perceived violence. In general, the literature review is therefore establishing the point that will allow the readers to understand the prevailing ideas or research studies that might help them link stalking to the actual creation of violence. In other words, it is much convenient to say that the literature review tries to collect the relevant point of views that might pave the way for showcasing the actual problem statement of the study. The research study’s problem statement is about finding an estimate that will lead to knowing which stalkers are likely to persist longest as this is important to clinicians dealing with both perpetrators and victims. ... Stalking as already stated is associated with violence. This means that understanding things concerning stalking is just a way of being acquainted more to things about its perceived violence. Not everyone who stalks might be harmful or will result to emancipate violence at some point. That is why it is necessary to understand the characteristics of stalkers and their behavior that might be associated with increased persistence. Increased persistence might be viewed to have significant association with violence. For this reason, there is a point of conducting this research study as far as knowing what eventually will lead to violence in the context of stalking is concerned. Violence has been a long-standing problem in the society and a great area of concern within the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is always trying to improve or find some effective means in order to deal this matter effectively. Stalking together with the characteristics of the stalkers is anothe r important issue for consideration, as far as enhancing the justice system remains as a certain goal that requires more effective scientific approach at some certain point. Qualitative data were generated from the target respondents who were patients with stalking offense. These data were acquired based on the authors’ evaluation and therefore will eventually be categorized under the level of subjective judgment. The data were collected from 180 out of the 200 stalkers in the sample. The referral information and police report as collateral information was gathered from the records of the target respondents. Psychological tests and evaluations were further initiated among the respondents in order to record probable manifestations of mental disorder, and other relevant
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11
Analysis - Essay Example Verification of requirements will ensure that people define them correctly. This will imply that they will be of acceptable quality. The institute should ensure that the management effectively revises the various requirements that defective. The management should assign a business analyst the role of ensuring that the requirements are ready for review by customers. They should also ensure that they contain all information that workers require for further work (Carkenord 36). The institute should verify both input and output requires for efficient results to attain efficient results. The main purpose of validate requirements is to ensure that the various requirements support delivery of value to an entity, fulfill its goals, and meet the needs of stakeholders. Brisbane Institute of Art (BIA) should validate requirements to ensure that stakeholders, solution, and transition requirements are in line with the requirements of business. The management should come up with assumptions concerning customers and stakeholders response on the services they offer. This will enable them to acquire vital information concerning the introduction of the unprecedented product or service (Carkenord 42). The institute should define an evaluation criterion that is measurable. The evaluation criteria should show whether the resulting change is successful. This criterion will indicate performance and thus ensuring that one chooses an appropriate criterion. This refers to the value that a solution delivers and which meets the scope of solution. In case a solution does not give either direct or indirect value to stakeholders, then they should eliminate it. There are requirements that have value to stakeholders and not desirable part of a solution. The management of the institution should consider the opportunity cost that would arise in investing in this institution. Opportunity cost is the benefit that one accrues as a
Bernard Arnault And His Duality Pioneering Act Of Lvmh Essay
Bernard Arnault And His Duality Pioneering Act Of Lvmh - Essay Example Global firms have the whole world as its market field that they can offer a wide array of products and services - firms keep growing while others downsize or rightsize. One aspect of globalization is that firms can assign departmental functions, such as marketing, finance, operations, human resource management, and accounting to other firms – this is known as outsourcing. Global firms use many different structural forms in dealing with globalization. They can use the horizontal structure which is made easier with the availability of the internet and Information Technology. It is still possible with the old structure, i.e., the vertical structure where the top echelon of the organization can dictate or take hold of the reins of business even if they are in the other side of the world. Whether we see this as positive or negative, globalization has change the world in terms of commerce and trade and how we see the world in different perspectives.After the world economic downturn, some of Europe’s giant firms have continued to keep watch the playing arena of businesses in terms of acquisitions and mergers. They have turned their eyes on the emerging markets of China, India and other countries of Asia. This is because these emerging markets survived and made remarkable steps during the financial crisis. And this is one of the reasons why Bernard Arnault, who is believed to be Europe’s wealthiest man, has shifted business focus to Asia, particularly the emerging markets of China and India.... This is because these emerging markets survived and made remarkable steps during the financial crisis. And this is one of the reasons why Bernard Arnault, who is believed to be Europe’s wealthiest man, has shifted business focus to Asia, particularly the emerging markets of China and India. Combine these two countries in terms of population, you have approximately one third of the world’s peoples who have the urge and the motivation to buy consumer products. In China, particularly Shanghai, the motivation is on luxury products, which is why Bernard Arnault has his own ambassador there in the person of John Galliano. Arnault has made business trips using his private jet to wherever he wants to promote the latest of his treasured bags and perfumes. He has made instant visits to places as far as Morocco not only to promote but to measure how much profits the company has earned there. 2. Background of Bernard Arnault and LVMH Bernard Arnault is not only Europe’s weal thiest businessman with an estimated worth of $39 billion, he is a multi-talented and product-oriented artist. He has acquired brands from bags to perfume and has made corporate acquisitions one after another. He describes his quest for perfection as a ‘duality’ which should be reinforced immediately with â€Å"timelessness and utmost modernity†. His desire to acquire businesses is not only motivated by finances but by his dream to infuse art on commerce (or commerce on art). And he is doing this because he believes he is doing it for France and the people who patronize LVMH. His modernity and art includes a collection of modern and contemporary art which will soon be housed in a grand museum designed by Frank Gehry, which Arnault has
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
A Study of the Predictors of Persistence in Stalking Situations Essay
A Study of the Predictors of Persistence in Stalking Situations - Essay Example The literature review builds up the idea that will lead to searching for the importance of finding which stalkers are more likely to provide important information regarding how clinicians might deal with perpetrators and victims. In other words, the literature review establishes the idea that will link stalking to the creation or formulation of violence in the long run. Aside from the idea of understanding its psychological implications and other relevant-linked ideas, stalking has been viewed a very important concept that calls for more meaningful understanding because of its associated perceived violence. In general, the literature review is therefore establishing the point that will allow the readers to understand the prevailing ideas or research studies that might help them link stalking to the actual creation of violence. In other words, it is much convenient to say that the literature review tries to collect the relevant point of views that might pave the way for showcasing the actual problem statement of the study. The research study’s problem statement is about finding an estimate that will lead to knowing which stalkers are likely to persist longest as this is important to clinicians dealing with both perpetrators and victims. ... Stalking as already stated is associated with violence. This means that understanding things concerning stalking is just a way of being acquainted more to things about its perceived violence. Not everyone who stalks might be harmful or will result to emancipate violence at some point. That is why it is necessary to understand the characteristics of stalkers and their behavior that might be associated with increased persistence. Increased persistence might be viewed to have significant association with violence. For this reason, there is a point of conducting this research study as far as knowing what eventually will lead to violence in the context of stalking is concerned. Violence has been a long-standing problem in the society and a great area of concern within the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is always trying to improve or find some effective means in order to deal this matter effectively. Stalking together with the characteristics of the stalkers is anothe r important issue for consideration, as far as enhancing the justice system remains as a certain goal that requires more effective scientific approach at some certain point. Qualitative data were generated from the target respondents who were patients with stalking offense. These data were acquired based on the authors’ evaluation and therefore will eventually be categorized under the level of subjective judgment. The data were collected from 180 out of the 200 stalkers in the sample. The referral information and police report as collateral information was gathered from the records of the target respondents. Psychological tests and evaluations were further initiated among the respondents in order to record probable manifestations of mental disorder, and other relevant
Bernard Arnault And His Duality Pioneering Act Of Lvmh Essay
Bernard Arnault And His Duality Pioneering Act Of Lvmh - Essay Example Global firms have the whole world as its market field that they can offer a wide array of products and services - firms keep growing while others downsize or rightsize. One aspect of globalization is that firms can assign departmental functions, such as marketing, finance, operations, human resource management, and accounting to other firms – this is known as outsourcing. Global firms use many different structural forms in dealing with globalization. They can use the horizontal structure which is made easier with the availability of the internet and Information Technology. It is still possible with the old structure, i.e., the vertical structure where the top echelon of the organization can dictate or take hold of the reins of business even if they are in the other side of the world. Whether we see this as positive or negative, globalization has change the world in terms of commerce and trade and how we see the world in different perspectives.After the world economic downturn, some of Europe’s giant firms have continued to keep watch the playing arena of businesses in terms of acquisitions and mergers. They have turned their eyes on the emerging markets of China, India and other countries of Asia. This is because these emerging markets survived and made remarkable steps during the financial crisis. And this is one of the reasons why Bernard Arnault, who is believed to be Europe’s wealthiest man, has shifted business focus to Asia, particularly the emerging markets of China and India.... This is because these emerging markets survived and made remarkable steps during the financial crisis. And this is one of the reasons why Bernard Arnault, who is believed to be Europe’s wealthiest man, has shifted business focus to Asia, particularly the emerging markets of China and India. Combine these two countries in terms of population, you have approximately one third of the world’s peoples who have the urge and the motivation to buy consumer products. In China, particularly Shanghai, the motivation is on luxury products, which is why Bernard Arnault has his own ambassador there in the person of John Galliano. Arnault has made business trips using his private jet to wherever he wants to promote the latest of his treasured bags and perfumes. He has made instant visits to places as far as Morocco not only to promote but to measure how much profits the company has earned there. 2. Background of Bernard Arnault and LVMH Bernard Arnault is not only Europe’s weal thiest businessman with an estimated worth of $39 billion, he is a multi-talented and product-oriented artist. He has acquired brands from bags to perfume and has made corporate acquisitions one after another. He describes his quest for perfection as a ‘duality’ which should be reinforced immediately with â€Å"timelessness and utmost modernity†. His desire to acquire businesses is not only motivated by finances but by his dream to infuse art on commerce (or commerce on art). And he is doing this because he believes he is doing it for France and the people who patronize LVMH. His modernity and art includes a collection of modern and contemporary art which will soon be housed in a grand museum designed by Frank Gehry, which Arnault has
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Environment on Darfur After the Conflict Essay Example for Free
Environment on Darfur After the Conflict Essay The world has experienced a lot of conflicts for quite a long time throughout history. All the time there is a conflict, the damages caused is mostly documented in terms of how many casualties have been reported, and the impact it has caused on the economy. It is however rare to hear people talking on the effects these conflicts can have on the natural environment or which steps have been taken to protect the natural environment from such conflicts. The natural environment for a long time has been a silent victim of the conflicts that occurs either locally or internationally leaving the repercussions to be felt for quite some time. In many cases, the impact the war and other conflicts have been having on the environment has been generally very devastating. There are many pollutants that are released in the environment during the war which can end up affecting the natural resources. On the other hand, there are other natural resources that are depleted during the conflict leaving the environment at a worse position. A major problem is that most of the current conflicts are witnessed in the developing countries which do not have the economic capacity to deal with the environmental problems hence causing a major setback. Africa has had quite long cases of civil wars some which started during the colonial period and still taking place to now. These countries have been mostly been fighting over the borders which were drawn by the colonial powers for their on interests. Most of the wars taking place in Africa are as a cause of fighting for natural resources such as fertile farming land or water. Due to the long history of these civil wars in Africa, it is difficult to know exactly what these conflicts have caused to the environment. However, looking at the rate of the loss of biodiversity in the affected regions, it can be easy to realize how serious the situation has left the damage to the environment. Darfur Conflict and the Impact It Has Caused on the Environment Southern Sudan has witnessed along civil war that has caused many nations through the United Nations body and the African unity to try and broker peace in the region and bring things to the normal situation. The conflict that is being witnessed in the region right now is considered as a war between the different ethnic and tribal lines (IRIN, para 2). The sides that are mostly conflicting are the government’s military and the Janjaweed group. There are other rebel groups that have also made the situation to be worse. The major cause of the war in Sudan has been attributed to fighting for water between the Baggara nomads who moved to the south, a region mostly occupied by the farming communities to search for water. This conflict has led to many casualties being reported throughout. Despite putting in place a government of national unity, and increasing the presence of the African Union Peace keepers, the situation has not improved in any way (Borger, para 2). There have been many reasons given as a source to the Darfur conflict, though the major reasons have been cited to be the increasing population which the current natural resources can not hold, hence making these people to fight for the scarce resources. On the other hand, there have been claims that the conflict is as a result of the Arab dominants intention to wipe out the black Africans. This has even made the United States to refer to this as a form of genocide in the area. Whichever the cause of the war, it has caused so many untold damages. The focus on this conflict has always been the number of people who have died in the region, or the number of those displaced. It is important that people’s life and welfare is put first. This is what has been the major concern of many bodies, organizations and other nations. However, like many other conflicts, little concern has put on what effect this conflict is causing to the environment (AP, para 6). As earlier argued, the war in Sudan was triggered by the environmental problems which led to the communities to fight over scarce resources. It is however a worrying trend that the continued conflict is further endangering the environment that is supposed to support the whole population. The environment has been made worse by this conflict and made the land to become uninhabitable. This means that the tension between the conflicting communities gets to be more intense when it occurs that the natural resources are not going to support all of them as expected (Beyrer, Pizer pp 67). Environmental degradation in Darfur has been on the rise due to the continued conflict. It means that the conflict that started as a result of the environmental problems is being escalated by destroying the environment further. The issues in Sudan over the environment indicate how complex the environmental matters can be in the causing breach to peace. This region has witnessed the decreased cases of traditional methods of environmental management systems, and in some places being disregarded completely. The conflict over resources in Darfur was at a local level but expanded to national level where political and economic marginalization was heightened. Ethnic differences have contributed to making the matters worse to the situation. Therefore, despite having the political and economic factors leading to the problems in Darfur, the major issue surrounds natural resources (de Montesquiou, para 8). The Sudanese Arabs moved to the south to look for pasture for their animals due to the prolonged drought that was experienced in their regions. This led to them conflicting with the black farmers whose land the Arabs were grazing on. The grazing of the animals on the farming land worsened the situation as there was increased soil erosion which made land to be poor for farming. When the black farmers realized that the Khartoum government was indifferent in solving the matter, they rebelled against them. By rebelling, the people started to fight destroying many manmade and natural resources that were on the way (Borger, para 7). When the nomads inhabited the farming areas, they started to cut down the trees. To the farmers, the cut trees were very important as they provided shade for their crops and holding together the soil to avoid erosion. Due to the conflict of interest, these important natural resources were destroyed as they were caught in between the fighting. With no trees cover, the problem of lack of rainfall becomes even heightened, which is a big trouble to both the farmers and the nomads since they cannot be able to get rain that is important for the crops and animals respectively. Due to the bare land caused by the cutting of the trees, it has become harder for the farmers at the refugee camps to go back to their homes as they can not carry out any meaningful activities to such bare lands. With this kind of the situation, it becomes difficult to control human suffering without further harm to the environment (HPN, para 3) Many people have been killed in the conflict while millions of others have been living in the camps after being left homeless. At the camps, the refugees need to be given their basic needs. Water is a very important commodity that no human beings can do without. In fact as argued throughout, the conflict has been surrounding fighting for water resources. Therefore, while at the camps, the refugees have to be provided with water. This has led to the humanitarian organizations to dig boreholes to help the refugees get water. Considering that the land in Darfur is largely dominated by hard rocks, it means that the rains that fall in the short season mostly wash away, hence, the boreholes depends on the underground reserves. Considering the rate at which the reserves are being used, it is tough to imagine the consequences that await the Darfur people when the reserves will finally be depleted. The situation might lead to the refugees being moved to another region that can support them. There are already some areas that have reported the drying up of the boreholes. Apart from water, the refugees also need other resources for their daily work. There have been many trees that have been cut by the refugees near the camps to provide them with firewood. The trees are also cut and used to construct and reinforce the makeshift houses of the refugees. This implies that trees are being used at a higher rate than they are being replaced. There are some refugees who are involved in some economic activities. The common economic activity that the refugees are involved with is making mud bricks. The refugees are involved with this activity mostly because it does not need skilled labor, and the materials are readily available. A lot of water is usually used in the making of the bricks. A lot of water is used considering the dryness on most of the camp soils. Furthermore, since the refugees want to make a lot of money, they try to make as many bricks as possible. The more work they do, the many materials are required. The areas that the soil for making the bricks is dug usually leaves many holes indicating the rate at which the soil is being depleted. The formation of a layer of soil takes many years, however, the refugees depletes many layers in a very short time. It is very bad to notice that the fertile soils that can be used for agricultural production is actually used for the making bricks. These soils can not be replenished in the short run as it is being depleted. In the areas that the refugees remove the soils to make the bricks, they leave the tree roots exposed which contributes to the wilting of the trees (Homer-Dixon, pp 19). Therefore, this still adds the woes the refuges already have. Furthermore, since to make the bricks requires a lot of water, it means that the refugees have to compete on how to use the water for the domestic work and the production of the bricks. In the end, the action contributes to the hastened depletion of the water resources. The bricks cannot be complete if they have not been burnt in the kiln. The kiln requires using a lot of firewood. This means several trees have to be felled to be used in the kiln. One kiln can take as many as 35 trees for the bricks to be ready. This shows the impact this single activity can have on the important natural resources. There have been increased sand dunes in the areas that had once been covered by trees just a few years ago. This is all because of the refugees activities in trying to earn a living. Most of the dams in Sudan are drying and having a lot of sedimentation as a result of deforestation. Many dams have lost their holding capacity due to these reasons (HPN, para 8). Once the war comes to an end as is presupposed, the refugees will have to go back to their homes to start a new life. They will first need to rebuild their damaged homes, which will basically require that they cut more trees to build these homes. Considering the already cut trees in their former homes, there are therefore no trees left behind to cater for their needs. This implies the building materials will have to be sourced somewhere else, which automatically will be increasing the base of the damage to other regions. Having realized the impact the conflict is leading to the refugees affecting the environment, especially on trees, several organizations like the US aid have helped the refugees to design the cooking stoves that uses a completely reduced amount of fuel as a way of the saving the environment. This stoves though taken as a move to save the environment, it has a big impact on the social and cultural life (de Montesquiou, para 11). Since the conflict is between two ethnic groups with two distinct lifestyles, each group undertakes an activity that they think will destroy the other. For instance, the nomads usually graze their animals on the farmers’ crops. This leaves the farmers with nothing as their crops are destroyed by the animals. On the other hand, the farmers on their side burn the grazing lands for the nomads. This is even a worse action to take as it does not only affect the nomads in terms of lacking food, but it affects the farmers themselves in that the burning of the ground destroys the important living organisms that are found in the soil which helps in improving the soil fertility. This means that the soil is left unproductive which will affect both the nomads and the farmers in the long run. Furthermore, the nomads are used to grazing their animals and moving from one region to another after the feeds in that area have reduced. However, due to the conflict, the migration routes for the nomads were blocked by the farmers. This made it impossible for the nomads to move from one region to another with their animals, hence meaning overgrazing in one region. The overgrazed areas will generally have very poor production as there will be increased soil erosion (Homer-Dixon, pp 29). In general, humanitarian issues are usually given much priority over the environment as a short term solution to any crisis. Therefore, whatever actions that are taken by the involved bodies do not give much or even any consideration to the environment. For instance, when the refugee camps are set up, it is aimed at providing security and a better life to the refugees. No consideration is put on what activities the refugees are going to carry out that might affect the environment whether in the long or short run. This is being evidenced by the number of boreholes drying up in various refugee camps (HPN, para 16). There are hundreds of thousands of the Darfur refugees who have been granted asylum in Chad. The Chadian locals are thus forced to compete for the natural resources in their territory with the refugees. Putting in mind the activities the refugees are engaged with, and the major aims of the organization that are associated with the taking care of the refugees which are just humanitarian care, the refugees can have a very big impact on the environment of the host country. The refugees in the camps hopes for someday to go back home. This implies they cannot have long term projects that will help in the development and taking care of the region that has granted them asylum. This might make them to be at loggerheads with the host country and thus be denied the asylum (Gouroukoun, para 7). Furthermore, as the refugees enter the Chadian soil, it is not guaranteed that they have their safety. The Janjaweed have been following the refugees in their camps attacking them. This has also posed danger to the Chadian nationals making them to move closer to where there is security in their country. In essence, the Chadian people are not even free in their own land because of hosting the refugees. As the Chadian moves to the place they feel is more secure, they also cause congestion and constraint to the resources that are supposed to host them. There are many other effects that the conflict has caused to the environment. As the conflict rages on, both sides are heavily armed. The weapons used to attack one group leave a lot of damages to the environment. For instance, there have been many crops, homesteads and the grazing grounds for each group that have been burnt by the opposing group. The oils and chemicals used to burn these properties, and the residue of the burnt products find their ways into the water bodies contaminating them. This on the other hand affects the lives in the water bodies. Furthermore, as the crisis continues, weapons used like bombs have continued to pollute the environment and their effect left in the environment for along time affecting the quality of life. It is very difficult to find crops growing in a region that has experienced a battle field. This is because of the effect that the weapons and chemicals used in the process have on the environment. It is common to find that the areas that had been bombed can not sustain any agricultural activity. It thus means that as the communities fight over the scarce natural resources and keep on destroying them during the fight, it only helps in escalating the problem they are already facing (Homer-Dixon, pp 41). The Janjaweed and the other militias in the Darfur conflict are always in the hideout. Most of the hideouts are in the forests. This implies that they have to depend so much on the forests for their own needs. For instance, they have to cut down the trees to use for fuel, hunt wild animals for food, and all these activities upsets the natural environment settings. There are many regions that used to be occupied by trees and wild animals like the elephants and the antelopes but when looked at now are bare because of the activities that have been taking place in the regions. Conclusion The Darfur crisis has actually been said to have started for over three decades ago. However, it only escalated in 2003 when the current crisis became out of control. The major cause of the war has been attributed to lack of enough natural resources. The problem is that because the fights were due to the protection and the need to acquire more natural resources, it is ironical that the same resources are being destroyed. In essence, this seems to increase the problems already faced. This has created the vicious cycle of the war in the Darfur region. Therefore, unless the concerned bodies look for a way of dealing with the problem of these natural resources, it is not possible to stop this war despite the many peace agreements that might be signed by the leaders of the region. Work Cited AP. Darfur conflict worsens environment, 2007. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http://platform. blogs. com/passionofthepresent/2007/06/darfur-conflict. html. Beyrer, Chris Pizer, Hank. Public Health and Human Rights: Evidence-based Approaches; ISBN 0801886465, JHU Press, 2007. Borger, Julian. Darfur conflict heralds era of wars triggered by climate change, UN report warns, 2007. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http://www. guardian. co. uk/environment/2007/jun/23/sudan. climatechange. de Montesquiou, Alfred. Darfur violence leaves environmental scars, 2007. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/19357602/. IRIN. SUDAN: Climate change only one cause among many for Darfur conflict, 2007. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http://www. globalsecurity. org/military/library/news/2007/06/mil-070628-irin03. htm. Gouroukoun. Chadians Increasingly Feel Impact of Darfur Conflict, 2006. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http://www. voanews. com/english/archive/2006-04/2006-04-21-voa44. cfm. Homer-Dixon, F. Thomas. Environment, Scarcity, and Violence; ISBN 0691089795, Princeton University Press, 2001. HPN. Environmental degradation and conflict in Darfur: implications for peace and recovery, 2008. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http://www. alertnet. org/thenews/newsdesk/HPN/10adb58d76337a4eb2b436c319bf427e. htm.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Marketing Mix For Volkswagen Brand Marketing Essay
Marketing Mix For Volkswagen Brand Marketing Essay The Volkswagen Group is one of the worlds leading automobile manufacturers and the largest carmakers in Europe. Company owns ten car brands from seven European countries : Volkswagen, Audi, SEAT, SKODA, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Scania and MAN. Besides automotive industry, company operates also in financial sector. Every car brand operates as independent unit with unique portfolio. Products are differentiated from low-consumption small cars to luxury one. Commercial vehicle sector offers ranges from pick-ups to buses made by Volkswagen and heavy trucks made by MAN and Scania. Firm has 94 production plants around entire Europe and 8 in the Americas, Africa and Asia. Labour power is estimated to 501,956 workers worldwide and production to 34,500 vehicles every single day. The Volkswagen Group exists in 153 countries so far. TASK 1 A business strategy typically is a document that clearly articulates the direction a business will pursue and the steps it will take to achieve its goals. In a standard business plan, the business strategy results from goals established to support the stated mission of the business. A typical business strategy is developed in three steps: analysis, integration and implementation. In the analysis step of business strategy development, one of several methods is used to analyze a firms market, resources, obstacles to success and specific advantages. The goal of strategic analysis is to identify what a business wants to accomplish, the strengths it can bring to bear on accomplishing the goal and weaknesses that need to be addressed prior to integration and implementation. Strategic assessment methodologies can include evaluating the business environment, gaming various competitive scenarios, determining what market forces are at work and rating competitors, among others. Integrating a business strategy usually is one of many steps in a larger business planning process. A business plan begins with an overall vision. From the vision, a mission statement for the business is constructed, usually the shorter and more precise the better. A mission leads to specific goals the business will achieve to accomplish its mission and that in turn leads to strategy to achieve goals. Specific tactics are usually then developed to support the business strategy. Porters five forces model illustrated in Figure below helps to measure the industrys attractiveness by examining the threat of new competitors and substitutes, the 13 bargaining power of buyers and suppliers and the degree of rivalry between existing competitors. (Porter 1984, 24) Porters five forces emphasizes the external scanning which indicates the opportunities and threats in the markets.(Wheeler Hunger 2006) An opportunity or threat could be events or trends that may affect the company in a positive or negative way when certain strategic actions are followed. (Aaker 1995, 21) These five forces shape the attractiveness of an industry and particularly that the company can make use of these five forces to gain sustainable competitive advantage in the market of competition. This influences the barriers of entry in the industry which includes issue like companys economic size, the product differentiation, demand for capital, and access to supply chain etc. (Porter 1984, 25-48). The first force of the model is the threat of entry of new competitors. This threat decreases the attractiveness of the industry by increasing the level. The industry structure analyses also the threat of substitute products. According to Aaker (1995) substitutes are manufactured by parties identified as competitors but with less concentration on the main industry. And these manufactures have strong 14influence over the profitability of market. The substitutes are able to provide the same requirement as the main competitors. As the substitutes can help a company to improve its price strategy and performance, the customer could choose their product without making any loss in costs. (Porter 1984, 44-46) The bargain power from buyer provide the possibility of the customer to press down price and ask more service which will decrease the profitability of a company and influence the overall business. The characteristics of an industry dominated by customers are through high volume purchase and compared lowest prices. (Porter1984, 46-48) The bargaining power of suppliers exists in markets which are highly concentrated on selling in different segments and customers. The supplier may dominate markets by increase the price level or decrease the products or service quality. The supplier can also affect the profitability of an industry where the cost level cant be covered by increasing prices by using this technique. The suppliers have dominance in the market with opposite circumstance to industry dominated by buyers. (Porter 1984, 49-50) The last element in Porters model is the degree of rivalry between existing competitors. This consists of forms of rivalry such as price competition, new product development, improved customer service and better guarantees. The defending actions against competitors are results of being threatened. The intensity of rivalry is due to various structural factors, such as the number of competitors in an industry, or whether the industry is declining or growing, or companys strategic contributions. (Porter 1984, 38-44) P5F.JPG Figure shows Porters Five Force Model (Porter 1984, 24) Pest analysis stands for Political, Economic, Sociocultural and Technological analysis. It describes a framework of macro-environmental factors for environmental scanning. It is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operation. (Wheelen Hunger 2006, 73-79) Political Volkswagen outsources a great deal of their manufacturing outside the Europe in continents such as Asia, Africa and South America. Due to these countries being considered as booming economies, government may encourage local residents to try minimizing purchasing products from abroad, but instead use locally produced products in order to maintain the situation of the home market and make a higher value of the GDP. However, these or any other legal or political constraints should not be a significant barricade to continue outsourcing and/or sales in foreign markets. In certain countries such as Denmark and Norway car insurance and registration alone can amount to the price of the car itself. These rules and regulations are becoming ever-increasingly popular and pose a threat to sales of cars in other Scandinavian markets and places which seek to follow such a trend. Almost all of the regulations come from consumers increasing concerns for the environment and the concern for safer automobiles. (Highfill, Copus, Smith, 2004) Economic As an advantage to Volkswagen few markets which proved to show a decline in salesmainly in Spain, which proved to show a decline of 16.8 %. Taken as a whole, sales of VW however, were on the increase- despite overall motor industry taking a dive. VW sales increased in W. Europe by 8.6 % improved sales figures. The main brands which contributed to the sales were Audi, Skoda, Bentley and the VW commercial vehicles. Sales of the VW passenger cars, such as the VW Sharan van grow tremendously in regions/ markets such as Central and Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific and North America. The percentage growth of the following markets is as follows: Asia Pacific with 17.4 % North America had a significant growth of 21.4 % Central and Eastern Europe with a larger 29.7 % Although the most part of the growth came from the Central and Eastern European markets, there proved a decline within the Polish market. As the following figures will indicate, the Polish appear to have opted for the more cost-focused car brand, from the Volkswagen Group- the Skoda. This goes to prove that the Polish customers are evidently beginning to become more cost-focused. This is the strategy the Volkswagen Group use, to aim cost-focused clients with the Skoda and for those seeking more luxury at an affordable cost it offers the clients the range from the Volkswagen product portfolio. Social Poland is doing fine during economic crisis compare to other European countries. There are few reasons for this situation. Firstly, it is a big country with huge and cheap labor power. There are almost 40 million of habitants in Poland, so it is attractive market for foreign companies. Secondly, taxation rate is relative low comparing it to for instance Denmark. Finally, location of Poland makes this country competitive. Poland is settled up between Germany and Russia, two powerful markets but in the same time close to Scandinavia due to sea connection. Poles perceive Volkswagen brand as a car maker which produces stable, affordable and reliable cars. It is based on German hard-working spirit and precision, that is why Volkswagen cars are very popular nowadays also in aftermarket. Another advantage of having car from German manufacturer is the slowest ratio of value loss among other automotive companies. (Business in Poland Law, tax and banking, 2006) Technological Volkswagen has 94 production plants worldwide and additional 8 in Americas, Asia and South Africa. There are two production facilities in Poland. One is responsible for making parts for various models, while the other one makes commercial vehicle called Transporter. Main materials that company uses to produce cars are. Company intensively focuses on developing new technologies and innovation to become the most economical and ecological car producer in the world. Directly quoting words of board chairman, Martin Winterkorn it seems that company is aiming for the leader position within automotive industry. Till 2016 we would like to invest 62,4 mld Euro for Research Development to become number one. . Moreover, company aim also for renewable energy sources like water, wind and sun. German car manufacturer brings practical assistance service for example Park Lane, which make car seeking for space and park afterwards. Another example could be a Temporary Auto Pilot which control car under 130 km per hour. Together with Lane Assist car stays on same lane, so driver can do something else in same time. Above sentences proof that Volkswagen is consequently developing new technologies to make cars better, more ecological, more economical, more technology advanced and remaining affordable to every customer. Without doubts firm is one of the most leading if it comes to innovation in industry. (Volkswagen Technology). TASK 2 Inbound logistics: In general automotive industry right now is mainly using materials like steel, plastic, copper etc . By time going and constant innovation process and ecology care make this materials gets slowly substitute by other materials like aluminum, lithium and even cobalt. Volkswagen do not owe any mining subsidiaries therefore is addicted to suppliers. To secure production continuity company has to secure process of getting raw materials. That is why German manufacturer come up with raw materials strategy. This includes IT system called Central Procurement and Treasury System. Operations: An operation is the process of putting raw materials together and producing the final product. In this case Volkswagen operations process takes place in factories that company possesses. There are 94 production facilities in different locations. Company believes in systematic localization so productions plants can handle themselves the value added process. This process of international outsourcing allows reducing currency risks, transport and duties. Outbound logistics: This section focuses on delivering product to the retailers, outlets, stores or DTC. Firstly it is important to state that company has own logistics department called Volkswagen Logistics which deliver products to Volkswagen outlets. As it was stated before different productions facilities produces various parts and models. From those facilities cars are ready to be transported into outlets. Volkswagen Logistics uses mainly road transport and big trucks to transport ready to use products. Marketing and Sales: This section describes pricing, promotion and selling the final product within value chain. Volkswagen makes adverts spots independently. Usually spots describe specific product or new technology invented to the car. They are played on TV stations, Internet websites, YouTube. Social services where Volkswagen exists like Facebook and Twitter allow users to share experiences with Volkswagen brand. It is a great tool to create a relationship or brand loyalty with actual customers and acquire new one. Figure shows a Value Chain SWOT analysis provides the strengths and weaknesses as an internal factor of the company and Opportunities and Threats for the external environment of the company. Any company has to change its strategic planning according to the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis will also help the company to analyze the prospects after the acquisition of a Chinese car company. Strengths Volkswagen has strong position in the Chinese market as it has a long experience in this market. Volkswagen has a strong brand portfolio; a good mix of luxury models are included in its portfolio and German engineering with competitive pricing will make a big difference. Volkswagen has a strong research and development department which continuously works for the improvement in the quality, functionality and environmental compatibility. Volkswagen design team can come up with the customize design which will suit the customers of China. Weakness Poor performance in Africa and North America can be issue for concern for Volkswagen. Operational inefficiency and weaker productivity are other reasons for concern for Volkswagen as it has relatively low employee productivity compared to its competitors. Opportunities There is encouraging rate of growth in the Chinese car market. Chinese car market has reached $98 million in 2008. Market consumption has reached to 7.4 million units in 2008 which is an increase of 17.8% compared to previous year. The volume of market is expected to reach 13 million by year 2013 (Datamonitor, 2010). Threats Increase in the production cost due to the increase in the raw material prices. Increase in the government rules regarding the labor may also increase the prices. Increase in the competition may cause price wars due to which there will be fall in prices. There is enormous growth potential in the automotive industry in China and in the coming few years, various factors will derive the demand. There are enormous growth prospects in Chinas car market, the rate of car ownership is low and financial industry for automobiles is immature. As China is a developing country, its economy is expected to increase rapidly, it is least expected that the car industry will grow in a steady or balanced way. The car registration rate rose in 2002 and 2003 was 63% and 70% which were not sustained and the growth rate was moderate in 2004 with 16% and further modest in 2005. This slowdown of growth coincided with the huge investment in the productive field which led to the decline in the prices. However a utomotive sector recovered very strongly with the growth rate of 30% in 2006 and 24% growth rate in 2007 respectively (Automotive Industry Report, 2009). TASK 3 Marketing Mix for Volkswagen Brand For brand strategy of Volkswagen there is involvement of first P according to marketing mix is Product as described in model. The product in this model is defined as that combination of services and goods sell to the customers by the company or organisation in target market (Armstrong Kotler, 2005). From analysis it is found that product is also a part of Brand name. Design and quality are the main product features that possess variety in them. Here an example can be quoted for a brand of Volkswagen Touareg that has been sold in India comprises of a package of seating, engine, breaks and engine etc. (Volkswagen India, 2009). Hence for product strategy the company is equipped with variety and design in their products including warrant for them which in turn results in good response from the customers and make them satisfied and bring loyalty in them. The second P in this model if marketing mix is price. Price is of a product or service is defined as that amount which is paid by customer to the organisation or company for buying their products or services offered to them (Armstrong Kotler, 2005). While discussing the price strategy it has been found that there are 61 dealership offers high prices for the products to sell in India as compared to their rivals like Honda city and Ford, but there is variation that the company charge interest rate by 4.5 5.0 % instead of other rivals make with 8% or more as a loans given by banks or building societies of other rival car makers. This facility is attributed by the Volkswagen financial Services that aided to support the sales of the company to their customers. There is next P for the marketing mix is Place that is also very crucial in Brand management. The place usually referred to that place where there is availability of products of company to their customers. As in concerned to Volkswagen the company involved in using dealers and distributors for the purpose of the sales of their products. There are two modes for the dealers to get authorised either through franchised or direct ownership of company. For the company their network related to their dealers is very important and is maintained in a proper way because the product of the company are introduced through them to the customers, hence it is very important. In the views of Kotler 2005 the company usually share their losses and profits both with their dealers for purpose to maintain the quality of cost leadership. At present the Volkswagen has fine relationship with their dealers in India and also involve in the dealing of their products with Skoda with 61 leaders (Top News, 2010). The last and fourth one P is Promotion. The promotion has variance in their objectives that has to be achieved in market. The promotion is usually handled with the tool of advertisement. The promotions for customers are added through the advertisement that results in the excitement among them. The aim of promotion is to pull in target consumers. These promotions are based on the scheme of non profit but in turn results in the profit for the company (Bradley, 1993). For example the Volkswagen Company in year 2009 has launched a promotion named Pre Monsoon campaign published by Motor beam, 2009. This promotion is for the purpose to establish the brand of company India. In India the company offered a variety of range of services to their customers and fro this company is getting profit from the promotions of the company brand. Market development According to Reiziger (et al, 2003) when a company took entrance into a new market and launch themselves by introducing existing products this is came to know as the development of market, and the main aim of the company is to lure the customers from the their existing competitors in that exiting market i.e. new market. The company Volkswagen has got the entry into Indian market in 2007 by launching their product Jetta, then after two years in 2009 the company has launched two new cars in market with their existing brand using the brand value in market these cars are ionic beetle and the Touarge sedans (Volkswagen India, 2010). Diversification Again in the views of Reizger (2003) this is the entrance of any new company with having the launch of their new product under its own brand is termed to be diversification. This strategy is commonly recognised as most risky one as there is introduction of two new entities one is market and other one is product. For the Volkswagen diversification is not so risky, as it has already successfully launched a variety of cars in the market with its own brand and in accordance with its brand image and with every brand it has inched higher and created sense of the demand in the market on every launch of new products. Most currently the company has as innovation there are four new car that has gone to be launched in 2012 and these new coming products are SUVW, Couple, Up and Blue Sport (Volkswagen, 2010). CONCLUSION Volkswagen is a successful company with long history and well-known brand name. Firm tries to continue tradition from decade as a people car with putting innovation to it. Such successful company like Volkswagen is can aim for the bigger goals. With power and support of the Volkswagen Group firm has a chance to dominate automotive sector. Carried internal marketing and external marketing audit proofed that it is really hard to find a weakness within company structure. To remain successful on the market company have to use winning strategy. No matter what are the circumstances Volkswagen still have to put additional resources for research and development of the newest technology and maintain current labor power and structures within Human Resource Management. Make their products better and better in order to compete with other automotive companies. And finally deal with long term issues like how to substitute petrol. APPENDIX Figure shows the 1st model of Volkswagen Latest model of volkswagen
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Soliloquy Essays - Analysis of Hamlets Soliloquies :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
Analysis of Hamlet's Soliloquies "To be or not to be--that is the question..." Many people incorrectly interpret those famous words of Hamlet's, not knowing the true meaning or background behind his speech. In his soliloquy, Hamlet contemplates whether or not he should take it upon himself to act accordingly to his uncle's/step-father's crime against his own father. However, later on in the play, Hamlet realizes Fortinbras' resolve and his quest for victory. By witnessing Fortinbras and his actions, Hamlet comes to realize that he has no inner struggle and sees the actions that he must take in order to bring inner peace to himself and avenge his father's murder. In his most famous soliloquy, Hamlet ponders whether he should take action against his "sea of troubles" and seek revenge for his father's death or live with the pain of his father's murder. Hamlet's weakness is later illustrated when he passes up the opportunity to kill Claudius by rationalizing that he has made peace with God, therefore sending him to Heaven if he were to be slain. In addition to his proposal of vengeance, he also contemplates whether it is better to stay alive or commit suicide. "To die, to sleep--/No more--and by a sleep to say we end/The heartache and the thousand natural shocks/That flash is heir to--'tis a consummation/Devoutly to be wished" (III,i,68-71). If he were to sleep, he feels that all his troubles would vanish, and this would not be such a bad thing. However, he says that if he were to sleep, he might have disturbing dreams while in slumber which would be wholly undesirable. Hamlet knows that what he wishes to do to his uncle is sinful an d wrong, but it is this train of thought that leaves him in a state of anxiety. This soliloquy portrays Hamlet as a sort of coward because he can not act upon his own emotions and desires. In order to escape his heartache, he cowardly thinks about killing himself. Nevertheless, Hamlet's resolve makes a dramatic turn by the time he recites his soliloquy of Act IV, Scene iv. In his last soliloquy, it is obvious that Hamlet's state of mind has gone through a metamorphosis. Unlike his "To be or not to be" soliloquy, Hamlet knows how much of a coward he has been and illustrates this in his final soliloquy by comparing himself to Fortinbras. Soliloquy Essays - Analysis of Hamlet's Soliloquies :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays Analysis of Hamlet's Soliloquies "To be or not to be--that is the question..." Many people incorrectly interpret those famous words of Hamlet's, not knowing the true meaning or background behind his speech. In his soliloquy, Hamlet contemplates whether or not he should take it upon himself to act accordingly to his uncle's/step-father's crime against his own father. However, later on in the play, Hamlet realizes Fortinbras' resolve and his quest for victory. By witnessing Fortinbras and his actions, Hamlet comes to realize that he has no inner struggle and sees the actions that he must take in order to bring inner peace to himself and avenge his father's murder. In his most famous soliloquy, Hamlet ponders whether he should take action against his "sea of troubles" and seek revenge for his father's death or live with the pain of his father's murder. Hamlet's weakness is later illustrated when he passes up the opportunity to kill Claudius by rationalizing that he has made peace with God, therefore sending him to Heaven if he were to be slain. In addition to his proposal of vengeance, he also contemplates whether it is better to stay alive or commit suicide. "To die, to sleep--/No more--and by a sleep to say we end/The heartache and the thousand natural shocks/That flash is heir to--'tis a consummation/Devoutly to be wished" (III,i,68-71). If he were to sleep, he feels that all his troubles would vanish, and this would not be such a bad thing. However, he says that if he were to sleep, he might have disturbing dreams while in slumber which would be wholly undesirable. Hamlet knows that what he wishes to do to his uncle is sinful an d wrong, but it is this train of thought that leaves him in a state of anxiety. This soliloquy portrays Hamlet as a sort of coward because he can not act upon his own emotions and desires. In order to escape his heartache, he cowardly thinks about killing himself. Nevertheless, Hamlet's resolve makes a dramatic turn by the time he recites his soliloquy of Act IV, Scene iv. In his last soliloquy, it is obvious that Hamlet's state of mind has gone through a metamorphosis. Unlike his "To be or not to be" soliloquy, Hamlet knows how much of a coward he has been and illustrates this in his final soliloquy by comparing himself to Fortinbras.
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