Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Poisonwood Bible Essay - 1937 Words
Poisonwood Bible Barbara Kingsolver is the author of many well-written pieces of literature including The Poisonwood Bible. This novel explores the beauty and hardships that exist in the Belgian Congo in 1959. Told by the wife and four daughters of a fierce Baptist, Nathan Price, Kingsolver clearly captures the realities this family and mission went through during their move to the Congo. The four daughters were raised in Atlanta Georgia in the 1950’s therefore entering the Congo with preconceived racial beliefs, and a very different way of life than they would soon experience. Throughout The Poisonwood Bible Kingsolver explores the importance and impact of faith, and a religion based on your own private beliefs. Orleanna Price, the†¦show more content†¦As Mathew 6:1 states, â€Å"Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven,†Nathan Price, is very hypocritical as he does his good deeds to be noticed, while Orleanna does them out of faith and moral righteousness. Rachel is the oldest of the four daughters, at 15 years of age, the whiny would-be beauty queen who cares for naught but appearances, can think only of what she misses: the five-day deodorant pads she forgot to bring, flush toilets, machine-washed clothes and other things, as she says with her willful gift for malapropism, that she has taken for granted, the bible and her faith were no where near the top of her list. Her only way of surviving in the Congo was simply to not adapt at all; as she says The way I see Africa, you dont have to like it but you sure have to admit its out there. You have your way of thinking and it has its, and never the train ye shall meet! Thi quote not only applies to her views of the Congo, but also of her views on religion. While growing up with her father, her religion was forced upon her, as for their punishment the children were sentenced to â€Å"the verse†, in which they were required to right out one hundred lines direct from the bible by memory. She doesn’t seem to enjoy the idea of faith, but there is no doubt that she realizes it’sShow MoreRelatedThe Poisonwood Bible2189 Words  | 9 Pagesin the Congo. These countries may have not been aware of their influence at the time, but the outcome nonetheless was drastic. Cultural misunderstandings were the ultimate catalyst for the Congo’s destruction. In Barbara Kingsolver’s novel The Poisonwood Bible published in 1998 she exposes how cultural ignorance creates problems. With her chosen syntax, point of view, and time gap of each narrator Kingsolver exposes how close mindedness creates unfulfilled results because individuals can not adaptRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poisonwood Bible1093 Words  | 5 PagesTitle of Work: â€Å"The Poisonwood Bible†Author: Barbara Kingsolver. Date of Publication: 1998. Genre: Historical Fiction. Writing Style: five narrators to show different perspectives of the events that occur. Orleanna creates vivid images of her past and uses descriptive language, Rachel talks informally, Leah uses a lot of dialogue and is informed, Adah uses palindromes, has a sarcastic tone, uses descriptive language as well, and Ruth May’s style is simple and playful. Point of View(s): first-personRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible, And The Movie1399 Words  | 6 Pagesadversity which are sacrifices. In this independent study unit, Barbara Kingsolver’s novel, The Poisonwood Bible, and the movie â€Å"In America,†demonstrates the difficulties of being an immigrant as a result of different cultures, fear and frustration, and starting a new life. Both the book and movie shows newly immigrants confronting adversities of adapting to a new, unfamiliar culture. In Poisonwood Bible, not being accustomed to the culture in Congo, this surprises the Price family, as Rachel PriceRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By. Kingsolver Essay1369 Words  | 6 PagesThe theme of â€Å"The Poisonwood Bible,†starts with the cultural selfishness of the Cogeneses people toward the western power. Most of the perspective of novel turns to feminist of four Price daughters and their mother. In the novel people of the Kilanga wants to adopt a religion which will protect them from natural disaster and starvation. Nathan Price wants to change the ancient tradition values of Congo with his own beliefs of worshiping the god. This part of Africa is ruled by the Western PowersRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible Analysis903 Words  | 4 Pages as it is idealized in the western world, it is in different forms than what westerners are used too, but unwillingl y, individuals are forced into the westerns way of teaching, compelling them to believe it can fix all their problems. In The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver criticizes the way religion affects an individual’s arrogance, political stance, and guilt, due to a belief that religion can fix dilemmas, and this conflicts the main characters and their own beliefs. In this novel, the PriceRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poisonwood Bible1548 Words  | 7 Pages Barbara Kingsolver s novel The Poisonwood Bible captures a white southern families struggles through cultural collision and avid yet destructive faith. Kingsolver utilizes personal narratives to highlight the effect of western presence in Africa, not only pertaining to the natives but to the intrusive westerners themselves. The Price women display an array of different reactions to their quest in the Congo each character contributes a different perspective which furthers the plot. Leah PriceRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1241 Words  | 5 Pagesessentially every past and present known society, women have not been treated as the full equals of men. A woman s main value is to support a man, bear children, and housekeeping duties. This is how it has always been in most cultures. The novel, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, shows the paternalistic society in which the Price family lives in. In 1959 an obstinate Baptist minister named Nathan Pr ice drags his wife and four daughters deep into the heart of the Congo on a mission to save the unenlightenedRead MoreSummary Of The Poisonwood Bible 1318 Words  | 6 PagesAP Literature and Composition Summer Reading Assignment The Poisonwood Bible Analyzed by: Shraddha Patel contents: 6 essays â€Å" Imagine a ruin so strange it must never have happened First, picture the forest. I want you to be its conscience, the eyes in the trees.†The effect of the above directive on the reader is that it takes us into the world that is so disparate from anything that we, the reader, could have ever imagined. It propels the reader to continue reading and disclose the mysteryRead MoreKingsolver s The Poisonwood Bible1161 Words  | 5 PagesBarbara Kingsolver’s novel, The Poisonwood Bible, is about a missionary family, the Prices, who move from Bethlehem, Georgia to a small village in the Congo. They choose to move during a time when there is great upheaval about to happen in the region. The reader learns about their trials and tribulations of life in the Congo through the five Price females, who talk about the events from their own the points of view. In the beginning, I thought I would not like this book; however I found that I hadRead MoreTheme Of Change In The Poisonwood Bible867 Words  | 4 PagesThe Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, there are many changes that the Price family experiences. At the start of the book this change relies on the influence of a change in location has on the family, but as the book progresses this change reflects more on the change of the values that each woman of the family faces. Throughout the novel, the idea that change can force one to adjust their outlook is reinforced by the changing of narrators. The changing of narrators in The Poisonwood Bible allows
Monday, December 23, 2019
censorhf The Banning of Huckleberry Finn Essay - 804 Words
No Justification for the Banning of Huckleberry Finn nbsp; Columnist James J. Kilpatrick wrote that Huck Finn is a fun book for white boys to read. For black children, I have come to realize, it is a brutal slap in the face.nbsp; He condemns the book because of its use of the word nigger.nbsp; Many school districts have banned this book for the same reason.nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; Since the Civil War, racism has been a very delicate issue with the American public.nbsp; Whereas some people have tried to transgress this issue, pretending that race no longer plays a significant role in our country, other people still believe that there are serious racial dilemmas in the United States.nbsp; I am one these people.nbsp;†¦show more content†¦history, these schools are ignoring the racial sentiments of this time period simply because the language in Huck Finn may not be appropriate.nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; In addition, reading this novel hopefully invokes in people a sense of shame for the mistakes of our ancestors.nbsp; Though the novel’s language may offend some, it is Africans Americans and Caucasians alike who are offended.nbsp; Nobody likes to look at the word nigger nor hear it used, however, we must accept that this word was at one time considered appropriate language.nbsp; Reading the novel, I was repulsed by this word and my stomach churned as I read about the ignorance and hate stored within the hearts of characters.nbsp; However, I enjoyed reading this novel and gained a new perspective of life prior to the Civil War.nbsp; I think that when schools ban the novel Huck Finn from their curriculum that they are in effect failing their students.nbsp; Huck Finn is an excellent piece of literature, rich with history, description, and unique perspectives.nbsp; By not allowing
Sunday, December 15, 2019
African Trade Routes Free Essays
African’s were among the richest of people back in the 1000’s. Effects of trade brought cities to faster than they rise. Great civilizations from Ghana to Zimbabwe both flourished but, had their tragic end. We will write a custom essay sample on African Trade Routes or any similar topic only for you Order Now But, it provided them with a lot of things such as gold, salt slaves etc. People introduced camels to the desert in 200 a. d. Merchants primarily used them for trade to the Empires in the middle of the desert. They traded things such as gold, ivory, ostrich feathers, animal hides, and slaves. According to document 5 â€Å"The salt trade made the city prosperous; in Africa, salt ranked with gold and slaves in value. For Merchants to risk camels over hundreds of miles of burning sand, the profits must have been enormous†(22). This means that merchants traveled to cities in the desert to make mounds of cash. This trade route was the â€Å"trans-Saharan trade’ which they used camels to travel across. Because, Of the Saharan trade routes many cities like Ghana rose and prospered. It also bought new crops from south and Southeast Asia such as, sugarcane, coconuts, bananas, asian rice, and vegetables. Another effect is slavery; they used slaves to break up the salt so it could be traded. Also trading had a major effect on Islam. According to document 8 â€Å" The leaders became integrated into African societies by playing religious,social,and political roles similar to those of traditional priests†(447). This means Muslim leaders kind of move in and just sprinkled their religion around until people caught on. And by learning this new religion it opened doors for even more trading by them eventually learning their language. Ghana soon began to fall, people who were under their control fought for the control of the lucrative trade. Mali was established in 1235 by Sundiata. Male became rich off of the Saharan trade routes. King Moses controlled Gao and Timbuktu his power extended also to the Taghaza salt mines. According to document 9 â€Å" They put their children in chains if they show any backwardness in memorizing it, and they are not set free until they have it by heart†(304). It basically means that the power that they had over other people also were towards their children which shows they had a lot of money. According to document 6 â€Å"The inhabitants are very rich, especially the strangers who have settled in the country; so much so that the current king has given two of the daughters in marriage of two brothers both businessmen, on account of their wealth†(112). This means that he cared so much about their money that he ensured they will never lose it. According to document 1 â€Å"Salt is so common, so easy to obtain and so inexpensive that we have forgotten that from the beginning of civilization until about 100 years ago†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Kurlanksy). It shows you that people that wanted salt had to pay and work endlessly until they finally got what they needed. Now all you have to do is pick it up at a store; no effort is needed. According to document 3 â€Å"Behind the King stood ten pages holding shields and swords decorated with gold. †(45). As you can see there was a surplus of gold so they just dressed in it not all How to cite African Trade Routes, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Career As Accounting Manager At Coca Cola †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Career As Accounting Manager At Coca Cola? Answer: Introduction: It is important to choose a career where an individual has interest in and has the confidence to prosper. A lady who is much inclined towards being HR would never succeed in sales or in financial matters of the company. It is important to start planning early and attain the degree that would help that individual get into that field of job where it is relevant. An individuals knowledge and skill plays an important role in determining the sector he would in all probability be working in future. This paper would take into account the things that an individual requires to perform in being accounting manager and the ways he can be successful in it. The significance of accounting manager is immense to the organizational success. He is the person who is liable for the planning, organizing, staffing and coordinating the overall activities related to financial matters of a company. The critical magnitude of the accounting function, the accounting manager engages an important location in the management hierarchy of the accounting association. However, the position and the influence of the accounting manager mainly depend on the dimension of the organization (Johnston Marshall, 2016). In smaller organizations, the general finance manager achieves the utility of the accounting manager. In most of the big and medium sized organizations, the accounting manager presupposes the role of the administrator for offering standardized directions and gearshifts for the successful implementation of the financial plan. A financial manager is generally employed by the top management officials and is accountable to them. In bigger organizations, fi nance managers are being hired for carrying out the necessary duties and responsibilities in efficient manner (Dmitrieva et al., 2014). Even though they are being known by diverse implications like the sales executive, director of sales, marketing manager, and the sales manager is stated to be the directing and dynamic force within the sales department. The effective performance of the department of sales mainly depends on the proficient leadership of the manager of sales (Dimon, 2013). The finance manager works under diversified work condition, stressful and requiring to handle extreme situations most of the times. Finance or Accounting managers need to acquire the results from the tem they deal with. The standout factor for the accounting managers has always been their ability in being able to work under pressure. They have to maintain the positive attitude and fervor even the team is going through a rough phase and the going is tough. The finance manager would be accountable for the maintenance of the accounting principles along with the developing of the same, practices and processes for ensuring exact and appropriate financial statements (Venter, Wright Dibb, 2015). Finance manager are in the habit of working in various industries in which they escort a the financial matters of the company. A degree of bachelor might prove to be sufficient for this particular job, but employers appear to favor a degree in masters- usually the one that is relevant to their industry. Other things that employers take into account are the result oriented experience of the one applying for the position (Bolander, Bonney Satornino, 2014). A person should have strong interpersonal skills along with outstanding written and verbal communication skill, analytical skills. He should also have the aptitude of multi-tasking, meeting deadlines when required along with customer service skills. Employers also look for persons having familiarity with the analysis of data and reporting of the same. More than anything else, a positive attitude is what is required in finance managers (Tavitiyaman, Weerakit Ryan, 2014). The indispensable skills required for the accounting manager are commercial awareness, well-acquainted with the technology, collaboration, information delivery and setting up of an example. For having general skills in business, along with proper knowledge and understanding of the ways organizations and industries have been working on whole. The accounting manager needs to understand the ways the business is being run. For the technological aspect, it is not only limited to reporting of the MS Excel or software, but also being able to recommend technology for automating the process that have been conventionally done manually. An accounting manager if has the ability to speed up the operations while dealing with quality, it adds real value to the organization (Fischer Karlan, 2015). A finance manager should be able to showcase the skills of a team player while working within his team or teaming up with his seniors. An accounting manager should be able to collect data in quick manner and in most accurate of ways, one should be able to convey discerning information to the audience it is proposed for. This is significant while delivering reports to the top management. The accounting manager should also be able to encourage and motivate others about the significance of the financial pedals and processes. The traits required by the accounting manager are the teamwork, management, communication, accuracy and efficiency. Accounting supervisors should be having good analytical skills, with the ability to construe financial data and making recommendations based on the data. Accounting managers do need good sense of controlling things. Their quick identification of the probable issues in things like cash flow or budget overturns could risk the financial position of the company. (Tsou Hsu, 2015). A great accounting manager would always be enthusiastic in helping others succeed, enjoying the time they invest in others and the desire to teach them. For self-awareness, an accounting manager should have the aptitude in unpacking their process of financing and having a deeper understanding of the things that work and what does not. The employment of sales managers are projected to grow by 3 per cent from the period ranging from 2017 to 2024, as fast as the other occupations average. The growth of their employment would mostly depend on the intensification or narrowing of the industries that have been employing them. As per May 2017, the average annual wage for the accounting managers has been $ 108,980. This section would be dealing with a specified employer and that employer5 has been taken as Coca Cola. Coca Cola is a big company and presents opportunities for sales managers to showcase their skills and talents. Coca Cola is a multinational beverage company and the producer and retailer of non-alcoholic beverage. It is a company that has its existence everywhere on the planet. Its size can be well recognized with the US $87.280 billion it has been holding as per 2016 along with the net income of US $6.527 billion. This company cropped up in 1886, when a man by the name of Dr. John S. Pembertons curiosity led him in creating a idiosyncratic tasting softer drink to be sold at the soda fountains. The company since then has come a long way to be the global leader in the section of beverage and non-alcoholic drinks. The global nature of the business system of Coca Cola has the maximum principles and processes in ensuring dependable quality across the entire value chain of the company. Coca cola believes in delivering safer, refreshing and higher quality beverages and thrives hard in meeting the correct standards of product quality and safety (coca-colacompany.com, 2017). For attaining regular quality and safety, Coca cola has strong practices of governance in place and work diligently in ensuring conformity with appropriate regulations and standards. The Coca Cola Company realizes the fact that the divisional arrangement provides the organization with best prospect in reacting to the alterations in its unsure environment, but also facilitating it in maintaining the stability level. The multidivisional structure is valuable for the organization for different reasons. The division is mainly based on the geographic regions facilitating certain features of the operations of the company to be modified within an individual market. Markets are different and the multidivisional structure facilitates the divisional managers in handling regular operations while the corporate managers are free in focusing on the planning of long-term. However there are certain issues with this structure. If the company ahs been creating divisional completion, coordination in all likelihood would decrease as each of the division would want to have a benefit over everyone else. Communication issues might also exist as information might be indistinct when it i s being required to travel up and down in high hierarchies (Roderick, 2017). Coca Colas culture is primarily focused on seven core values which are passion, leadership, integrity, diversity, collaboration, accountability and quality. At Coca Cola they believe in refreshing the world in body, mind, and inspiring the moments of buoyancy, creating values and making a disparity. Coca Colas diversity workplace policy takes into account the programs for attracting, retaining and developing the diversified talent, offering support systems for the groups having diversified backgrounds. The employee of the company works hard in ensuring fair work atmosphere for all the associates, all of them undergoing extensive diversity training on customary basis. The mission of coca cola has always been to refresh the whole world, creating values that make a difference (Coca- Cola Hellenic Customers., 2017). The customers of Coca Cola are continuously looking towards lessening of costs, improving the sales and profits, and delivering better quality. In the year 2003, a marketing team at Coca Cola having their bases in North America set out in rewarding the organizations most loyal of customers and building a closer relationship with the same by facilitating them in collecting the pin codes from the caps of the bottles and packages of the products and trading them for points. The concept of one to one marketing seemed a bit problematic for a company that serves millions of customers on regular basis. There are still some opportunities left for Coca Cola like diversification in the business of health and food that would develop the offerings of the company. This would ensure the fact that they would be getting better revenue from the existing customers through cross-selling of the products. The product portfolio of Coca Cola consists of various products that have found no acceptance in the market as of yet. Coca Cola would do well in concentrating on the marketing of such products. Supply chain can be another issue that requires focus with the ever increasing cost of transportation. The complete business of Coca Cola is mainly based on the distribution and transportation cost. There would be possible developments within this area, so Coca Cola requires keeping a stricter watch on the supply chain of its and continue improving in bringing the cost down (Krzywoszynska, 2015). There are enough opportunities within Coca Cola for people to get promoted and the benefits packages along with compensation are one of the best in the world. The company boasts of assortment of developmental opportunities for the associates, taking in the Coca Cola University, a learning agenda for the high performers. Coca Cola is a huge company that is present everywhere in the global map and thus it provides opportunities for people to get promoted internally. The open communication system in Coca Cola would result in huge profits as engaging in frequent dialogues with the associates across the world. For example, the global associates along with the bottling partners have been contributing immensely and taking up major initiatives like the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. A survey was held within Coca Cola in 2010 that showed development across all the categories of survey, taking into account the associate engagement score of 84 per cent. It has been said that there was a rise of 2 p er cent on the same parameters as surveyed back in 2008. The entry level position to attend the position of an accounting manager is an accounting trainee. The finance executive is being taught to learn the traits of dealing with the financial situation of the company. He is taught the ways to approach the other related personnel, how to acquire them, how to understand their needs, and the ways of dealing with the crunch situations. The entry level position of accounting trainee is known by different names in different organizations. The other names assigned to the position are accounting executive, finance development executive or customer acquisition executive. No matter what the names of the entry level position are job responsibilities mainly consists of acquiring the financial status of the company and work accordingly. He would be entitled to support the precise and appropriate monthly close in ensuring conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), reviewing of the journal entries, variance analysis along with driving of the developments of the business procedures. An accounting manager would also be working on facilitating the generation of the reports of management taking in the monthly and quarterly metrics and analysis (Kowalkowski et al., 2015). There are more than one path to start a career as an accounting personnel and then achieving the position of a accounting manager. The path that an employee can take to become a accounting depend on various factors like educational qualification, work experience, job performance, leadership qualities, managerial competencies and so on. For example, a fresher employee can join as accounting trainee whereas the joining position of an experienced employee would depend on the amount of his experienced. An employee with more than five years experience of leading accounting teams may join as a team leader. Hence there are more than path employees can take to attend the position of an accounting manager. The path an employee aspiring to become accounting manager can take depend on the size of the organization, scope of promotion, the sector or industry the company functions in and so on. The middle level sales positions in an organization from the bottom to top are accounting specialist, junior accounting consultant, accounting consultant, lead development officer, market research analyst, and assistant accounting branch manager. The upper level sales position in bottom top order is sales administrator, senior accounting manager, senior accounting consultant, national accounting coordinator. The educational qualification required to build a career in sales and reach the position of accounting manager depend on various factors like the industry and size of the organizations. The multinational companies usually recruit post graduates preferably having a specialization in marketing from reputed universities. Some companies consider a diploma in finance equivalent to masters degree while other companies strictly want masters degree candidates. Some companies, especially small or business process outsourcing companies rope in the junior accounting personnel for their daily activities. I think I would fit well in the position of a accounting manager at Coca Cola Company, the worlds largest beverage manufacturer and marketer. I would be very much satisfied to work with Coca Cola in the position of an accounting manager because it will lead to dynamic career growth and job satisfaction. My research by speaking to people and doing online search about Coca Cola as an employer have confirmed that I can attend career growth as a acounting manager employed with the reputed company. This is because Coca Cola leads the world beverage market and the company is present all over the world. Hence it would provide me with opportunities to apply my present skills, acquire new skills and present before me challenges which would make me prove myself. It would also cause career growth by promotion to higher positions. Moreover the global location Coca Cola would allow me to move within the various business processes and take up new job responsibilities which would help me to grow pr ofessionally. Coca Cola is a global brand and working with the company would strengthen my curriculum vitae. It would act as a great strength in proving my competencies as a accounting manager when I would go to take interview in some other company for higher positions. I need to continue to develop my skills in areas of analytics along with technological aspects. The aspects which I like about the profession of an accounting manager are that the position offers continuous challenges to test the acquired skills and competencies. These challenges are one of the driving factors which encourage accounting managers to acquire new skills and competencies to improve their performances. Another aspect which I love about this profession and position is that it lays foundation for the business operations. I also like the fact that over achievement of targets help the accounting manager to gain career appraisals and promotions faster which helps in dynamic career growth. I dislike the unethical methods like inflated achievement reports which some accounting managers present before their seniors to attain promotions. I at times dislike the intense pressure under which they have to work on regular basis. I think my strong communication skills, persuasive skills and good technical knowledge fits well with the position of an accounting manager. I am a good leader and can manage my team well. I am competent in diversity management and have experiences of leading teams having members from diverse cultural and national background which I think goes well with my profession. I am sometimes emotional rather than practical which do not fit with the position of a sales manager. Conclusion: Nothing comes easy in life, especially for accounting people who have to be street smart to make ends meet for the company. They are important people in the sense that they lay the foundation of finance for the company, how much to allocate to the departments so that they can get along with their regular activities. It is important for accounting managers to have the required skill and knowledge to be successful in their respective field. Accounting managers are significant to the cause of the organizations like Coca Cola where their thinking, ideas and innovation leads the company to reach new horizons. References: Andersson, U., Dellestrand, H., Pedersen, T. (2014). The contribution of local environments to competence creation in multinational enterprises.Long Range Planning,47(1), 87-99. Bjrn, C., Josephson, M., Wadensten, B., Rissn, D. (2015). Prominent attractive qualities of nurses work in operating room departments: A questionnaire study.Work,52(4), 877-889. Bolander, W., Bonney, L., Satornino, C. (2014). Sales education efficacy: Examining the relationship between sales education and sales success.Journal of Marketing Education,36(2), 169-181. Brands: The Coca-Cola Company. (2017). The Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved 17 August 2017, from https://www.coca-colacompany.com/brands/the-coca-cola-company Coca- Cola Hellenic Customers. (2017). Coca-colahellenic.com. 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